Chapter 10

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The boys finished filming their video. It was a question and answer 3 one. I just sat there listening to them and finding out more about them. It was actually quite interesting getting to know the boys, even though I only really knew 3 of them. Jai kept looking at me and smiling and sometimes winking at me which I couldn't help but blush whenever he winked at me.

"Hey Laura, turn the camera off" I think it was James that said it. He was the really tall one. He was the size of a tree! In height wise.

"I-It's Lara. But whatever" I said as I turned the camera off. Jai just laughed and grabbed my hand. Fucking hell. This guy could be the death of me.

"Lets go play on the play ground!" Jai yelled and we ran over to the playground. I started laughing as I climbed up the steps to the slide. Jai came and sat beside me.

"Laaaaura and Jaaaaai sittin on the slide! K I S S I N G!" Daniel sang out. "Fuck I forgot the rest" he said walking over to us. I just turned bright red and hid my face.

"It's Lara you dipshit. Get your facts right" Jai said kissing my cheek and cuddling my side. "C'mon Lara, don't hide your face. It's too beautiful to" Jai said nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. Oh my god. I can't handle it. I'm about to die. Wait no, I already have! someone save me! I'm dying because of Jai Brooks!

"Leave her alone Jai. She's probably enjoying it too much" I heard Luke say. Jai just laughed and started kissing my neck. That's it. I'm done. 100% done.

I slid down the slide and ran towards the road. I can find Kyle's house from here, right? wait, I have my phone. I'll just text Kyle. I grabbed my phone out and texted Kyle
'Hey kylie whylie ;)
I'm at the park with Jai and his friends. OMG I hate you and Justin for this. I don't think I'm going to survive! But how close is your house? I might pop in for a bit while everyone is too distracted to notice my disappearance'
I stared at the sending bar as it slowly moved.

"Lara!" I heard Jai yell. I didn't stop or speed up. I just stayed at my normal pace as I stared at my screen. "Hey, how come you just walked off?" Jai asked wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I-I'm fine. I just didn't feel very comfortable around your friends. No offence but your friends were getting annoying and..." I stopped and stared at my phone screen as it showed the little symbol to show that Kyle was texting.

"It's okay. I know. Try living with them" Jai said laughing. "You wanna go somewhere just you and me?" Jai said with a cheeky smile. He lifted my chin up and kissed the corner of my mouth. Beaus words kept replaying in my head. 'You're just another girl in love with that dickhead'. My phone vibrated and I looked down at the screen. It was a text from Kyle saying
'HAHAHAHAHAHA 😂 I don't live near the park actually. But I'm not home anyways. If you go to Jais I'll pick you up in about 3 hours. Stay safe xx'
I laughed at the text and slipped the phone into my pocket.

"What's wrong babe?" Jai asked resting his forehead on mine. I can't take it anymore. I swear. He's just so perfect.

"N-nothing. Just Kyle's text" I replied.

"Oh... that dickhead. Why are you friends with him?" Jai asked pulling away. How can he talk about Kyle like that?! oh my god.

"Well... He's just always been there for me. Most people hate him because he's a bit of a show off, but once you get to know him he's really nice. But yeah, I won't turn it into a sob story but yeah. Why do you hate him?" I asked. Jai just laughed a little.

"The night of my party he wasn't really talking about you very nicely. He kept saying really sexual stuff and kept staring at you... in ways. He comes across as a total dickhead that just uses people. But if he's nice to you ill try and be nice to him" Jai said. He was staring into my eyes the whole time. I nodded and looked around the park because i just couldn't look into Jais beautiful eyes. I looked over at Beau and he was death staring me.

"Are you okay Lara?" Jai asked pulling back. I looked up at him and nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I replied. Jai just smiled and grabbed my hand, sending fireworks off inside me.

"Lets go for a walk. I want to get to know you more" Jai said and we started walking around the park. We were silent at first.

"Wanna play 20 questions?" Jai asked as he squeezed my hand a little. I nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. You can start first" I said smiling. Jai nodded and smirked.

(A/N L- means Lara and J- means Jai okay? It's just easier that way)

J- "okay, when's your birthday? Mines the 3rd of May"

L- "that's nice and easy, 21st of September. what's your favourite colour? Mines blue"

J- "grey. Favourite hobby? mines drawing"

L- "drawing as well. Ummm, one direction or Justin Bieber? I'd prefer Justin Bieber"

J- "hahaha, me too! who's your crush?"

L- "..."


Hey hey! :o what will Lara do or say?! comment what you think :) don't worry about dates if videos and that, I'm just picking random ones that were uploaded sound the same time :)
I hope you're all enjoying this story! :) don't forget to vote, comment and share with your friends and fam :)
~ crystal xx

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