Chapter 7

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Don't care if he's guilty, don't care if he's not, he's good and he's bad and he's all that I got. Oh lord, oh lord I'm begging you please, don't take that sinner from me. Oh don't take that sinner from me~the civil wars, Devils backbone.
Paisleys POV
School was eery after Pierce and I had that argument. People stopped trying to get my attention as much now. Which was fine by me since I mostly found it annoying. I flopped down onto my bed in my room and curled into a ball. I had popped yesterday, no one had mentioned it though. Although Natalie told me to lay off the food because I was gaining weight. I was so close to telling them the truth. To admitting everything, but I couldn't. My brain wondered to the phone call. I told him about how Pierce had admitted to one of his friends that he was going to try and win me back. I was scared and alone and needed to talk to someone. But now Aiden knows. He was wise enough to not say anything, I just hoped that Jake explained everything and that they hadn't told Damon. I was afraid of what this would do to him. Knowing about the baby would make things a thousand times more complicated. I was still stuck on what to do. I sighed and turned on the radio, I needed some noise.
"Hey there Delilah what's it like in New York City I'm a thousand miles away tonight but girl you looks so pretty..." The song continued to play but I was frozen in place. Damon. This was Damon, his voice was here. It was with me. I began shaking and tears streamed down my face. My hand slid over my belly where the baby was now kicking, like it knew it's daddy's voice. Tears streamed down my voice at the sound of his face. Crying then turned into sobbing and I curled up on the floor. Damon's singing surrounded me as a blanket. I continued crying even when the song changed, and then my dad entered my room.
"What's all that racket- oh sweetheart are you alright?" My dad pulled me into his arms and held me as I cried.
"What's wrong?" He asked after a while.
"I can't do this. Dad I want to go back." I sobbed. I heard my father sigh and dreaded what he had to say.
"We can't go back. You know that. We won't get to go back. Ever. So you need to let them go. You need to forget." Dad instructed. I shook my head, I couldn't. I couldn't let them go and I couldn't forget. It was impossible. It felt like it had only been a moment but at the same time a lifetime had passed.
"I can't. Not with the baby." I sobbed.
"I know that it will be difficult but you need to. For us to survive you need to let those people and feelings go. It's the only way." Harsh but true. My dad got up and left me once I had calmed down enough to stop crying. To pull myself together. I had to let them go, I had too. The baby kicked fiercely like it strongly disagreed, like it knew that my father was wrong.
"I know but we don't have a choice." I whispered.

Damon's song was played on the radio frequently. The hidden treasure that was yet to be discovered.
"He is so talented. I wonder if he's cute? Like Harry styles or shawn mendes?" Natalie sighed dreamily as the song played over and over on her phone. People were buying it on iTunes, I didn't dare mention that it was Damon. Each time the song played the baby kicked violently. I always winced and no one noticed. No one cared enough to notice.
"There's a party on Friday. You can't say no Paisley." Pierce told me.
"Yeah you have to come!" Natalie exclaimed.
"I was thinking of giving it a miss." They both shook their heads.
"No! You have to come!" Nat pushed. And I don't know why but I nodded. Maybe getting back into things here would help me move on from the things that happened there.
"Alright." I sighed. I had said no to things countless times, it was about time I said yes. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I left the cafeteria and answered it.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Paisley how are you?" Jake asked.
"Besides the fact that everyone is obsessing over Damon's song then I'm fine." I told him.
"I'm sorry about that." Jake admitted.
"Why? You have no control over it." I pointed out.
"Yes but I still feel bad." Jake told me.
"Well we're holding up just fine. I've got an ultrasound next week. We'll know if it's a he or she." A smile broke across my lips at the thought.
"I think it's a girl." Jake told me.
"Could you do me a favour?" I asked.
"Depends on the favour." Jake told me.
"Find out what Damon would call his child if it were a girl or boy. So he gets a say." I told Jake.
"Of course." I felt a little better now.
"Let me know as soon as you know the gender. We'll talk soon." Jake promised.
"Of course. Thank you." I hung up and heard footsteps approaching.
"Are you alright?" Pierce asked and I turned to face him. I forced a smile into my face.
"Of course." Pierce studied me for a moment. Then he did something stupid. Pierce took a step closer to me and before I could ask what he was doing he kissed me. He placed his hands on either side of my face so I couldn't pull away. Revulsion raced through me, his touch repulsed me. I slapped him in the face and stumbled away. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! That was all I could think of. Was how vile that was.
"Come on darling." Pierce tried but I shook my head.
"No. You don't get to call me that." I hissed.
"You know I could contact Robert. Let him in about your location right? He'd be here in a heartbeat and you'll have wished you were nicer to me." Pierce smiled wickedly.
"You wouldn't." I hissed.
"I would with pleasure." He smirked.
"But I would die!" I exclaimed.
"If I can't have you then no one can." Pierce shrugged as if to say it is what it is. My survival instincts kicked in and even though it made me want to puke I batted my lashes at him.
"So you do love me!" I made myself seem happy.
"Of course I do." Pierce smiled. Relieved that I understood his "methods".
"I didn't mean to upset you. I was just playing hard to get." I told him.
"Oh really?" He raised a brow.
"You always liked games." I couldn't believe I was flirting with this jack ass. I forced myself to take deep and calming breaths. I just had to wait it out until Robert was caught. He would be caught. Then I would go back to Damon and we'd sort through this mess together.
"True." Pierce kissed me again and the baby kicked. I ignored it and forced myself to kiss him back. His tongue poked my lips and I opened my mouth to allow it in. Then I could feel it, the rising bile. The vomit that was ready to come out. I tried to pull away but pierce didn't accept that. He pressed his lips harder against mine and I threw up. In his mouth. Pierce pulled back and spat out the vomit. He looked grossed out and shocked, I was mortified. The baby stopped kicking and I swear that if I could see its face it would be smirking. Damn evil baby child. I didn't want to be with pierce but given what he just told me, I had too.
"Did you just throw up into my mouth?" Pierce demanded.
"I'm so sorry." I told him.
"I'm going to be sick." Then Pierce was sick.
"What can I do?" I asked.
"Just go." Worry and dread sank in.
"Are you sure-" I began but he interrupted.
"Just go." Pierce instructed and I did. But instead of going back to class I went home.

I sat down on the couch and began watching some t.v. I would sit here like a damn duck and my fate lay in Pierce's hands. What if he called Robert because of this? I was terrified but I could do nothing. Because I couldn't leave without dad and by the time we left Robert could already be on our heels.
Hey guys sorry for the delay but I've just been so busy and I watched the finale of season 7 of the vampire diaries which just- I can't even go into that because just yeah. Anyways I'll try and update soon but don't think this is near the end cause it isn't. I still have a whole load of stuff planned. Anyway thanks for reading!

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