Chapter 28

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Xander's POV

"Are you a hundred percent sure this is how it's done?" An undertone of suspicion lies in my voice as I question Cameron's intelligence in the art of tie-tying. He has been fumbling with the red strap for minutes now and it looks nothing like what the FBI men wear.

"Quit your whining and stand still, I almost got it." He said, tightening the end of the tie before stepping away, allowing me to see myself in the mirror.

"Decent, I guess," I muttered underneath my breath. One hour from now, I should be dancing the night away in a very cliche way with Astrid, and I can already feel the sweat running down my back.

"Just calm down, it's just prom, not your wedding." Cameron joked, then closed the door as soon as I toss a pillow in his direction. 

I cracked a laugh and put on my coat, and for the last time, I stared into the body-length mirror. I look just like I did when I first met Astrid, now that I remember, but better. Back then I was a wreck, with everything going on with my family I wanted to just crumble my world up like a piece of scrap paper and throw it away, let it be gone with the wind. I was ready to end it all and then I met her. Astrid is an adventure. Running through my memories, she never fails to crack me up even when she's not in the mood. She's like my rock if you will. 

"Hey, let's go!" I said to the mirror. My mind is trying to come up with something to say when I see Astrid later. That sounded overly enthusiastic. 

"Ready to go party?" If her parents are around, they'd probably slam the door in my face for sounding like a guy who parties hard and does drugs.

I tried a few more, but each turned out worse than the last. My thoughts were interrupted by a loud honk from the front porch, and I raced out to see Cameron starting up the car. 

"We're gonna be late to pick up your future wife! Now get in!" 

I glared at him, hoping I could shoot laser beams out of my eyes and terminate him (sometimes I really do). 

We drove down lanes that are all too familiar in an instant, memories gushing up to my brain remembering how Astrid guided me through the alleys and the boulevards before the return of my memories. 

"You'll do just fine. Don't stress out." Cameron said, lifting his fist up for a fist-bump before I got out of the car. I smiled back at him while he tapped effortlessly on the steering wheel, waiting for me and Astrid. I haven't had the time to get my driver's license, so Cameron was bestowed with the heavenly duty of being our chauffeur for today.

I hopped up the front porch and rang the doorbell once. In my head, a debate rages if I should ring it again just so someone hears me. Just as my index finger touches the polished button, the door swung open, and Mrs. Stewarts appeared behind, in a fashionista dress and all. 

"Hi, Mrs. Stewarts. I'm uh, here for Astrid?" 

Really, Xander? Couldn't have sounded more confident?

To my relief, Mrs. Stewart welcomed me inside then called for Astrid. I stood in a somewhat awkward position in the living room, hands clasped in front of my torso trying hard to suppress my nervous heartbeat. Everything seemed to be falling right into place up to yesterday, but who knows what today has in store for us?

Amidst my cloudiness and blurriness, Astrid descended the stairs in a tight white dress that hugged her curves, in heels that complimented her outfit. It was a simple dress, one too simple for someone as crazy as Astrid, but it slipped on her like it was tailored in heaven. 

"Hey," she said, and in that moment, the words got lost in my mouth and despite my efforts to manufacture a sentence in my brain, nothing came out.

"I- uh..." I halted. 

Inside my head, I've already ordered a few tinkers to start clanging on my nerves. 

"You look amaz-fect." At least some words got out.

I tried to laugh it off, "I meant to say you look amazing, but the truth is you look perfect." 

"You don't look too bad yourself," she smiled, picked up her purse from the coffee table and slipped her arm into mine. 

"Bye, mom!" We were just about to exit the house when Mrs. Stewarts came out with a Polaroid camera in her hand. 

"You didn't think I was going to let my daughter go off to her prom without a picture, now, did you?"

"No, ma'am." I chuckled. I figured my mom would've done the same.

We stood in the middle of the living room, and after what seemed like a millennium, Mrs. Stewarts handed one of the many, many Polaroids to me. 

"This is for your keeping." She beamed, then disappeared into the kitchen. 

 Astrid and Cameron chatted up about something I have no knowledge or interest in as I restlessly scroll through my feed. They finally stopped when we arrived in front of the school, now heavily decorated with ornaments and banners, drenched in the school colors. 

"Have fun!" Cameron hollered from the car. "And call when you need a ride!" Cue the leaving engine of the car. 

"Shall we?" I extended my arm. 

"We shall." Astrid smiled, her lip gloss shining due to the evening sunset. Together we entered what used to be the gymnasium, minus the musk of tired and sweaty kids. Caleb and Veronica caught up with us within a minute or so, with Veronica practically jumping all around. I truly admire her enthusiasm around people she loves, aka us.

"You two look amazing together!" She screamed, topping the booming music.

"Thanks." We answered in unison, then saw a smirk hang upon Veronica's face.

Veronica then left after gesturing Astrid that she was going to go dance, and we both watched as Caleb dragged her across the dance floor, the two moving to the music like no one else was watching.

Astrid and I stood in silence while the voices of people talking and music blaring filled in the space between us. Finally, I summoned all the courage from the bottom of my heart up and turned my palm up in front of Astrid. 

"Dance with me?" 

"Gladly." She laughed, taking my hand. 

Once again, everything fell into place when the music changed from an upbeat one to a slow song. Just like in the movies, I placed one arm around her waist and my other hand was already entangled with hers. We moved to the music, step by step, heartbeat by heartbeat. 

"I thought you would just forget all of it." She whispered, loud enough for me to hear.

"Me too." By this time, my heart was already racing.

"But the months I've spent with you were the best time of my life. I couldn't risk forgetting that, could I?" I asked, and that seemed to lighten up the mood. 

For a long time, it was just us. The lights, the music, the floor. A boy, a girl and his memories. 

That is, until they decided to announce prom king and queen and everyone flocked toward the stage. 

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