Chapter 13

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Coming home is a feeling that's indescribable. Not because you can't put it into words but because home is different for everyone. Some it's a place or a book or a room or a piece of food. But for some people home is a person. And that could potentially be the worst home to have. A book can be read over and over again. A room can be visited a hundred times a day. A piece of food can be created and eaten however many times you wish to cook it. You can visit a place whenever you want. These things can't walk out on you. You can walk out on them. But a person. You could love them with your whole soul, every fibre in your being, and they have the power to walk out on you. So before you make someone your home, make sure that they're not gonna disappear any time soon.
Paisley's POV
The week had passed by slowly and sluggishly. Each day an effort to get out of bed. Dad organised everything with the witness protection program, he pulled a phew strings of course. I went straight to Damon's house but he wasn't there. Alex. They'll be at Alex's place. I didn't hesitate to go there and sure enough their cars were parked outside. I could hear arguing from upstairs. It's movie night. It wasn't a prediction but a known fact. I knocked on the door and they went quiet. Then I could hear footsteps approaching. The handle on the door twisted and he opened the door. I took in his appearance, more beautiful than I remembered. But he looked exhausted, like these past phew months had drained him as much as they drained me. Like being apart took as much of his soul as it did mine.
"Princess?" He asked at last and I almost broke. Almost broke at the sound of his voice, at the nickname, at just being here.
"Damon." I almost choked on the word and Damon pulled me into a tight hug. I closed my eyes and a sob escaped my throat. He was here, he was real. This was actually happening, this wasn't some dream or hallucination. I was in his arms and the scent of pine and sawdust filled my nose.
"I can't believe you're here." He whispered.
"I'm here. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." I sobbed and then Damon pulled back.
"Tell me everything." He took in my appearance again and then he noticed it. My big belly, his eyes widened and met mine.
"I did not get fat." Was the first thing that tumbled out of my mouth and he laughed. A real and genuine laugh that I had missed and craved for months. I smiled at the sound.
"Then what happened?" He asked. I took his hand, my nerves set on fire by the contact. I placed his hand on my belly where the baby kicked violently. Damon's eyes widened and shock registered on his face.
"Mine?" He asked quietly. I nodded, almost afraid of his reaction. A big grin appeared on his face and he picked me up and swung me around.
"Damon who is it?" Alex called out from upstairs.
"Can I see them?" I asked and bit my lip.
"Don't hold back on my account." I rushed up the stairs and then slowed when I got near the top. Slowly I crept up one by one, suddenly anxious. What if they hated me? I shook off the nerves, I had come this far.
"hey?" It came out more as a question, all of their heads snapped towards my direction.
"Paisley?" They asked wide eyed.
"I'm back." I said nervously. No one moved. No one spoke. I was tempted to go back downstairs, to tell dad that this was a bad idea when Alex, Piper and Diana all rushed towards me and pulled me into a group hug.
"You're alive!" Diana exclaimed.
"You're back!" Alex added.
"You're here!" Piper finished and we all began crying. I glanced over at Jake who smiled at me.
"Thank you." He mouthed and a smile spread on my face. Slowly they all backed up and took my appearance in. Damon appeared behind me and took my hand.
"You got big." Sam joked and I knew Damon glared at him.
"You can blame Damon for that one." They all stared.
"You're pregnant?" Alex shrieked.
"Again. Blame falls to Damon." They laughed at that and I sat down on the couch.
"Tell us everything." Jake said. I'd called him and told him I was coming back home. We had agreed to not mention how he knew about where I was and how I was. He'd talked Aiden into doing the same thing.
"Well my dad dragged me away kicking and screaming that night. Then when my dad and I went to witness protection they told us to just drive around for two months. Go visit landmarks and drop off the grid. Dad told me to go take a pregnancy test and suddenly I was pregnant. The program sent us back to my home town because Robert would never think that we'd go back. So I spent the last couple months fighting off the cheerleading team wanting their captain back and putting up with a bunch of snobby assholes that I used to call my friends. Oh and my creepy ex-boyfriend who tried to get us back together." I shuddered at the memory.
"What was your boyfriends name?" Damon asked and this close I could see the bruises on his face.
"Pierce. What happened to your face?" I asked gently.
"It's always been like that." Sam joked.
"Pierce attacked me." That's why he had bruises this week.
"So what's been happening here?" I asked at last. So they told me everything. the twin thing and the sad thing then the school fire. All of the information was given to me.
"Do you know what the baby is?" Piper asked at last.
"Girl." I answered.
"I can't believe you're back." Damon murmured.
"It took my dad a lot of convincing but I finally got there." I smiled at him and he kissed my forehead. Thank god. I wouldn't have handled it if I lost you. I thought to myself.
"Frozen?" Jake suggested.
"NO!" Aiden shrieked and I laughed.
"How about some good old lion king?" Alex suggested and so that was the movie that was put on.

Everyone had fallen asleep besides Damon and I.
"I missed you." I told him quietly.
"Not as much as I missed you." He murmured in my ear.
"I hated the time we spent apart. I was actually scared that when I came back maybe you'd hate me." I mumbled.
"I could never hate you princess. I'm not like that asshole you dated. I'm not going anywhere." Damon promised.
"I'm not going to leave again. I'm not going to abandon you like before. Not again." I promised.
"I vow to hold onto you, to never let you slip through my fingers. Whether I'm bleeding out on the floor from a gunshot wound or in the middle of a geometry test. You're not going to slip away." His words comforted me.
"I vow to hold onto you. To never slip through your fingers whether your bleeding out on the floor from a gunshot wound or in the middle of a geometry test. I'm not going to slip away." Damon kissed me then. A long and slow kiss, he told me that he remembered it. My dad as he pulled me away and my screams had haunted him.
"Can you promise me something?" I asked quietly.
"Only if you promise the same thing." He remembered. My heart swelled at that. He remembered.
"Can we go and get pie tomorrow? I've missed it." He chuckled at that.
"Princess I'll get you ten pies if that's what you want. Are you keeping the baby?" A complete 180.
"Yes. I like the idea of us keeping it but if you don't want it then that's fine." Not really but I couldn't force him into this.
"You realise that I'd fight tooth and nail to keep that baby if you decided to let it go right? If you put it up for adoption then I'd adopt it." I laughed at his words.
"I love you." I told him.
"I love you princess. Never forget that." I wouldn't.
Three chapters in a day. Man I've missed these two together. And my chapters are getting longer again! Thank you so much for reading and is anyone else as happy that she's back as much as I am? But don't worry I'm nowhere near the end. I've still got a lot of shit that needs to happen. (Laughs sadistically in the background again) hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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