Chapter 14

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You don't realise how much you love someone until you lose them. But the joy and fulfillment when they come back to you is beyond words. Something that can't be explained because the feeling is to brilliant and wonderful that even the best writers and poets couldn't put it into words. When you get someone back after losing them you memorise everything. Everything. it all seems important and valuable, every little detail counts because you're terrified that you're going to lose them again. and losing them again would be so much worse than the first time around.

1 month later.

Damon's POV

Paisley was big now, still as beautiful as she had always been but big. Each time I saw her I was filled with so much joy and I suddenly remembered what it felt like to be complete. She had spoken to my dad and told him everything and he worked so much harder than ever before now that he knew she was carrying his grandchild. The media hadn't been informed yet, but the students were raving about it. Cassandra and Katherine seemed to have disappeared completely, which I was fine with because we didn't have to put up with their drama that way. I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was Paisley's face. We slept in the same bed together now, wether it be at her house or mine. Both of us too terrified to sleep alone after so many months apart. For a rare moment I saw my mom sober and not working and she told me that our relationship was unhealthy. I told her that she didn't understand because she was too much of a coward to tell dad she had fallen out of love with him and that they should divorce. I hadn't seen her since and I was glad because of it. Lexi was sent away to my grandma's house for an acting program she desperately wanted to do. I pulled Paisley into my arms and even asleep she snuggled into my chest. this is what happy feels like. this is perfection. I felt happy, complete, fulfilled nothing could ruin this moment. Paisley groaned and I knew she was awake. I loosened my tight hold around her so she could move back a little.

"Morning." I smiled down at her beautiful face and began to play with a bit of her auburn hair.

"Morning." she said with a smile. she was about 7 months now, we really needed to start buying baby things. our dad's had both agreed to help us out and they were now working together to put Robert away behind bars permanently.

"How are you?" I asked gently.

"Wonderful. how are you?" she asked and I could see she was happy. when Paisley first came back she was practically a ghost of what she had once been, now colour was back on her face and she seemed fuller. like her life had been leaking away and now it was all patched up.

"I've never been better." I loved to wake up next to her every morning, to see her beautiful smiling face.

"I love you." she whispered.

"I love you too." I kissed her despite the fact that we both had morning breath. but that was completely irrelevant, at least it was to me. Perfection. Happiness.

"We should get out of bed." she mumbled once I pulled away.

"It's a Saturday. Getting out of bed isn't a necessity." Her stomach grumbled and I shook my head.

"Maybe it is." she joked and I laughed. I hugged her tightly, just needing to hold her. it was the moments like these, the good moments that made me terrified of losing her again. Moments where I loved he so completely that simply the idea of losing her made me want to rip the world in half so I could find Robert and shove his evil ass in hell. We were two halves of a whole that belonged together. for as long as we both lived.

"Pie?" I asked gently and Paisley smiled.

"I swear you can read my mind." she told me quietly and I laughed.

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