Chapter 3

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What do you do when your heart is torn in two? Do you go left or right? How do you know which decision will benefit or lessen your chances at happiness? Which way do you go? What your heart says or what your brain says?
Paisley's POV
As I walked around the school hallways, nervous knots formed in my stomach. I could feel everyone staring at me, the girl who had been on the run from a psychopath was now back. And to think my dad said I'd go by unnoticed today. I hadn't spoken to any of my old friends since the night I had arrived. I just wasn't ready to face them yet, but now I had no choice.

My locker was wedged in between Natalie's and Pierce's. Two people that I used to care so much about yet now they were strangers.
"Hey darling." Pierce smiled a lopsided grin at me. I took in his appearance once more, I used to melt at the sight of him. But now he was just blue eyed and brown haired and not someone I knew anymore.
"That's such an old nickname." I told him. He gave it to me when we started dating. That was about three or four years ago now.
"Old but still as good as ever." I rolled my eyes.
"It's cringe worthy." And not the nickname i missed.
"You used to love it." Pierce pointed out. Key words would be used to. Natalie walked up to us before I could speak, I took in her red cheerleading uniform. The crop top shirt that showed off her stomach and was too tight over her boobs and then there was that skirt that barely covered her ass.
"You gonna join the cheerleading team again?" Nat asked me. Her brown hair was tied back.
"No, my cheerleading days are over." I told her. Especially now that I was pregnant, I could barely hold breakfast down in the car ride here. Let alone do backflips and cartwheels.
"You were one of the best cheerleaders! Plus won't it be great to catch up with all our friends?" Natalie asked.
"I'll think about it." I lied.
"Great! I have to run I'll talk to you guys later." Then Nat was walking away.
"You know you would look super cute in one of those uniforms." Pierce told me.
"It's not gonna happen Pierce." I told him.
"You promised Natalie you'd think about it. Another thing you should think about is you and me going to a movie and dinner on Friday." With that Pierce walked away. If I went back in three years something like that would have given me heart eyes and would've had me swooning. But right now I just craved pie. But not any pie, I craved a pie that's homemade for a gas station just outside of Miracle falls. The bell rang and I knew I was already late for my first class.

By lunch the whole school new that I was back, I had seen a bunch of my old friends and most of them tried to convince me to join the cheerleading team. I highly doubted they'd want a pregnant girl on the team. So I declined and when they didn't take no I said I'd think about it. I sat down next to Natalie and she instantly began talking.
"Oh my gosh you've missed out on so much! Fat Fiona and Juggling Jack are now going out, oh and Hideous Helen shamed Dumb Daniel." This is what Nat liked to do. Give everyone a nickname that matched their name, she always ensured it had something to do with your personality or your appearance. The worst thing though wasn't that she only did that to the people she deemed unworthy. No, the worst part was that I was the one who had started up the habit.
"Come on Nat that's a bit mean." I told her.
"Puh-leese. You invented this and you loved it, I get that you've been through a lot and all but you'll get back to your old and normal self in no time." Natalie promised. Before i could say anything else Pierce asked me a question.
"So tell us more about your friends from Miracle Falls." Pierce smiles sweetly.
"Why?" I asked.
"Because we're curious. We want to know what they were like!" Nat exclaimed. The other people at the table moved closer so they could hear more.
"I already told you about them yesterday." I pointed out.
"What about Damon, you never got to telling us about him!" Nat exclaimed.
"What do you want to know?" I asked.
"Is he hot? Is he single? Was he nice?" Nat listed off about another thousand questions but I zoned out. I really didn't want to talk about this.
"Damon's hot, I don't know about single and yeah he was nice." I answered her questions as best as I could.
"Can I have his number?" She asked. No fucking way. No she could not have his number, I don't care if I'm being a stereotypical jealous girlfriend but I was not about to get Damon and Natalie together with the knowledge of me carrying Damon's child!
"I don't remember it and my phone was destroyed." I explained.
"Shame." Natalie frowned and then began talking with someone else.
"So you were close with Damon." Pierce said quietly.
"I guess you could say that." I mumbled.
"But how close were you guys? Were you in a romantic relationship?" Pierce demanded.
"We were close but I don't think you want or need to know the details Pierce." Pierce took my hand.
"Good. Because you're mine remember?" Pierce asked with a small smile. To think I used to think he was amazing, now he just seemed possessive and corny. But when we were going out I had promised him that I was his and he had promised me that he was mine.
"Pierce that was years ago, we're not together anymore." I pulled my hand away from his. He looked surprised. Like he had expected me to just fall at his feet and proclaim just how much I loved him. That wasn't going to happen. Pierce and I were over, I wasn't going to fall for him again.

The bell rang and instead of going to my next class I went to the parking lot and got in my car. Tears streamed down my face, I couldn't do this anymore. I wanted to leave. Now. My phone vibrated from an unknown caller, when I answered I found it was Jake.
"Paisley?" Jake asked.
"How did you get this number?" I demanded.
"I may have stolen Damon's dads badge and used that to get into the witness protection program's system to find your new identity and contact details. I can't believe you've gone back to being Paisley!" Jake exclaimed.
"Jake Robert could track me down from this phone call!" I exclaimed.
"I'm at a payphone." Jake explained. I relaxed a little.
"Why did you call?" I asked.
"I just wanted to know how you were holding up." Jake explained. I wiped my tears away, how was I?
"I'm not holding up very well, I miss you guys." I admitted.
"Yeah well we miss you too. But they should know." Jake said at last.
"Jake it's safer if they think I'm dead." I told him.
"Robert's gone, we've just been left with the aftermath and we have to clean it up. They all think you're dead and it's changing them." Jake explained.
"If they know then they'll look for me or they wait for me to come back. That's if they don't hate me." I heard Jake sigh on the other end.
"They don't hate you. They miss you, everyone thinks you're either dead or missing!" Jake exclaimed.
"Good! That's what they're supposed to think and then they're supposed to move on and forget about me!" I almost shouted.
"What about Damon?" Jake demanded.
"What about him?" Now I was confused.
"What about the fact that you're pregnant with his child and is he just supposed to go on through his entire life not knowing his kid?" Jake demanded.
"What if I never get the chance to come back? Then he'll go his whole life knowing he does have a child that grew up without its dad!" I countered.
"Not knowing is worse than knowing." Jake protested.
"I will tell him just not yet. He needs to find someone else and move on." I told Jake and then the line cut out.
"Please insert 10 cents for another theory seconds." I hung up and turned off my phone. I didn't want to talk to anyone else right now. I just wanted to drive around and clear my head.
Hey guys so here's another chapter i hope you enjoyed it and that you're still enjoying the story. I really appreciate all the votes and the comments! Thanks to everyone that's added not who you think to their reading lists and voted on it. I'll try and update soon!

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