Chapter 4

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If I were to hold you one more time would you believe me when I say that I missed when you were mine.
Damon's POV
I decided that I would confront Jake today. He had been distant to us all for what felt like forever now and it was bothering us all. Alex especially, she'd be lucky to get two words out of him. I knew that my friends were pissed at me for going back to my player ways but what was I supposed to do? Sit around and cry, I had done that. When I was alone id cry. But I knew I had to move on and this was a start. But at least i was still around, I still hung out with them. Jake stopped speaking to us entirely. I sat down at our table at lunch to find Jake's seat empty. Amanda had taken residency in Paisley's seat when she sat with us. Each time Piper, Diana and especially Alex made a show of how much they hated her being there.
"Where's Jake?" I asked. Alex scanned the cafeteria and her eyes widened. I followed her eye line to see what she was looking at and my jaw fell open. Jake sat at another table, laughing at a joke some guy had said and next to him was a girl who messed with his hair. Hell to the nizzy of the no. He wanted to stop talking to us? Fine. He wanted to stop hanging out with us? Fine. But to make a show of it in the cafeteria where we could see and where Alex could see, was not fine. I began to rise but Alex had already beat me to it. She stormed across the cafeteria and it was unknown who would face her wrath. Jake or the girl, maybe both. I froze like the entire cafeteria did as she grabbed the girl who was messing with Jake's hair by her ponytail and pulled her out of her seat. Naturally the girl screamed. Jake's easygoing smile quickly evaporated as anger rumbled through Alex.
"Hands off you sleazy bitch!" Alex screamed.
"Ow my hair!" The girl shrieked but Alex was nowhere near done yelling.
"Find your own boyfriend but do not try to steal mine!" Alex had trust issues and anger issues, so naturally after the cancer and then the lie those things both intensified. Now this is what we had to deal with.
"Alex calm down." Jake said in a soothing voice, he stood and placed his hand on her arm. But Alex shook it off, Jake looked shocked to say the least.
"Sit your ass back down you motherfucking, lying, pathetic, cheating son of a bitch!" The word echoed and silence fell. Jake slowly sat back down and then Alex released the girls hair. She stumbled away, crying. Alex was breathing heavily, I could see the tears pooling in her eyes. She turned on her heel and stormed out of the building. Jake looked over at us, almost like he was expecting something along the lines of an explanation. We just turned away from him, having nothing to say. Alex had said and shown it all.

I was doing homework in my room when the doorbell rang.
"Damon can you get that?" My dad asked. He had just got home and was about to take a nap.
"Sure!" I called back and went to the front door. Jake stood there with his hands stuffed into his jean pockets.
"Yeah?" I asked, feeling irritated by his presence already.
"Have you spoken to Alex?" Jake asked.
"Yeah, why isn't she talking to you?" I asked sarcastically.
"No and I can't work out why." Jake admitted. There was a time where Jake and I were best friends, people claimed that we would name our kids after one another. Damon and Jake, the best of friends. Brothers.
But over the past two (almost three) months a rift had grown between us. I couldn't be sure as to whose fault that was. Both of ours, I guess. A part of me missed him, a part was glad he couldn't see the monster that I had become and I couldn't see the one he had become.
"I don't know I think she made it pretty clear at lunch." I pointed out. Jake bit his lip.
"Why are you pissed at me?" Jake demanded.
"Why have you been distant? From all of us and then you go and do that where everyone can see that? Maybe I'm pissed at you because you've turned into a total asshole!" I shouted.
"Take your teenage dramas outside!" My dad shouted. I sighed and stepped outside, I closed the door behind me.
"Well maybe I have reasons!" Jake exclaimed.
"Reasons like what?" I demanded.
"Reasons like..." Jake held himself back.
"You don't have any do you?" I asked angrily.
"I do I just can't tell you!" Jake ran a frustrated hand through his hair.
"Why the hell not?" I demanded.
"Because I made a promise to someone about something and I can't say anything because I'm doing right by them!" Jake shouted. My first thought was Paisley but I reminded myself that she was dead. So who could it be? But then I remembered that Alex had a twin, according to Robert at least.
"Alex's twin? Is that who you're protecting?" I demanded.
"Of course not! I don't even know who Alex's twin is! Look you don't know this person alright? So I have to do right by them and I can't be around you all when I'm trying to." Jake looked tired.
"By doing right by them you're doing wrong by us!" I couldn't believe this.
"By doing right by them I am doing right by you!" Jake shouted. It began to rain. A drizzle one moment and then a downpour.
"No you aren't! Distancing yourself and cheating isn't right by us!" I shouted. I shouted so I could be heard over the rain but I was also pissed off.
"I am not cheating!" Jake screamed at me. I shoved him.
"Stop lying! We all saw it!" I shouted.
"No you didn't!" Jake shoved back. I shoved him out into the rain, no I wasn't going to talk to him. I was done talking.
"Then what was that at lunch?" I demanded.
"A girl was touching my hair! And you guys wonder why I was pulling away! The way you all behaved was crazy!" Jake punched me and I stumbled. In return to his punch j gave him a right hook to the jaw. Jake tackled me and we landed in the mud. We wrestled on the ground, kicking and punching and scratching at one another. We let out all our pent up anger by attacking one another.

