Chapter 8

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Astrid's POV

When the fire-truck finally came to a stop, I leaped off the back of the truck and landed on my feet. Making sure that there's no one who saw us, I signaled Xander to follow behind me as I made my way into an alley.

"We did it." I hear myself say, but in a normal tone. I wasn't surprised or anything. I bent over and put my hands on my knees to catch my breath. My heart was beating faster than the speed of a humming bird. Xander looked at me and smile, his dimples making their way to his face again. I smiled back.

"Where are we going right now?" Xander asked. My stomach was growling so we wandered around the streets for half an hour or so until we found a restaurant called "Breakfasts". Ironic because it's midnight right now. I had some cash with me so we whipped up two cheeseburgers and ate devoured it as if it was ambrosia. I haven't been eating any human food for the past four months. Even with the cheeseburger probably now in my stomach, I was still hungry. By the end of the day, or should I say, night, Xander and I had conquered two cheeseburgers, two large fries, two cokes, with our wolf-like taste buds. It was delicious. After all these months I finally eat something that is real meat.

"This is really good." Xander muttered, stuffing his face with fries. I laughed hysterically as I took another picture of him. Xander had never had fast food before so he was definitely enjoying it much better than I do. I wonder how old he was when he was sent to Mt. Werth. For almost three quarters of his life, I bet, he has been eating that stinking cafeteria food.

When our bodies could no longer take in any more food, we paid for the bill and left. Xander said he had a friend who lives on Flores Lane which is nearby and that's where we were going. He asked the waitress if she knew where Flores Lane was, and she very kindly, showed us the way and even gave me a discount for ordering so much. This world has a serious case of the lack of nice people. We're almost flooded with people like Mrs. Davis we don't even acknowledge the nice people anymore. I tipped the waitress and set off to find Flores Lane. 

On the way, I was excited. I skipped for a while, hopped for a while, and on the whole journey I wouldn't shut up. I kept talking to Xander, and of course, he willingly responds. I loved spending time with him, he's like a brother, but then, more than that.

We walked around for what seemed like hours, but we still can't find the destination. If only dad did not cancel my cellular data, I could just use Google Maps. Hello? People invent things for a reason! Just then, curtains of rain started pouring down from the heavens. What is it about rain these days? I hate the rain just as much as I hate Mt. Werth. Some people say the rain is washing away yesterday and marking a new beginning, but I think the rain is just a sad element that reminds people of their past. I only started this concept when I grew up. When I was younger, I loved it when it rains. Not that I jump in puddles or something, but I like sitting in the car, watching the raindrops race up the car window. It was my favorite game to watch in the car. I loved car rides too because they were the only time throughout the day where I get to spend time with my parents. They've been busy since I was born, or maybe before. I was brought up mostly by my nanny and grandma, but I was the trouble in the house, so they never cared much about me anyways.

Xander and I ran for about half a mile when we finally found a payphone which we dashed towards. Now, I would really want to know whose idea it was to make all payphones only fit for one and a half person. But Xander and I kind of fit in just right. My hair was soaked and water was dripping all over my face. Good thing I used waterproof mascara today because my usual mascara ran out. As if ice was running down my back, I kept on shivering, my knees shaking. I wasn't good with water unless it's a long warm bath or milkshakes.

Also, I was really good with movies because as I said, my parents are Hollywood directors. And in a movie, this is the scene where the guy gives his jacket to the girl. Xander has never watched a movie like that before, but he unzipped his jacket and twisted it dry, and then removed the hoodie he was wearing underneath for me. He put it around my shoulders just right so it won't fall on the ground, then put his jacket back on.

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