Chapter 18

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Astrid's POV

He doesn't remember you.

That's the only sentence repeating through my mind right now. It hit me like a bullet train when those three words came out of Xander's mouth. He really doesn't remember. Should I try to tell him who I am? Maybe he has some memory of us left.

"I-" I opened my mouth to speak but was stopped by no one other than myself. I glanced at Cameron, then Xander for what seemed like light years, and made a decision. "Wrong unit, I'm sorry." With that, I forced the hardest smile and exited the unit quickly without anyone seeing my tears.

I didn't get far. I ended up kneeling on the ground just a few units away from Xander's but I'm pretty sure he can't hear nor see me anymore. Nor remember. Cameron raced out after me and slowed down. He stood right beside me, waiting for me to look up at him. And when I did, all I managed to say was, "Mascara is all over my face, huh?" I gulped.


"Don't. I'll leave in the evening." I wiped my tears and stood up, ready to leave when Cameron grabbed me by the shoulders.

"Astrid, you're not listening," he says, eyes focused on me, "you're the best thing that has ever happened to Xander. I really want you to stay, I do; but given all that has happened, it's best if we all clear the air for a moment. You can go back to your parents whilst I take care of Xander. We're getting along pretty great even though it's just been forty-five minutes. I'll make sure he's alright and I'll text you. If you two are destined to be crazy together, you know clearer than anyone else that fate and time will do the trick. Heck, I never say this kind of words so believe me, Astrid."

Just like that, one last hug from Cameron, one cab ride back to the apartment, one backpack and I was ready to leave. I took a good last look at Xander's room, every little detail. My eyes stopped at the Green Day disc still lying on his desk and hesitantly, I walked towards it. Maybe it's best if he doesn't remember you. He might not even remember his favorite band. I slipped the disc into my bag, left a thank you note on the counter and left this place- the place where both my best and worst memories happen to be built.

It is funny how life gives you the best thing in life, let you savor and not get enough of it, but when you need it the most and realize the fact that it has become a part of your life, life cruelly snatches it away from you.

I hailed a cab with the remains of my broken heart and conscience and went back home. I was not ready to face my parents, but what choice do I have? If there's one thing I've learned: life never gives you lemons to make lemonade, nevertheless choices.


I paid for the cab with the money I earned at the restaurant which is surprisingly enough since I've only been working there for like a week? It's a shame I didn't get to work longer, I was actually enjoying earning my own money rather than spending what my parents give me on a weekly basis.

I arrive on our porch with a heavy backpack and a heavy heart. You know those times when you just feel like running away from what's in front of you because you know clearly that life is going to throw a punch at you? This is one of those moments I'm having right now. I'm certain that if I ring the doorbell, my dad would appear out of nowhere and give me that figurative punch.

"Astrid Stewarts, young lady, where the heck have you been?! You got us worried for days and nights we practically didn't sleep! You better go wash up and have a rest for today, and I expect a full explanation of what happened tomorrow morning, do you understand?" There is the punch. My dad demanded once I gained enough courage to ring the doorbell. I actually paced back and forth on the porch for about an hour before ringing the bell. I even thought about going to Veronica's.

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