Chapter 15

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When the darkness comes for me, when it tries to tug me away. Don't let go, because I'll be begging for you to stay.
Paisley's POV
"Starbucks!" Alex screeched and dragged us all inside. We were out on a girls day and it has so far been loads of fun. We'd gone to lunch and a movie, and no one had mentioned the guys. I was beyond happy and I knew that my dad could see that.
"I'll get the drinks." Diana and piper left to get the drinks while Alex and I got a table.
"So, how are you?" Alex asked.
"Happy." I told her.
"You look better than when you first came here." Alex told me.
"Which time?" I asked and we both laughed.
"Both times. You seemed miserable, Damon really made a difference didn't he?" Alex asked.
"Didn't Jake?" A grin spread on her face.
"There are days where I look at him and I just wonder how, how did I end up with someone as amazing as him? Thee are days where I know he could do better than me, yet he's still here. Even with all the bullshit drama." Alex explained.
"It's not like we can control it." I pointed out.
"True. But it would be nice if we could." I laughed, damn straight it would.
"How's the case going?" Alex asked.
"They say they're close but I doubt it. They've been saying it for a while, that they're getting close. It's all dead ends, I'm just enjoying the time I've got. Because he might walk in right now or he might never show up again. But I refuse to look over my shoulder every two seconds." I explained.
"I get that. Living in the moment and all that." She smiled gently and I nodded.
"I just appreciate every extra moment, with you guys and Damon." I explained.
"Yes but..." She trailed off.
"But what?" I raised a brow.
"What are you gonna do if he gets you again?" She asked.
"Then I'll fight my way out of there." I responded before piper and Diana came back with coffee and food. We talked and laughed and I was happy. I missed this. I thought as I played with my food. they began to talk about something random and pointless and I laughed when they did. the baby kicked and I kept a hand on my large belly. I had been given a lot of looks about being pregnant but I didn't care, I was too happy. But then Natalie walked in. Horror churned in my gut at the sight of her and my friends followed my gaze.
"Who's that?" Pip asked.
"Someone that you guys don't need to talk to. ill be back." I told them before getting up to go talk to her. as I stood up Natalie spotted me and began to walk over. I shook my head slightly but she plastered a fake smile on her face. my stomach continued to twist itself into a thousand knots as I grew closer and closer.

"Paisley!" Nat exclaimed, her voice couldn't be faker.
"Natalie!" I feigned the enthusiasm, it was better to pretend that we were friends rather than have everyone suspicious that we were enemies.
"We've been looking for you, Pierce is ready to call his friend." I tensed up and she tilted her head, she knew I was freaking out inside and she was glad.
"Has he spoken to his friend?" I asked quietly.
"No. not yet at least, but i'd say you have a week." she smirked and I shook my head, a silent prayer.
"Nat I had to come back, if I could explain why you'd understand." once again i'd have to lie my ass off to get out of trouble. I was sick of lying but sometimes it's the only way.
"I know why you came back. you betrayed us and came back for them." her head nodded in the general direction of where the girls were sitting.
"ugh, you couldn't be more wrong. They're such a total and complete pain in my ass. I miss you, but they found out something. one of them found out my number and called me-that's why I came. I had to come because of what they told me. you know i'm giving up the kid and when I do, i'm out of here." a lie, a complete and total lie. but she bought it, she actually looked intrigued.
"What's the info?" she asked in a hushed tone.
"Pierce's friend is my dad, and he's raised my twin this whole time. in secret." for once a truth and Nat looked totally shell-shocked. good. I needed her to think that I had to be here. if she believed that then I could buy myself a little more time. just a little longer, that was all I needed. "Do you understand why I came back now? Katherine-my twin-is here, I had to come back here. I had to meet her, I'm trying to convince her to run and come back home with me." the words burned on the way out but they had to be said. I had to get rid of her, and keep her away for a little longer.
"Holy shit that's huge! ill hold Pierce off but he's waiting for you to come back. he misses you and can't you just at least visit?" she begged.
"I'll blow my cover." I told her and she nodded her head, gullible. she was so damn gullible.
"Alright, but he won't hold off long. I'd give you a couple more weeks. maximum." then Natalie was walking away before I could beg her for more time. I turned around and walked back to the table, my friends watched me like a hawk.

"Well?" Alex demanded and I rubbed at my temples.
"My ex, Pierce. He wants me to go back, he's going to call Robert otherwise. I managed to buy a little time. But..." I trailed off and the unspoken question hung in the air. would I have to leave again? the baby had gone silent, too afraid to move or react.
"How much time?" Piper asked quietly.
"A couple weeks, max." I stared at my drink. I couldn't meet their eyes, the thought was sad. A glimmer of happieness, of everything going back to the way they were. We were almost there, but then life had to fuck everything up. The bell rang and I looked up to see the boys walk inside.
"We'll figure something out." Diana broke the silence.
"How?" I demanded, because I couldn't see a way out.
"Well, your dad and Damon's dad are trying to locate him. Now they'll know he's coming, they can prepare. the police can prepare this time. preparation is the best thing." Diana told me. I smiled weakly at her optimism, but I've been running for three years now. There was no way out, there never was.

"What are you girls talking about?" Aiden asked as the guys joined us. none of us spoke, what were we supposed to say.
"Why do I get the feeling that you girls have bad news?" Sam asked and Damon sat down next to me.
"Hey." he whispered and when I turned my head to respond he kissed my forehead.
"hey." I whispered back and tried to memorise the feel of his lips against my skin. I had just gotten back, I had just come home. I leaned into Damon, we were running out of time.
"Paisley's ex is threatening to call Robert, she bought a couple weeks more in time but..." Alex trailed off and I felt Damon's body tense against mine. that promise hung in between us. I'm not going to slip away. that's what I had told him, what I had promised him. Yet this was exactly what I promised him that I wouldn't do.
"Maximum or minimum?" Jake asked after a moment of silence had passed.
"Maximum." the silence grew heavy and thick once more. I closed my eyes and inhaled Damon's scent. the sawdust and pine scent I had grown comfortable with. the scent that made me think of home. he was wearing the leather jacket which I had "accidentally" left in his car. the material was familiar and I knew that the jacket would be warm. I wanted to cry in that moment, I didn't want to leave. I never did, I would stay here for all eternity if I could. but life was a bitch and it liked games, games that you couldn't win. so I knew in that moment that no matter how hard I held on, I would be ripped away. I would leave again and there was nothing, nothing, that I could do about it.
Am I evil? Probably. I am so sorry for not updating sooner. I've been super busy this week and just yeah it's been bad. But I'm not quitting or done with the story. I've still got a horrific for you and beautiful for me ending to write. (Cackles in the background cause I know how it's all gonna play out) I also want to that you all that have voted on this story. I went on wattpad to find I had 70 notifications and 69 of them were votes, comments and these books being added to reading lists. I had like a full on fangirl attack. It made me beyond happy so I skipped my mountain load of homework to finish this chapter. I'll try to update soon!

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