Chapter 10

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Xander's POV

When I woke up that morning and washed my face thoroughly, my wrist felt empty. And that was when I realized my watch was gone. That watch was the only thing my mom left for me. It stopped working years ago but since I couldn't get out of Mt. Werth, I didn't repair it. But I still wore it in memory of my mother. She's my hero, greater than anyone else. Without telling anyone, I dashed out the house to the middle of the streets. I was lost in my mind. I didn't know where to start searching. I stumbled upon the restaurant we stopped at last night and asked the same blonde waitress if she saw my watch. She didn't, but she said she'd let me know if she sees it. Thanking her and rushing out to the streets once again, I feel like I'm going to pass out. I couldn't lose something so precious. That watch might not be the best in the world, but it means the world to me.

I went back to places we've been, the payphone, the bus station, everywhere. But no sight of that black watch. I might've left it in Mt. Werth, but that is impossible. I remember the feeling of it on my wrist when we were flipping over the brick wall. If I had it then, I would've had it all along with me. Where would it be?

Anxiety and anger were running furiously in my blood. I feel the sweat on my forehead and the loud beating of my heart. After running around the area for a few more minutes, I walked back to the apartment, disappointed and tired. I tried my best to supress the urge to scream before I entered the door. Astrid and Cameron were both there. It felt like I was about to break down.

Astrid had her eyes on my since the moment I walked in. She must be wondering where I've been.

"It's gone." I heard my voice through my sweaty palms. "My watch is gone."

Tears started streaming slowly down my face. I felt it hit my jeans.

"Xander, I'm sure we can find it." Astrid said as she put her hand on my shoulder. No, we can't find it.

"No. I've been to the restaurant, the payphone, the bus station, there's nothing. I must've left it back at the academy."

"We can get a new one, I can help you find the exact same one." Astrid tried again and again to comfort me, but every time she suggests to look for it or buying a new one, it adds gasoline to the fire that's already burning inside of me. I couldn't took it. I erupted like a volcano and yelled at her.

"Astrid, why don't you get it? That's the only watch I want, nothing else can replace it! I need that watch! It means a lot to me!" I stood up and stormed back to my room, slamming the door. Everything is changing just because I lost my watch. Why would it affect me now if it didn't then?


I left a window open in my room, letting the wind blow into the room, clearing the humidity. I laid on my back on the bed, my eyes closed. A carousel was starting in my mind again. Usually I would happily welcome them because thinking about them helps me relax, but today I felt like blocking it. My mind wouldn't let me. It lit up a green light and allowed the carousel to enter. So it started.

I'm sure Astrid is extremely mad at me right now. She has every right to be. I screamed at her for no reason. I hurt her because of my own anger. Why would I ever do that? I hate seeing people I love getting hurt. I might as well go out and apologize to her right now. That's the right thing to do.

I opened my door, slightly and silently and peeped outside. Cameron was watching soccer play on TV. Astrid was nowhere to be seen. I went back to my room and groaned heavily. It's been so long since I had mood swings. Puberty? I don't think so. I'm sixteen, way past that. Or am I not? Whatever, I never paid much attention in Biology.

Guess I'll just have to wait till she gets back.


"Xander, dinner is reaaaaaaa-dehhh!" I heard Cameron call from outside my room. I didn't respond, nor did I went out to eat. My own actions today terrified me. Who knows what I'll do when I go out of this room. I was quiet, alone here, and that was okay.

I don't remember how the rest of the night passed. All that I know is that the headaches started kicking in again, but less intense than it was last night.

I woke up in the middle of the night, realizing that Astrid didn't enter the room at all. Was she sleeping on the couch? I walked outside the living room to see the television screen still on. A soccer game. Cameron must be the one watching. I guess Astrid decided to sleep in Cameron's room.

Wait, why would I think that? No. No. No.

A sense of the green eyed monster starts devouring me. Quietly, without startling Cameron, I opened his door and saw Astrid, sleeping soundlessly above the covers. She was wearing a plain shirt and pink shorts. Her limbs, as usual, were all over the place. Just before I was about to close the door and leave her to her slumber, I heard her whisper something. It was soft, but I made out what she was saying.


The guilt inside of me was tearing me apart. I'm now terribly afraid of facing her and apologizing to her. Should I just keep quiet and see how things go? I mean, life really works out in a weird way some times (I'm aware I'm quoting Astrid).

I went back to bed and fell asleep within seconds, because my dreams made me do so. What was I dreaming of? It was a 'who'. And I bet everyone knows who that is.

Astrid Stewarts.

This is probably the shortest chapter but I needed to express what Xander is thinking so I hope you don't mind. The picture above is kinda what the dorms of Mt. Werth might look like. Scary, huh? xxAllison

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