Chapter 12

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"So what do you want to do?" Jai asked as he sat on the couch. I shrugged and sat down beside him.

"I don't care actually" I said. Jai smiled and pulled me onto his lap.

He put his legs at the other end of the couch so he was lying down. He pulled me down so I was lying on top of him. It was kinda awkward because my back was against his torso but I liked it. I was closer to Jai. Holy shit. I just realised I'm on top of Jai. Oh my god. Kill me now... wait don't worry. Jais already done that.

"Okay so, you wanna watch cartoons, tv show or a movie?" Jai asked flocking through the channels. I shrugged.

"I don't care" I said. Jai stopped when he saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.

"We're watching this" Jai said turning up the volume and putting the remote on the floor. He wrapped his arms around me and started playing with the bottom of my shirt while he watched tv. I suppose I could get used to this

**Beaus POV**

I stood in the doorway of the lounge room with a packet of Doritos and saw Jai and Lara watching Harry Potter. Lara was on top of Jai with her back on his chest and Jai was playing with the bottom of her shirt. Fuck. That dick face. He knows how I feel about her. Fuck my life.

I stormed off to my room and shut the door. I laid down on my bed and put the packet on my chest and stared at the ceiling and ate the Doritos.

I admit it, I like Lara. I have for a whole but she doesn't even know who I am. She just sees me as Jai's older brother. It sucks because I've always wanted her then Jai invites her to his party, gets her drunk and she's all over him. It sucks because he's probably just using her to get back at me. I don't even know why he does this, he knows what it's like to be used. He's such a dickhead that hasn't learnt his lesson.

"Hey Beau, wanna go to the gym?" Luke asked as he opened my door.

"Yeah okay. I'll be ready in a minute" I said getting up. Luke nodded and closed the door on his way out. I need a way to get Lara and Jai off my mind.

I got changed into my gym clothes and scrunched up my bag of Doritos and put them under my pillow.

**Laras POV**

The movie was like halfway through and I was getting real tired. I don't even know what time it is. What if Kyle was texting me or something? Shit that reminds me.

"I'm just gonna go to the toilet" I said to Jai getting up and walking to the toilet. I didn't need to go I just needed to text Kyle.

I shut the bathroom door and sat on the toilet lid and unlocked my phone. 3 missed texts. Shit. I opened up my messages. 2 were from Kyle and 1 was from an unknown number. I opened up Kyles texts and read them.

'Hey Lara, how ya goin? I think your dad has calmed down. He's not at your house anymore so I'll pick you up if you want. Just message me if you want to be picked up :)'

It was sent like half an hour ago. Shit. The other one said

'Wait, forget about the last message, he's home. You'll have to stay the night at Jais. Sorry. Axl is all good so he can stay here :) see ya tomorrow sometime xx'

It was sent 10 minutes ago. Oh well. I quickly replied

'Sorry I was watching a movie. I'll see ya tomorrow :) better take good are of Axl for me :)'

I opened up the unknown number and read the message.

'Hey babe, it's Jai. I didn't give you my number at the party, sorry. But now you have my number ;) love you xx'

Thank god it was only Jai. I thought it was some pedo. Wait, how did he get my number?! Oh wait, I gave it to him at the party. I forgot. I'm an idiot.

I locked my phone and flushed the toilet so it sounded like I actually went to the toilet and turned the tap on for a couple seconds.

I walked out the door just as Beau walked passed the door and I ran into him.

"Sorry Beau" I said looking up at him.

"It's okay. I should've heard the tap and stopped" he said. He stared into my eyes for a couple seconds.

"Beau. C'mon man, we gotta go to the gym" Luke said jumping on Beaus back. Beau stumbled and almost fell onto me, which caused me to fall onto the wall. He put his hands either side of my head to stop our heads crashing together.

His face was centimetres away from mine. I looked into his eyes. He has the prettiest eyes I've ever seen. He leant closer and closed his eyes. Holy shit. Is he gonna kiss me?! shit!

"Geez Beau, c'mon. We're gonna be late" Luke said pulling Beau away and down the hallway. Beau blew me a kiss before he got dragged out the front door. Oh my god. That did not just happen right? Fuck.

"Lara! we have the house all to ourselves" Jai said running up to me and wrapping his arms around me and lifting me up. He kissed my lip softly and put me down.

"So what do you want to do?" Jai asked grabbing my hands pulling me closer to his body.

"Umm, I don't know" I said looking up into his eyes. Bad mistake Lara. Bad mistake. I got lost in his eyes. I could see his mouth moving but I wasn't paying attention.

Imagine if we had kids and they had his eyes. Or his lips. He has the most amazing lips! I swear I could just kiss them all day long. He nose is perfect as well. So is his whole body actually. Jai Domenic Brooks is the most perfect human being to ever walk on this planet.

"Fine then" Jai said than planted his lips onto mine. He put his hands on my waist and pushed me against the wall softly.

"Lara" Jai said pulling his lips away from mine slowly.

"Yeah" I said looking into his eyes.

"Will you... will you be my girl?" Jai asked biting his lip and resting his forehead on mine.

Shit. Oh my god. What do I say? What do I say?! I so badly want to say yes but what Beau said this morning kept replaying inside my head. I don't want to get heartbroken and used again. And what about Kyle? he absolutely hates Jai and he is like a brother to me. I'm sure he would understand. And Brittany... well I'm sure she wouldn't mind right? I mean she's my best friend for crying out loud. Screw them all if they hate me for it.

"Yes" I replied smiling. Jai smiled and kissed my lips softly.

"So what do you want to do?" Jai asked as he smiled cheekily. I shrugged my shoulder.

"I don't know" I said trying not to look into his eyes. Hold on a sec. I'm dating Jai. I'm. Dating. Jai. Holy. Fucking. Shit. I'm dating the guy that I've been crushing on since grade 9. Holy shit. It only just clicked to me.

"Well. How about we go for a walk to McDonald's and get some dinner. It's pretty late" Jai said. I nodded.

"Yeah okay" I said smiling. Jai grabbed my hand and we walked to the door, put our shoes on and then started walking to McDonald's.


Hey guys! I'm really sorry I took a while to update. I've just had real bad writers block. Argh. But I was think maybe I should update every Wednesday. Just so it's easier and I have a set goal to work for.

Don't forget to vote, comment and share :)

Love you all <3

~crystal <3 :) xx

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