Chapter 21

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A drop in the ocean, a change in the weather. I was praying that you and me might end up together. It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert but I'm holding you closer than most, cause you are my heaven. Ron pope- a drop in the ocean.
Damon's POV
I sat in the passenger seat while Aiden drove. we did rotations so we didn't get bored. Aiden and I kept switching back and forth between two radio stations.
"No!" I switched it back in which he switched it again.
"Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake hole." Aiden told me and I sighed.
"You got that off of supernatural the television show." I pointed out.
"Yes but that's beside the point. You're being ridiculous with your music choice by the way." He told me.
"Please this crap is not music." I switched it back to my channel.
"Come on Damon, stop talking shit." I shook my head.
"I'm not talking shit. You listen to it though." I countered.
"I'm driving!" He exclaimed.
"This is my car!" I replied.
"But I'm the one driving the car!" Aiden exclaimed.
"Will you stop arguing with me?" I asked.
"No! Because you're being an idiot!" Aiden exclaimed.
"you're being ridiculous."
"Stop being pathetic."
"Why are you being a drama-queen?"
"Because you're being a douche."
"Well you're being a bitch."
"And you're being a jerk."
"At least I'm not stuck with a crappy music taste." This argument made me think of the fight I had with Jake. How we had fought in the mud and shouted names at one another before going inside like everything was perfectly normal.
"Why haven't we caught up to them?" I had to change the subject, I couldn't keep arguing with Aiden the way I had once argued with Jake. So similar that it was too much. It had been three days and still, nothing.
"I don't know." Aiden sighed.
"Do you think that Jake's alive?" I asked after a while.
"He could be. But I hope not, because if he is then I know that the Jake we bring home isn't going to be the same Jake that left." Aiden admitted.
"He could be, unlikely but if any of us were to go through whatever he's going through and come back the same. it would be him." I decided.
"But aren't we all heading towards the same fate as him?" Aiden asked and I didn't respond, what was I supposed to say to that?
"I just hope we can find them before Robert does anymore serious damage." and then I tried to get comfortable and have a nap incase this went on into the night.

Aiden and I swapped places at 11, still there was nothing but the open road. where were they? why couldn't we catch up to them? worry raked through me, what if Paisley was dead? what if that was the reason we couldn't catch up because Robert had left her in a ditch and gone back for her dad? my phone rang and I answered with the Bluetooth.
"Where the hell are you?" my dad demanded once I had answered.
"I left you a note, Robert has Paisley." I replied and Aiden stirred in his sleep.
"So why did you and your friends go after him?" Dad demanded.
"We couldn't waste time with the cops and calling you, if we were going to catch him we had to do it then." I explained.
"he is psychotic! He wont hesitate to kill any of you! Didn't you learn anything from Jakes's death?" Dad demanded and I sighed.
"Jake isn't dead. as far as we know, he's with Robert. Robert doesn't like killing people, he prefers to kidnap them and return them home after a couple months or even a year has passed. the point is, Robert is up for torture but not murder." I explained as calmly as I could.
"You've been gone for days Damon, i'm really worried about you." dad told me.
"Dad i'm sorry that you're worried, but I have to bring Jake and Paisley home." I told him.
"I just don't want to have to put you in the ground because you were being a love-sick puppy." Dad told me and I sighed, of course he would play that card.
"I'm not being a love-sick puppy. in case you remember I have a daughter who will definitely need her mom." I replied.
"Even more the reason to come home! Last year it was just about you guys, and I get that that's dangerous but you have a kid now!" Dad practically shouted. I had barely noticed when Christmas and the new year had passed.
"Yes dad, there is a baby involved and that baby is going to need her mom!" I exclaimed.
"Damon you're not seeing the point. it's better having one parent than none. If Robert kills or has killed Paisley and then kills you, Nora will be an orphan. She won't even remember what you guys look like because she is a baby!" dad exclaimed and I flinched at his harsh words.
"Yes she's a baby, and i'm going to bring her mom and her uncle home in one piece. I promise you that we're being careful and that we're being safe." I focused on driving as best as I could. there was a gas station up ahead, I had to stop for gas.
"Look dad i'm catching up to a gas station, ill talk to you tomorrow. Tell Nora I love her, I promise ill be safe." dad sighed.
"Alright Damon. but if you haven't found them by next week I want you to come home and ill send just about every policeman in the country out to find them." Dad promised.
"Alright dad, ill talk to you tomorrow." then I hung up the phone and pulled into the gas station. I refilled the tank before going inside.

"Number 5 and can I get a black coffee?" I asked and the cashier dude nodded. I wondered around the store while he was sorting out my coffee. the door opened and a bell chimed, I had told Sam to go on ahead and that Aiden and I would catch up. I looked at the person who entered, I wouldn't mistake that face anywhere and my heartrate picked up. I ducked, Robert was here. Crap.
So this chapter is super short but I've had a super busy schedule and the next chapter will obviously be super long so yeah. Anyway thank you to all who wished my brother a happy birthday, muchly appreciated. Thanks so much for reading and voting it always puts a smile on my face and I'll try to update soon!

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