Chapter Nineteen.

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Layla 🌺.

I pulled up seeing Kody exiting the door. I got out slamming my door, "damn who you mad at?" He asked chuckling.

"No one," I spat. "Mom told me you and Quav broke up.. I should beat his ass," he said having his jaw clench.

"No it's okay.. It just wasn't meant to be.. Plus I'm not worried about him," I giggled fanning the air. "Yeah don't cry over him he wasn't shit anyways," Kody assured me causing me to laugh.

"He's your bestfriend," I smirked.

"Well he my ain't shit bestfriend.. Don't be cryin' over his fuck boy ass," Kody then hugged me and I laughed, "you just worry about all those kids you gonna end up having."

He kissed his teeth, "you real fuckin' funny.. Imma go see Bri now she at home and shit.. Take care of her then I gotta go have dinner with Kita parents.. Then Aaliyah wanna do something."

I shook my head, "how do you do it?" I asked stunned.

"My dick," he said and I laughed shaking my head entering the house. I already knew my mommy wasn't here so I went upstairs kicking my converse off and I climbed into bed.

I found myself falling into a deep sleep for what felt like forever until my phone rung. I kissed my teeth answering it without bothering to see who it was, "hello?" I answered sleepily.

"How was the doctor?" Quav asked and I quickly hung up the phone.

I went to my settings and I blocked his number, he needed to leave me the fuck alone and fast..

I closed my eyes falling right back to sleep.

"Why you actin' like that?" Quav asked Nyla as she was running around being dramatic as usual. She then started whining and I walked to her picking her up, "you want a nap?" I asked and she nodded rubbing her eyes. I smiled walking to her room laying her down in her Princess themed room.

"I love you baby," I said rubbing her long hair and she smiled, "luff you too mommy," she said sweetly.
I began tickling her and she went into a fit of giggles, "I'll wake you up in a hour or so," I assured her and she nodded letting out a yawn.

I stood up walking out seeing Quav sitting on the couch, "go to sleep," I said to him and he flicked me off.

"You come to sleep on daddy lap," he smirked.

I walked to him rubbing my large belly, I laid my head on his lap as his hand gently rubbed my stomach. "Can't wait till he get here," he laughed kissing my forehead.

"Me either.. He killing me with the kicking," I laughed.

"My little nigga a soccer player," he said and we both laughed. "I'm just glad it's with you," I smiled looking at my large diamond ring. "Me too.."

I quickly sat up hearing the doorbell and I saw it was completely dark outside.

The bell continued ringing making my head throb in annoyance.

I stood up exiting my room going downstairs, I heard the ring falling rapidly outside.

I opened the door seeing a soaked Quavious standing there with his jacket on, "why I can't call you?"

I just looked at hin with my arms folded over my chest, "huh?" he raised his voice.

"Because I blocked your number," I said in a duh tone.

He rolled his eyes, "so what if I wanna check up on the baby?" He asked.

"There is no baby," I said staring into his eyes. I saw anger flood over his face, "you aborted my baby?" He asked.

I nodded slowly, "you takin' shit too far now Layla!" He hollerd.

"I DON'T CARE JUST LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" I yelled and he nodded, "you remember that shit.." He pointed.

"Stop fucking talking to me.. Why the fuck are you here? Why are you even breathing near me?" I spat having anger flood through me.

"Fuck you bitch," he retorted and I nodded, "I hope somebody shoot you.. Right in your fucking skull..." I spat narrowing my eyes at him.

He nodded, "me too so I don't have to deal with your bitch ass no more."

"No one told you to deal with me in the first place.. You bothering me.. Quavious I don't care about you or anything else anymore!" I hollered but it wasn't true..

Nothing I was saying was true.

I loved him deeply even if we weren't even together.. I regretted everything I was saying to him..

"So what.. We done?" He asked shrugging and I nodded, "we've been done since you took your ring the other day."

He started to speak, "just go.." I said softly shaking my head and he nodded turning around throwing his hood on rushing to his car in the pouring rain.

I closed the door sliding down it crying in my hands...

King Kody 🔫.

"So Kody.. Y'all thinking about a future?" Kita's pops asked and I nodded, "yeah just thinkin'.."

Her mother cleared her throat, "what about kids?" She questioned.

"With her of course.. I been tryin' but she don't lemme finish," I admitted and they all laughed like I was jokin'.

"He's so funny," Kita mumbled looking at me with her eyes wide. "I ain't playin'.." I said and they laughed again.

"Its fine.. We just think you two should just work on a future together.. You have been involved over three years now..." her mom said.

"You right and I love your daughter but I don't really wanna think about kids right now.. I already got one on the way and I wish everyday it was with Kita but it ain't and I can't change shit..." I started to mumble.

"Oh.. It's fine.."

Kita laid her head against my shoulder, "but I promise y'all imma try to give this little girl the world," I said looking into both of their eyes.

"You already have," Kita whispered and I looked at her kissing her lips. "Awwwe," her mom cooed causing me to chuckle. "To forever," her father said holding uo his drink, I grabbed my coke and we each knocked our glasses together, "to forever.."

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