Chapter 12

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Living in a world without you is painful because I've lived in one with you. Everyone went back to the way they were before you. But not me. I'm incapable of accepting that you're gone. At least completely. I know that one day I will see you again, I will hold you again and I will be with you again. because there is no way that something that amazing could walk into my life and then walk out. its a thought that I wont allow because it is just too painful. too cruel. a thought that is both horrible and possibly honest. but till death do us part and maybe even then I know I will see you again.
Damon's POV
Just as football practice finished up there was a stranger on the field.
"Damon Stone?" He was tall, and he had blackish brownish hair. Green eyes and tanned skin.
"That's me." I narrowed my eyes at the guy. He was about eighteen.
"Do you know Paisley Michaelis?" He asked.
"Who's asking?" I felt my stomach churn.
"Her boyfriend." His hand curled into a fist and he punched me. I grunted and stumbled a little. But I didn't hesitate to punch him back. I swung and hit him in the stomach. Over and over again. He punched me in the jaw and raked my face with his fingernails. Then someone was separating the both of us.
"Stay away." The random dude growled. Then he wrenched himself out of Sam's grasp before running off the field.
"Who was that?" Aiden asked me.
"I don't know." I mumbled.
"You alright?" The coach asked.
"Yeah I'm fine." I shook it off.

Everyone stared at me the next day. There were rumours that had spread like wildfire. But I just ignored it all, at least that was what Jake said to do. It would be better, he'd also told me that we needed to talk about something. I didn't know what he meant by that but it was something important. That made me a bit worried, what would be so super important? I started walking towards the cafeteria when a loud blaring began. fire alarms. it was probably just a drill... I continued walking through hallways and corridors when suddenly smoke was everywhere. worry and dread filled my gut. this wasn't a drill. there was a legitimate fire happening right now. I coughed from the smoke inhalation and began to back away. my steps grew slow and sluggish as it seemed like the smoke followed me. something tugged me towards sleep, the need to lie down and close my eyes grew stronger and stronger. My head felt thick and heavy, almost as if cotton balls had been stuffed inside my skull. I stumbled forward and fell face-first to the ground. I passed out before I even hit the ground.

I woke up at a hospital, totally confused. what had happened? why was I here? I had hated hospitals ever since I woke up with an aching chest, when I had been shot.

"You alright?" I turned at the sound of Jake's voice.

"What happened?" my voice was raspy and dry. Jake looked worried, wether it be because of why I was here or why I didn't remember I couldn't tell.

"Don't you remember the fire?" Jake asked quietly.

"What fire?" there was a fire?

"At the school. you were on your way to meet me so we could talk about something that's not important now and you never made it. I heard the fire alarms and left, ten minutes later I saw fire fighters pulling you out." Jake explained. holy shit.

"Is the school damaged badly?" I asked.

"Bad enough that they've cancelled school for the rest of the week. but I did get a message from someone. they said that they're coming home, whatever that means." I shrugged at Jake's words. probably a wrong number or something.

"Are the others okay?" I asked suddenly very concerned for my friends.

"they're fine, they're just worried about you." Jake seemed to study me then. his brown eyes roamed my face and I felt queasy.

"So what did you want to tell me?" I asked.

"It's not important." Jake promised and I nodded, sometimes it was just better to let things go.

The hospital kept me in for another five days, they were just "monitoring" me. I was so relieved to get out, I couldn't wait to get home. Jake tapped his fingers on the steering wheel like mad as he drove me to Alex's house. I was glad to be back in comfortable jeans and a t-shirt. we were all going to sit and have a movie marathon, and probably argue about who got to eat the popcorn. the others were already there when we made it upstairs.

"You're alive!" Aiden joked and I laughed.

"Yeah the doc said I should take it easy. any idea on how the fire started?" I asked and coughed.

"They think it was arson, probably that kid that attacked you the day before." Sam told me and I nodded my head.

"What movie are we going to watch first." a smile crept onto my face as they all began arguing about it. this was good, this is what home felt like. sitting with the people I cared about and arguing about popcorn and Disney movies. although a small part of me felt like it was missing. Paisley. I wished she were here, laughing and arguing along with them. Just then the doorbell rang and everyone went silent.

"Expecting anybody?" Jake asked Alex who shook her head.

"Ill get it." I told them and walked downstairs before anyone could protest. a sense of nerves filled my veins as I approached the wooden door. like my body knew who it was before I did. I slowly reached for the door handle and turned it. the door creaked as it opened up and the first thing I noticed were the pair of familiar boots. boots I had seen dangling off the hood of my car as I ate pie. then there was the pair of dark blue skinny jeans. an acdc shirt with my leather jacket on top. then my eyes met her face. She looked a little worse for wear and her hazel brown eyes widened at the sight of me. But there was also the hair. Dyed red, looking more auburn as the colour had faded now. Hair that I had committed to memory, hair that I thought I would never see again. Hair that could only have belonged to one person. I was so shocked that I didn't even notice her big belly. Paisley. my Paisley.

"Princess?" I asked a little shocked and a little breathless.
And she's home. But what will being home bring to everyone? How will they all cope when they learn the truth about the baby and about how one of them knew. How will Paisley cope with the whole twin thing? Will Robert find her now? So many possibilities. So many ways to torture my precious characters. (Yay) thanks for reading! Also two chapters in one day! Go me!

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