Chapter 6

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The worst thing that could happen when you love someone is that they die. That's worse than them cheating or leaving. Because at least they could be happy, but dead is dead. The second worst thing is when you let them down. When you exceed expectations and then fail to meet the original ones. That hurts almost as much as losing them.
Damon's POV.
I sat on the hood of my car, just outside of the gas station that sold the pie. Go in Damon. You came all this way to get the pie. Get off your damn car and buy some pie. I told myself. But I couldn't move, I was frozen in place. So much had happened here, too much. Memories flashed through my mind. Each one hurt more than the last. That night where we went to see the fireworks and had the pie for dinner. How it rained that night and I had lent her my jacket. That's how you got here. You bought her pie and gave her your jacket then forgot to grab it off of her. You sang crappily to make her laugh which inevitably resulted in falling in love. A voice whispered. But then that night when she lied to protect us all came back. She was crying, I didn't even think she realised it. I regretted how I had left her there. Drove off, too upset to even look at her. Like those months we were together meant nothing. I was suddenly aware of how broken I really was. For months I had been telling people that I was fine and that they didn't have to worry about me. But now I knew I wasn't fine at all. Go in. Buy the damn pie. Get out. I slid off the hood and took a step toward the doors of the gas station. My throat grew dry and my lungs tight. No. Not without her. So I turned on my heel and got back in my car. Then I drove over to Alex's it was movie night.

Jake was the only person who knew that every night I drove to the gas station and every night I drove back empty handed. He didn't say anything about it, but I knew he wanted to ask me about it.
"I let her go." The beast said on the screen.
"You what? How could you do that?" Cogsmeade said in response.
"I had to." The beast admitted.
"Yes but...why?" Cogsmeade looked utterly confused.
"Because... I love her." The beast looked shattered. I looked around me and scrunched up my nose. Jake and Alex were busy making out. Sam and Diana were whispering quietly to one another and then there was Piper and Aiden. Who had fallen asleep.
"Popcorn!" I proclaimed and everyone jolted. The sad part that felt like the seventh wheel took pleasure in making them all jump.
"Popcorn?" Alex asked looking slightly annoyed.
"Yes popcorn, who else wants it?" I asked.
"Yeah we could do with some popcorn, I'll go make it." Aiden stretched as he got up. He walked downstairs and Jake paused the movie.
"What are we gonna watch next?" Alex asked.
"We could watch frozen..." Jake suggested.
"Let it go." Alex told him. I cringed and then they all began singing.
"Let it go! Let it go! Can't hold it back anymore! Let it go!" Aiden interrupted them from downstairs.

"SHUT YOUR DAMN PIE HOLES!" I broke out into fits of laughter. Aiden stomped up the steps and carried a bowl of popcorn. He looked livid.
"I don't care if whoever suggested it wants to watch frozen. But I do not condone that damn song!" He exclaimed.
"But for the first time in forever. There'll be music, there'll be light!" Jake singsonged.
"No." Aiden glared.
"Well if you don't want to watch frozen then do you wanna build a snowman?" Jake asked.
"But we can't do that in summer! And aren't some people worth melting for?" Jake asked.
I couldn't stop laughing.
"How about-"
"Then what about-"
"Why not-"
"No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No."
"No?" Jake asked.
"No." Aiden answered.
"Alright then." Jake's phone vibrated and he pulled it out of his pocket.
"0498 963 436? Whose phone number is that?" Alex asked. Jake answered the phone and stood up, gaining everyone's attention.
"Are you alright?" Jake asked. The person on the other end responded and he relaxed a little.
"What about the-" he stopped midsentence.
"So why are you calling?" He asked.
"What do you mean by that?" Jake asked.
"Define sure." Jake asked. The tension grew thick as curiosity gripped us all. Who was Jake talking to? Was this the friend he was protecting? Aiden stood up and grabbed Jake's phone.
"Sorry to interrupt but we're having a movie marathon." Aiden said. Then Aiden went pale as his eyes made contact with Jake. Both of them looked shit scared.
"Bye." Aiden hung up the phone and seemed to have a silent conversation with Jake.
"Who was that?" Alex demanded.
"Just an old friend." Aiden replied.
"Who?" Piper asked.
"Miguel. He's my third cousin, twice removed. But he's also Aiden's friend. Crazy how small the world is huh?" They were lying their asses off. It was obvious, but if they were trying this hard to keep whoever on the other line hidden then it wasn't worth it.
"Can I have some popcorn?" I asked breaking the silence.
"Sure." Aiden gave me the bowl and I began eating it. Everyone stared at me as I ate the popcorn and I sighed.
"Have you guys decided on the movie yet?" I asked.
"No." They began arguing about it again and I relaxed into my seat. I was curious as to who was on the other end but at the same time I knew it was none of my business. Better if I just left it alone.

Jake managed to put on frozen with the argument that Aiden would just fall asleep again. For some unknown reason they all sang along to the stupid songs. My head had a mashup of do you wanna build a snowman and let it go stuck in my head.
"What time is it?" Piper asked. I checked my phone, wow it was late. Or early.
"3:45." I answered.
"We should probably get some sleep." Alex said with a yawn. No one moved we all just fell asleep listening to frozen.

I woke up to find Jake drooling on my shoulder. It was 9:00 in the morning. I got up and ignored their grunts of disapproval as they almost woke up and headed downstairs. Food. I began the process of making pancakes when Paisley came to mind. How many times had we had pancakes for breakfast? I shrugged off the thought, now was not the time. The others walked downstairs and sat on the stools next to the kitchen bench. Diana turned on the radio and switched it to the local station.
"And now a cover by a local boy, who can really sing. The question is who is he? We have a couple agents and managers scouting for you. So if this is you give us a call!" The radio dude said. I poured the batter into the pan and heard a familiar tune begin to play.
"Hey there Delilah what's it like in New York City I'm a thousand miles away but girl tonight you look so pretty yes you do." I felt all eyes in the room land on me as I froze, my back to the group. The song continued to play the only thing was that it was me singing it. My voice, the words came from me. Sure it was a cover but it was still my voice, that night flooded back to me. Not a problem in our lives, everything was almost perfect. Paisley was still in my life, everything seemed right when I sang with her. But then I had to sing this song, a song that meant so much to her. Now it was on the radio.
Hey guys here's another chapter its shortish cause of exams and stuff but I really hope you're enjoying the story and I'll try update soon!

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