Chapter Twenty-Six

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Layla 🌺.

"Go deeper Quavious," I shuttered under him, gripping his shoulders tightly.

"I can't.. You gone be whinin'.."

"I'm not gone be loud Nyla sleep, please," I begged then he pushed more inside me. "Ow!" I hollered then his phone rung and he chuckled.

He reached over answering it.

"Yuh?... WHAT?.. How the fuck that happen?!"

He pulled out of me and sat at the edge of the bed still continuing his conversation. "Fuck.. Aight, I'm on way," he then hung up standing to his feet pulling his boxers on.

"What happened?" I asked with the blanket covering my chest, sitting up.

"Somebody stabbed Kody," he mumbled running his hands through his dreadedhead.
I kissed my teeth, "who the fuck stabs?" I practically hollered.

"Fernando that moves pianos," he responded starting to pull on his jeans. "You need me to tag?" I asked resting my head on my hand, with a propped elbow.

He climbed into the bed, with his chain dangling, "you just keep it warm for me," he then kissed my lips deeply and walked out the room.

I laid my head against the pillow, biting my bottom lip still having a smile plastered upon my face.

Kody 🔫.

"Now I bet your ass gonna sit down somewhere," Kita smirked dabbin' the alcohol filled cotton ball against my swollen lip.

I winced slightly, "sorry," she whispered.

I stared at her for a long time, she noticed but she continued to fight the urge to say somethin'.

"Why you so good to me?" I questioned and she tossed the cotton ball into the waste basket beside the toilet and started throwing everything inside the first aid kit.

"I don't know what you talkin' about," she replied and I stood up, I grabbed her arm and she looked up at me.

"Kita.. I'm honestly sorry for all the wrong.. The hurt.. Everything.. I've done to you," I admitted and she nodded, pulled away and quickly exited the bathroom.

"Kita," I called out, I ignored the pain in my ribs and I saw her standin' at her dresser.

"Kody no matter how many times you can't fix shit," she announced as if I didn't know that shit. "I know and I wish I co-"

She quickly cut me off, "stop wishing.. Your star is long out of view."

I rolled my eyes and she tried to exit but I snatched her arm, "stop.. I am not playin'.."

She then looked up at me, "STOP WHAT?"

I breathed out, runnin' a single hand dowb my face. "Kody.. It's killing me.. Tha-that," she then paused and swallowed lettin' tears stream from her eyes. "That I'm not having your baby.. But another girl is.. Not only one Kody... This is the second time."

I wrapped my arms around her waist and she started cryin' hysterically layin' her head in my chest.

I held her tighter, lettin' my arms squeeze her comfortingly. "I'm so sorry.. I swear," I kissed her head. "I was the only girl there for you.. When nobody else was.." she cried out pullin' away and exitin' the room.

"This girl here," I mumbled.

I walked out goin' downstairs seein' the door open and there stood Quav enterin' the house.

"So.. Who the fuck jumped you?" He got straight to the point.

"Marco.. Monica brother.. I think that's her name.. I wish I was fuckin' strapped."

He shook his head, "strapped for what? You cant shoot all five of em.."

I quickly nodded, "yes the fuck I can! It's self defense! Nigga they took my daddy fuckin' car! My fuckin' shoes! I fuckin' paid for!" I hollered and he nodded, "so what the fuck we finna do?" He questioned.

"We gotta find em.. One by one."

Kita then entered the living room, "don't do nothin' stupid Kody.." she alerted.

I loved how she cared about me whether we were together or not. "Fuck that!" I spat lettin' my anger get the best of me, I honestly didnt give a fuck..

"Let's murk em then."


I knocked on Monica door and Marco opened it. "Oh shit," he suddenly tried ti push it closed but I pushed back harder, sendin' him to the floor.

I jumped on him and repeatedly punched him, he didn't bother to fight it.

Which clearly shows he couldn't fight so which is why he had his boys do his dirty work with him. "Stop Kody!" Monica hollered and Quav raced over slangin' her to the ground.

I pulled my gun out my pocket and I slapped hin repeatedly with it.

"You big bad ass witcha boys huh?" I asked gripping his shirt collar holding his head up. The blood dripped crazily out his mouth and nose, literally leakin'

"Answer me when I'm talkin' to you bitch!" I hollered and he coughed up blood.

I slapped him with my hand and his head quickly flew to the side. "Alright that's enough fam," Quav said walkin' to me pullin' me off him.

"Fu-fuck you," Marco managed.

I quickly shot my gun at his knee cap, Monica screamed loudly ducking to the ground since she started getting up. "Fuck yo knees bitch boy," I spit at him then I walked out quickly.

"Who next?" Quav asked as we entered his car.

I looked at him, "John."

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