Chapter 23

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Astrid's POV

I'm not much of a sportsperson, but when it comes to watching our school's football team kick the rival's butt, shins or self-esteem, count me in. We were playing a home game against Falcon High tonight, the one school we've always been unable to beat. Hopefully with the new recruits this year we can bring home the sweet trophy of pride and triumph.

The stands were filled with eager students and parents who just came to support their children. Lengthy lines were formed in front of the greasy food stands, and the football players were rounding themselves up, probably talking about some techniques. Fists were pumping in the air as the cheerleaders did a few handstands and flips, chanting the school's name and those good stuff. Sabrina Shelling was one of the sassy cheerleaders sashaying her way on the earth's crust like no one else's business. Watching her blow kisses to the guys in the front stands was like watching a fat person eat cake- it makes you want to stop them. Oy.

Veronica sprung right into selfie mode, dragging me into most of them even though I despite taking pictures with the front camera. First, it's the poor quality of pixel; second is the fact that I look horrible in selfies. Trust me, I know. Caleb sat at a certain distance from us, girls fondling around him. I shrugged at that image. It was gross how the girls are willing to degrade themselves just to get noticed by Caleb. He is now officially known as the hottest guy in the school, with all the girls, except for me and Veronica, drooling over him.

"Seriously, what's his deal?" Veronica scoffed after one quick glance over at Caleb, filtering her selfies on her phone.

"I have absolutely no idea, if you ask me. I don't even know how someone as insane as him can wind up in my sane family." I rolled my eyes.

"You're not very sane either." She teased. I nudged her but immediately stopped when Xander came up to us.

I've got to be honest, Xander not recalling who I am was expected but I've been longing for a miracle, I guess that since he doesn't remember, I'm a little disappointed. He's changed a lot since the last time I saw him at the hospital. He's more outgoing and chatty, probably influenced by me. I guess without the haunting memories of his past he's living life to its fullest right now.


"What's up with you, thirty-two?" I quickly read the number on his jersey.

"Nervous." His eyes wandered for a mere second before fixing back on us.

"You'll do fine-"

"GRIFFIN!" The coach screamed, interrupting in mid-sentence.

I gave Xander a quick fist bump and watched him winked before rushing down the stands to the field.

The game started and you can feel the intensity rising in the stands. Probably because of the heat and lack of wind today but you get the point. My eyes were fixed on Xander. Along with the other newbies to the team, they were benching, but I had a great feeling that Xander will play. He's good at football and he knows that himself. I don't understand why nervousness would be something he'd feel.

"Lower East Side!" The students in our school chanted. They had banners and everything, some even painted their face with the school colours. A wave went through our side of the stands as we scored our first touchdown. The cheerleaders did their routine again, making everyone more eager to focus on the game. I used to think a group of weirdly created creatures called boys cashing after one ball on the field was ridiculous, but it was clearly because I've never been to a real game. Today is definitely something that should go in my diary.

Football game. Not boring. 32. I texted myself so that I could write it down.

Simplicity is what my notebook is made of and partially because I refuse to spend an hour at my desk writing about how I feel about my day- it's a waste of Kronos' gift to us!

The crowd once again went wild when we were leading, kicking the Falcons' butt so hard. After an hour and a half in which we were always leading, coach walked over to the bench and seemed to be talking to Xander. Someone got injured while playing so now Xander is playing. Overwhelmed with excitement is how I feel right now. I've never seen Xander play in a real game, only on his play-station at home.

Along with the team he rushed to the field in position and raced fast as the wind when the ball was passed. When he caught it, I could tell all eyes were on him because it was his call to score. If he scores, Lower East Side would claim the title of this year's football championship. People ought to be thinking "the new kid now has the ball". My fingers were crossed as I witness the oval shaped ball fell into the palms of Xander Griffin and then I sprung up and screamed whilst he made the goal. Everything happened in that one second: the whistle was blown, the cheerleaders' pom-poms were thrown in the air and a ton of shrieking came from the stand. It was incredible. Veronica and I pumped our fists in the air just like everyone else did, cheering and feeling proud.

"...and with that touchdown made by Xander Griffin, I'm proud to announce that Lower East Side claims the title of this year's Football Championship!" The words echoed through the speakers, followed by a hip song.

Everyone rushed down to the field to celebrate this very moment. Veronica and I stood at the side lines, waiting for Caleb to be done high-fiving his friends so that we could leave. I felt a finger on my shoulder.

"Hey." Greeting me was a out-of-breath Xander, dews of sweat dripping from his forehead.

"Wow." I said, chewing the gum in my mouth.

"What did you thi-"

"That was incre-"

We both laughed in unison.

"That was pretty impressive, Xander." I complimented, nudging him.

"I could hear your scream from the field." He smirked, setting his helmet down on the ground.

"Liar, I didn't even cheer for you!" I kidded, but my smile sold me out.

"Yes you did." He grinned even wider. There was a silence between us which was impossible because everyone was applauding for the team. Then Xander's smile was gone. It seemed as if he had a headache again. Oh god.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I-" Right before he was about to answer my question, a bunch of fangirls made their way over all wanting to get a picture taken with Xander. "Window!" He shouted before sinking into a crowd of girls. Right on time, Caleb swaggered over.

Veronica jumped into the car without hesitant. "Home we go, people!"

"Caleb get your feet off my new car!" Veronica yelled, swatting Caleb on the arm. I laughed, the engine roaring as we sped off.

The one word kept cycling in my mind like a carousel, Window.

I was determined to be at the window when I got home, but tiredness drove me to a deep slumber without any second thoughts nor letting Xander know. Sorry Xander, but as much as I want to talk to you, this girl has a date with her bed tonight. 

I cannot wait till fall is here! It's ironic, though, the season where everything is dying is the prettiest. Sorry for not updating but here it is! I really did go to a football match earlier this month and it was awesome. xxAllison

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