Chapter 8

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Devil's on your shoulder. Strangers in your head. As if you don't remember. As if you can't forget. It's only been a moment. It's only been a lifetime. But tonight you're a stranger. Some silhouette-aquilo silhouette.
Damon's POV
I was growing more and more concerned as time went on. What had happened to Paisley? Where was she? Most importantly how was she? I attempted to do my homework at the kitchen bench when my dad dumped a bunch of folders on the bench and began going through the fridge.
"Long day?" I asked.
"Yeah. The boss wants me to go over that Paisley girl's case. Hey you should invite Bella over to dinner tonight." Dad and I had been trying lately. But he had still thrown himself into his job, I just hadn't realised how much.
"Dad Bella's gone. She was Paisley and-" my dad looked bewildered to say the least.
"Details. Now." He demanded. So I told him everything that I knew. Dad took it all in and made notes on a notepad.
"So you have no idea as to her whereabouts?" dad asked.
"None at all." I explained.
"Well you'll tell me if you learn anything right? Because we are trying to catch this Robert dude." Dad told me and I nodded.
"Of course. I'm gonna go out for a bit. I'll se you later." Then I left.

When I got to Alex's place I could hear people shouting and fighting and arguing and slamming doors. I approached with caution, what was going on? I walked inside the house and saw smashed bits of glass.
"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Alex screamed. I headed upstairs to find the others and two of Alex. Alex has a twin. The realisation hit me like a brick. Alex's twin was here. Jake looked confused as he looked between the two.
"THIS IS MY HOUSE!" One Alex shouted. They were in the same outfits. Their hair was done the same way and they sounded the same.
"DONT PRETEND TO BE ME!" One screamed.
"ONLY WHEN YOU STOP PRETENDING TO BE ME!" Screamed the other. One of them was faking it. But I knew how to stop that.
"SHUT YOUR PIE HOLES!" I shouted above them. Everyone stared at me.
"Damon?" They asked in sync then glared at one another.
"When I was six, Alex the real one was with me at the beach during the summer." Everyone looked confused.
"And?" They asked.
"And Alex and I saw something we swore we'd never tell another living soul about. What was it?" I asked.
"I can't say because we swore." The Alex on the left said.
"Damon and I weren't friends when he was six. We only became friends when Jake and I started going out." The one on the right said. I grinned.
"That one's Alex." I pointed to the right.
"But are you sure?" Sam asked.
"Positive." That was that settled. But now the other problem. The twin problem.
"You guys think that i was a shock? Don't you?" The unnamed twin asked.
"What could possibly be more shocking than you?" Diana demanded.
"Perhaps that there's another twin that Robert's keeping up his sleeve." she picked at her nails. Totally disinterested.
"Who?" Jake demanded. He wrapped an arm around Alex now.
"Why do you care?" She asked.
"Maybe it's so we can prepare ourselves?" Piper said her tone implying the duh.
"It's none of you in this room." Then who would we give a rats ass about?
"Why do we care?" Alex voiced my opinion.
"Think. Who outside of this room do you care about?" All eyes fell to me and I felt the blood drain from my face.
"No. That's not right. That's improbable and highly unlikely and-" she interrupted.
"It gets better." She smirked.
"What does that mean?" Aiden demanded.
"My mom and dad were under the impression that I had died. You can thank the grandma for that one. She put me up for adoption. When Robert found out about me he introduced me to someone." She smiled wickedly. My heart was racing. No it was a lie. There was no way Paisley could possibly have a twin.
"How can we believe you?" Jake demanded.
"She's downstairs. KAT!" The twin called. A little unnerved that no one noticed her but the heels could be heard coming up the stairs. Tap. Tap. Tap. Clack. Clack. Clack. Then the brown hair and those brown eyes. The face I knew all too well, I knew every inch of this face. I had committed it to memory.
"Paisley?" My voice shook on the word. She smiled at me. A cruel smile.
"This must be Damon. Daddy told me so much about you and my sister." She smirked.
"Daddy?" Piper echoed.
"Oh you don't know? I guess the cats out of the bag now. Mom wasn't very faithful. She had several affairs with Robert. But one night of fun turned into twins." Kat explained.
"Katherine and I are more like sisters." Alex's twin explained.
"Cassie there's no need to worry about these losers. Although the guys are cute." I could feel the tension in the air grow thicker. But I couldn't stop watching Katherine. She looked identical to Paisley. Besides the hair which Paisley had dyed to keep her identity hidden. My brain struggled to keep up with this information. I struggled to process it all. Paisley had a twin. Robert was their dad. Paisley's twin was here. Paisley was gone. I was going to be sick.
"I want you both out of my house." Alex's voice was low and quiet. It scared me.
"Sure sis. But you can't kick us out from school. Oh and Jake. You should give that friend of yours a call. I'm sure they'd love to hear all about this." A cruel laugh bubbled out of Cassie.
"Do you know my friend?" Jake asked.
"Yup. But we haven't said anything if that's what you're asking. We like to play games when Robert has been mean. And he has been awfully mean. But you now owe us." Cassie smirked and then she and Katherine left.
"Who is this friend?" Alex demanded.
"Just a friend." Aiden told her.
"Just a friend? Why can't I talk to this friend?" Alex asked.
"You don't know her." Jake promised.
"Her?" Alex practically shrieked. Jake sighed and I sat down on the couch. I would just watch this play out. My brain was still trying to process information. Twin. She had a twin. I rubbed my face, even without Paisley here she managed to surprise me.
"Look I can't talk about her." Jake explained.
"Why not?" Alex demanded.
"Because I promised her I wouldn't." Jake tried to convince Alex.
"What's so special about her?" Piper cut in before Alex could.
"I've known her for a long while. She got into some trouble and she's just lying low for a bit." I was barely paying attention. Katherine would be attending school here. She looked identical to Paisley. Every day I would see someone who looked like the girl I loved and yet it wouldn't be her.
"Damon?" Alex asked.
"Hmm?" I asked.
"Do you know this friend?" Alex asked.
"Yeah. She's cool, you've got nothing to worry about." I was lying but it was easier than the truth right now. Some people would think Alex to be a psychotic bitch I thought her reaction was normal. After all we'd been through, thinking Jake had cancer and then he didn't but then he was stabbed and almost died. Not to mention all the other crap that went not during that time.
"I'm putting on a movie." Sam announced and naturally it was disney. I was barely paying attention as the movie started. How could this be important right now? Paisley could be anywhere, she could be dead. Meanwhile her twin is here ready to annoy and irritate all of us with Alex's twin. How had things gotten so messy? This time last year my biggest concern was getting into a college and my math homework that I forgot to do. Now things were just one big fat mess. A part of me wishes that it could go back to the time when things were easy. Simple. But another part-a bigger part-wouldn't change anything for the world. Well maybe the part where Paisley had to leave but that's besides the point. I just hoped that wherever she was, she was safe and okay. That she was alive and doing well, having fun and as much as it would hurt me I hoped that she would fall in love with someone. I hoped that whatever she was doing right now was making her happy. That she wasn't as much of a mess as I was.
Hey guys so here's the new chapter. Some bombs have been dropped but it's all a part of a much bigger picture. Still busy with exams so it's a miracle that I could get this out to you guys but meh who needs to study? Anyway I hoped that you liked this chapter!

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