I wasn't sure who started yelling names at one another but we kept firing them off the bat, meanwhile we were rolling around in the mud as we hit one another. I punched him the gut and his reaction ended up in kneeing me in the balls. I groaned and head butted him. When we were both exhausted and couldn't take it anymore we lay in the mud, side by side. Panting and exhausted yet I still felt better for the fight. It felt like the rift that had grown had now been sewn shut. The rain turned to a drizzle and we sat up.
"It wasn't just you though, I've been an ass lately too." I ran a hand through my soaking wet hair.
"Yeah, I won't deny that." Jake and I laughed.
"It's just with the whole Paisley thing..." I trailed off as a sharp ache pranged in my chest. Just when I had thought I'd moved on it came back just to remind me of her.
"You loved her didn't you?" Jake asked.
"Yeah I did, and while we didn't know one another for years it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt any less. Knowing that she's gone." I sighed.
"We don't know that." Jake pointed out.
"We don't know what?" I asked.
"We don't know that she's gone. For all we know she could be sipping on margaritas in Connecticut. Or biding her time in San Fransisco. Or she could be wallowing in her grief in New York. If anyone should think anyone else does that night, it should be her. Piper was dead, you and I were dying." Jake shuddered.
"Yeah I try not to think about that." I told him.
"You got lucky, while I get that getting shot probably hurt like a bitch. Every time I go to take off my shirt or put one on my side aches from the scar. A constant reminder." Jake explained.
"It's a miracle we're still alive." It really was.
"So maybe she is too. All I'm saying is don't grieve her and assume her to be dead when you don't know for sure if she actually is." Jake and I helped one another stand up.
"Thanks man." I told him.
"No worries, but what did Alex say?" Jake asked.
"That she never wanted to see your... Face." I answered.
"I'm assuming violent words were included during the pause." Jake gave me a half smile.
"Yup. But you did fuck up, just explain that you've got a friend that doesn't want their identity revealed and you're helping them out for something. I'll back you up as proof that you're not cheating." Jake grinned.
"Thanks." We were both sopping wet and covered in mud.
"Wanna go inside and play Xbox or PlayStation or something?" I asked.
"Sure." And with that we were best friends again. Damon and Jake, the best of friends. Brothers.
I was glad that Jake and I had that chat. We no longer had any big secrets.
Because brothers didn't do that.
Brothers didn't lie and keep secrets.
Hey guys sorry for the delay, school and stuff. I was working on studying for a test and decided I'd write a chapter instead. So here it is, sorry if it isn't my best but in my defence I was kicked, punched, body-slammed and smacked (by a ball) in soccer. Two days in a row. I am in pain. But enough about me, thank you for reading this chapter and I'll update as soon as I can!

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