Chapter 2

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Astrid's POV

I woke up to the sound of someone pounding on my door. Might be dad. I groaned, stretching my weary bones and getting out of bed rubbing my eyes. I know it's not good to do this, but I can't help it; my eyes itch every morning. I unlocked the door and let out a loud yawn when there was no one there except the same folder concerning Mt. Werth. Dad must have just knocked for me to wake up and went back downstairs. I plodded down the stairs tightening my robe, and saw mom and dad already munching on their breakfast. I joined them silently, knowing that they're mostly still mad.

"Have you seen the folder?" Dad said, looking in my direction as he took another bite of his sandwich.

"What folder?" I fibbed.

"The one at your doorstep."

"Yeah, I saw it just now." I lied again and forced myself to take a big bite of my sandwich just to shut myself up. I lie all the time, I just don't enjoy lying to my own parents, not especially when they are mad.

"We've filled in all the enrollment information. I just need your signature on the first page and then hand the document back to me. I'll fax it to them and you'll be going there first thing tomorrow morning." Dad explained.

Great, I'm leaving tomorrow morning. Tomorrow seems for far, but it always comes in a blink of an eye.

I nodded my head and quietly devoured the rest of my breakfast. I rushed back to my room and lazily filled in acquired information, then sliding the folder into dad's room. I was in no mood to talk to anyone. Getting expelled was fine by me since it happened twice, but this time? I'm definitely dead. I had to bring some things I could maybe use when I get there; things that might aid my escape. That's right, I'm planning to escape this horrible place.

Mom entered my room to remind me to pack some necessary items and then left me to my own business. I wasn't stupid, I was planning on packing everything that was mine. Soon enough, the sound of car engines started, telling me my parents have left for work. I figured I should call Veronica or someone, but they were all at school. I was expelled. Maybe somewhere out there there's another kid just like me. I scoffed at the thought and continued packing. I packed with me a pocket-knife, rope, my trusty flexible ladder, clothes, stationary, makeup, more clothes, more makeup, gadgets and mostly everything. Everything fit perfectly in two suitcases. My room was clear of any object that I've ever owned. I sat on my bed and sighed. I was just a troublemaker who happens to get away every time, except those three times I got expelled. But otherwise I was just living, being who I am. Why should people be punished for being who they are? I was lucky to realize a long time ago that life isn't fair and it never will be.

I have to face this horror chapter of the book at some point. Life is like a sentence. When you were born, that capital letter was formed; and in different phases of your life comes a comma, when you're ready to leave the world, then comes the full stop. Dramatic, I know. But hey, I get emotional too. It's not like Astrid Stewarts party twenty-four seven. I mean I could but, I love sleep too.

Guess I just have to deal with this myself. I was thinking about three possibilities: one, I escape from Mt. Werth, come back home, and dad and mom are still happy to have me back; two, I escape from Mt. Werth, come back home, mom and dad send me back with stricter surveillance; three, I directly escape from Mt. Werth, not going home, find a job and settle down some place (third one is an insane idea, if you're younger than 18 please do not attempt this!) Of course the first outcome would be the best but who knows? Life has a crazy way of not working out when you want it to.


I texted Veronica to meet me at the park after school and it was half an hour since school dismissed. I sat at the park like an idiot under the scorching sun. Soon I saw a small figure running towards me. I stood up and grinned.

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