Chapter 14

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Astrid's POV

The lights of the bus station were flashing. Suddenly they were bright, suddenly they were dark, buzzing sound accompanying the lights every time they changed. I distinctly remember the lights were fine the first time Xander and I passed by. Xander. Why does it hurt to say his name right now? A car or two drove by but I don't think I'm noticed. The swooshing of the wind was deafening my ears. The rain, on the other hand, was getting to a stop.

After what seemed like a few minutes to me, a yellow cab stopped in front of me and honked continuously until I looked up. The driver rolled down the car window and looked at me.

"Need to go somewhere?" The driver looked around fifty, his hair grey, eyes wrinkled and tone deep. His gaze was stern and weird, but I didn't care so much. I was thinking Veronica's house would be nice. She got back to me a few days ago, telling me her parents are out of town and also repeated how she and Darwin are now in a very happy relationship.

"Yes. Houston Boulevard, 488." I said and limped into the cab, slamming the door.

The drive was silent, I didn't bother to talk to anyone, nevertheless this driver.

How did I end up like this? I've been asking myself this question since forever. Okay, maybe just for the past few days. I'm literally the daughter of two Hollywood directors. I could be living a glamourous life as a teenager, one whom everyone would wish to be. But at this very moment, I kind of wish I could be someone else. Anyone, seriously. My parents are mad at me, my best friends are far away and the person I trust most lied to me. Well, trusted. I'm starting to doubt if there's anyone left in this world that I can trust.

Trust is something so fragile. You take weeks, months, years to build it, but when you're not paying attention to what you're saying and doing to the other person, it just shatters to pieces just like the glass I broke. Afterwards, no matter how hard you try to glue or stick it back, there's always that visible scar line. Everything applies to this. Just like a building, built in three years, demolished by a wrecking ball in seconds; a world, formed since billions of years ago, and only takes one super-mega asteroid to destroy it. Life really is weird. Scratch that, life is wild. It works out when you don't expect it to, like it has a bipolar personality. It determines when you die or fall sick, and you have no total control of it. That's the definition of wild- no control over something. That might be slightly inaccurate so don't write that on a test.

I shook my head and cleared my thoughts which were clouding inside my mind, and focused on the road. I had totally no idea of where we're headed. I have to admit I have a bad sense of direction.

"How long till we arrive?" I questioned the driver, my lips dry but the rest of my body soaked with rain. I should've finish the glass of water before I shattered it.

"Not long." The driver answered. I gazed out the window, but this place looks nothing like Veronica's neighbourhood. I might have a bad sense of direction, but my memory isn't fifty years old yet.

"I think you're heading the wrong direction." I pointed out, my voice was kind of rough. Was that from the not talking or the screaming?

"No, I know where I'm going. There is only one direction. Now just stay quiet we'll be there soon." The driver replied again, his tone deep, low and rude. He was the one who offered a ride and now he's asking me to shut up? What is it with people lately? Attitude!

I shrugged. At least he knows his directions. One Direction went on a hiatus and even though I'm not a major fan, I'm still sad. The time I met Harry Styles, they were still in a band rocking the world's music! That's right fellas, I met Harry Styles- told you rich parents come in handy.

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