Chapter 15

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Astrid's POV

The words that the driver spluttered seemed to hit me like lightning. Xander was just talking about how much he hates his father. It was just a few hours ago and now, this wrinkled man with a wine bottle in his hand who appears to be Xander's dad is standing in front of me. He might kill me for all I know. I was right, Xander's dad did do something horrible to him when he was young which led Xander to hate him. Now I see why. If this person was my dad, I'd be crying to the heavens every night and hating him for eternity.

But what would Cameron have done that made Xander hate him so much? I stopped wondering when I heard weeping. Obviously because of me mentioning Xander, his father is now sobbing about him. Just before I could find out what exactly happened in this complicated family as if I were Sherlock Holmes, Xander's dad screamed again.

"I lost everything! The house, my wife, my children! I tried to save everything of mine but yet now... I'm destroyed!" His hands were shaking like there was a time bomb in his hand. I wondered how heartbroken he feels right now, but I wouldn't understand.

"What did you do?" I asked. My hands were still tied behind me, and I got pretty tired of trying to get out of the knot.

"What did I do?" Xander's dad looked at me, his eyes filled with fury and hatred. "What did I do?! I gambled away all of my money, hoping to make more when my company crashed! Instead of my family supporting me, they all abandoned me! All of them!" His screams were horrifying, like a banshee's but still, he's a man.

"Well, gambling is your fault," I muttered and instantly regretted it. Another slap came down like lightning.

"You dare talk back to me like this?!" His eyes seemed bulging, my heart was pumping like it was going to explode. I was really, really scared. I watched as he lifted a wine bottle and swung it up in the air. I shut my eyes, expecting something bad to happen to me. What, you ask? Like, death, duh?

But nothing hit me nor did anyone screamed at me. I didn't feel the wine bottle land on my head and send me off to a deep, dark sleep. I felt... nothing. My eyes fluttered open, and in front of me was Cameron with a stick in his hand. He must've hit Xander's dad.

Xander stood far from me. A fair distance, but I could tell he was worried judging by the look in his eyes. I wanted to wrap my arms around him right this moment, but I didn't. I just didn't. I watched as Xander stood still and Cameron untied me and helped me out of the house, and we started running to where I don't know, but away from the shack.

"Cameron, what are you doing?" I loudened my voice. "Xander is still in there, something could happen to him!"

"We have to go. Xander asked me to leave without him. Don't worry, I called the cops."

Don't worry? How am I supposed to be calm when Xander is left all alone in that shack where his cuckoo father is? What if something happens to him? Limping my way farther and farther from Xander, worry is the only thing I could do.

Xander's POV

"Cameron wake up!" I banged on his door, my hands in balls of fists.

"What?" He flung open the door, rubbing his eyes.

"I need you to find Astrid. I don't know where she is and I'm worried sick, okay? So help me or I will-"

"Calm down, Xan, I'll find her." He said, his hands on my shoulders. I didn't notice how much I've been shivering out of fear, fear that Astrid might get into something bad.

"Now give me her cell number, I'm sure I can hack into some system and track down where she is." He commanded as I recalled her number clearly. Cameron started the computer and inputted codes that I don't know of. I sat beside him, quiet but anxious. Every five minutes I would peek over Cameron's shoulder to see if anything comes out from the screen, hoping that I could find Astrid as fast as possible.

"Can't you go any faster?" I asked, annoyed by all the beeping sounds from the computer.

"Coding needs time, bro. It's not as easy as you th- oh! Got it! Seems like she is somewhere around Queen's Street. Let's go." Cameron pointed at the screen showing me the digits as if I would understand them, stood up and rushed to the door. He threw me my jacket as we fled down the streets, Cameron leading the way as he knows this area better. As we ran, Cameron swiped out his phone to make sure we were going in the right way. The only good thing about Cameron that I never hated is that he's the gadget genius. His other personality, I despise.

Panting and huffing, we got nearer to an old house with a cab outside. Astrid must be in there. I double checked with Cameron and he confirmed that this is where Astrid's phone is, according to his GPS system. I also know that he's right because the beeping on his phone got louder and louder every time we took a step forward.

The cab was empty but the headlights were still on. The driver could be inside with Astrid, she might be in danger. After all, Astrid would never ask a stranger to drive her to a place like this: no other people, dirty, and abandoned. Cameron was still in front of me. He bent down to pick up a stick, probably afraid of what is inside, but I don't blame him, I was too. I watched as Cameron rushed into the house, knocking down the door. It was already falling out. Cheap wood, I reckon.

I froze. Ice replaced my whole body as my eyes landed not on Astrid, but the person standing in front of her. He had his back facing me, but I've known long enough to recognize my own father. Anger was boiling off me as I clenched my fists and sunk my teeth into my lips. It hurt alright, but nothing hurts more than seeing the man I hate the most waving a wine bottle above her head.

Just before he even got the chance to touch her, Cameron hit him with the stick he got outside. It was a good thing he did that. The stick fell onto the ground as Cameron scurried over to help Astrid out of the chair. I tried to move towards her, wanting to tell her everything is okay, but my feet weren't moving. I stood stuck onto where I am as Cameron looked at me, probably signaling me to come over and help. I shot him a look telling him to leave with Astrid. He might have understood what I said or maybe not, but he left quickly anyways. When he walked past me, I mouthed four words to him that Astrid didn't notice. Don't call the cops.

Not long after they left, my father grunted, groaned, and stood up. He looked at me. For the first time in many years, I looked him in the eye. I was furious for what he did, years ago, and right now.

"Xander, I can-" He tried to speak.

"You can what? Explain? I don't think so, dad," I spit the words like venom. "That same thing... that was the same thing you said when you killed mom! What were you thinking, spending all our money on gambling?! Don't you think it's selfish to sacrifice us just to satisfy your greed for money? You're the reason I lost mom. You're the reason this family tore apart. It was you... and Cameron. I hate the day I was ever introduced to this family. You're a disgrace. I thought you changed, but now I see, no one can ever change. You are the same man you used to be ten years ago. A selfish, cruel, violent, man!" I screamed, and by the last word, I punched the wall beside me.

"You're right Xander. I'm the same man I used to be. I hate your mother and your brother. I hate you even more. If it wasn't for your mother, I'd be the richest man in my family. " He muttered. Suddenly, he picked up the chair Astrid was previously sitting in and lifted it above my head. I dodged the chair and ran across the room. But it wasn't enough to stop him. He chased after me, screaming inaudible words with all that's left in him. I went around the room in circles, a little glad that there's not much he could throw against me in this house.

"Come here, you filthy child!" He shouted and launched himself at me. I leaped across the room and accidentally, landing on the broken wine bottle. I felt every inch of the glass cutting through my foot and blood leaking out. Then I'm pretty sure I screamed. Not because of the pain in my foot, but because of the chair that landed on my head, then the ground beside me. I laid there still, my head dizzy and aching at its best to make me miserable. And before I passed out, I heard sirens.

Cameron never listens to what I say. What a brother.

The song above is by Christina Grimmie and a tribute to her, one of the greatest singers to ever live. #RIPChristina Grimmie (I hope this is not too late) xxAllison 

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