Chapter 28

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We were all sitting on the couch watching spongebob square pants. I couldn't stop thinking about how pissy Kyle is today. He gets pissed off so easily at the moment. Like I understand why he got pissed at Jai finding out about us, but I don't understand why he got pissy about me and Jai. I mean like he doesn't control me no matter how much he thinks he does, he doesn't. I thought he would've known that by now. He never used to be protective of me at all. He never really used to care about what I did. He just either tagged along or let me go. He's only been protective of me since I started dating Jai. Maybe it's because he is just hanging out with Justin a lot. Yeah, that's probably it.

"What's for dinner?" Justin asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"pizza?" Kyle asked. We all nodded and Kyle got up and ordered some pizza. That's all we really have for dinner. Sometimes we have maccas and very rarely we have Chinese.

"Okay the pizzas will be here in half an hour" Kyle said walking back in.

"Okay. Want to watch a movie guys?" Justin asked. We all agree and picked a movie. Of course, I didn't get a choice. They picked some scary movie on purpose. They know I hate scary movies.

"So Lara, did you want to watch this movie?" Justin asked.

"Do I have a choice?" I asked. Justin laughed.

"Nope" Justin said as he popped the 'p'. I rolled my eyes and sat back against the back of the couch.

"Hey, it's okay. You have the blanket to cuddle" Kyle laughed. I rolled my eyes and grabbed the blanket. The boys kicked me off the big couch so I have to sit by myself on the small couch.

"Wait, what movie is this?" I asked as Justin sat back on the couch.

"Saw. Why?" Jai asked laughing a bit.

"Oh my god! I'm sitting in my room" I said getting up.

"No you're not!" Justin said throwing a pillow at me.

"A pillow isn't going to stop me, idiot" I said as I went to walk out. Justin basically tackled me onto the couch.

"I'll sit on you the whole movie if I have to" Justin said sitting on my stomach.

"Fine then. But as long as you let me hug you and burry my face into your shoulder if I get scared" I said sitting up.

"No way. You can have the blanket for that" Justin said getting up. Offensive much.

"You're a dick face" I said pulling the blanket over me. I really don't want to watch this. Especially with no one to hug when I get scared. People suck.


I pulled the blanket down so I could see the screen and screamed.

"Who the fuck comes up with this messed up shit?!" I yelled as I looked at the boys. They started laughing at me. There was a knock at the door and I shot up.

"I'll get it!" I yelled running to the door. I heard the boys laugh but I don't care, as long as I'm not watching that stupid movie I'm fine.

I opened the door and saw a very attractive guy standing at the door with a few pizza boxes in his hands. The light flicked on and I saw who it was.

"Marty?" I asked shocked. Marty's face lit up.

"Lara? Hey! How are you?" Marty asked smiling as he leaned against the doorway.

"Yeah, I've been good. I didn't know you worked at dominos" I said as I leaned against the door.

"I would've told you at the party if you didn't walk off with Jayden" Marty said laughing a little.

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