Chapter 5

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If I did right by you would I be doing wrong by me? If I did wrong by you would I be doing right by me? If I lied to you to protect you would you forgive me? If I were honest with you to protect you would you forgive me?
Paisleys POV
I tapped my fingers a little manically on my knee as I waited for the doctor to come back with news. I had just taken a check up to see how I was doing and how the baby was doing.
"Calm down. I'm sure the results will be fine." Dad told me.
"You don't know that." He smiled and it had a dream like quality to it. He was thinking of mom, the tapping grew faster.
"Paisley Michaelis?" A doctor asked. Dad and I stood up and followed her to her office. I was too distracted to pay any attention or detail to her office or her. Brown hair, green eyes, freckles and a white lab coat.
"So how do you feel Paisley?" The doc asked.
"Fine, how's the baby?" I asked. She gave me a warm smile, I didn't care about warm smiles. I cared about the wellbeing of my child.
"Fine. Your baby is doing great in fact, totally healthy. I'd like for you to come back in a couple weeks, just to do another check up and then the visit after that we'll do an ultrasound." Ultrasound. That's what told you what gender your baby was.
"Will you be able to determine whether the baby is a boy or a girl?" I asked.
"Most likely, keep your vitamins up and try not to worry about anything." I nodded and stood up. I walked out of there as quick as I possibly could.

When I got home I crawled into bed, I was so tired. Dad came in and sat on the edge of my bed.
"How do you feel?" He asked.
"Tired." I mumbled.
"Don't you want to go out with your friends?" Dad asked. No. I couldn't go out with my friends, they thought I was dead and thousands of miles away.
"I'm just gonna sleep for a bit dad." I told him and rolled over.
"You should eat something at least." Dad tried.
"I'm good thanks." I just wanted to sleep. Dad left me to be alone and I buried my face into my pillow. What are you doing right now Damon? I wondered to myself. There was one checkup between the knowledge of the gender of our baby and now. My phone vibrated in the pocket of my jeans. An unknown caller. I answered already knowing that it was Jake.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"You have to tell him." Jake begged.
"I'm not having this conversation again." I told Jake. He called every couple days. Even though it was always about the same thing it was nice to hear his voice. To know that someone wouldn't hate me if I ever came back.
"He's not coping Paisley!" Jake exclaimed.
"That's what you're for! You're meant to help him through this!" I exclaimed.
"I'm trying but I can barely be around them when your name comes up!" Jake didn't understand.
"Look Jake in tired, I just got back from the doctors and-" Jake interrupted.
"What happened?" Real concern. Real worry. Somehow I knew that even though he was thousands of miles away he would come here if something was wrong.
"Nothing. Just a check up. I have to go back in a couple weeks then a couple weeks after that I'll know the gender." I explained.
"Have you got a baby belly yet?" Jake asked.
"If you're skint if I'm fat then not quite. Bigger then you guys would remember and I've gone up a size in jeans butt I haven't quite popped yet." I explained.
"Do your friends there know?" Jake asked.
"No." I had no intentions on telling them until absolutely necessary.
"They're gonna know soon." Jake pointed out. A car honked outside, I got up to check and found Pierce's car outside. I groaned.
"What?" Jake asked.
"Pierce is here." I said more to myself than Jake.
"Who's Pierce?" Jake asked.
"An old boyfriend." I ran a hand through my hair. Dad would let him in and then I'd have to go out.
"Wait a sec alright?" I asked and jumped into bed. I hid my phone under my pillow and pretended to be asleep. The door opened and I heard people walk in.
"See she's asleep." Dad said.
"Sir, a bunch of us will be there and she'll wish she went on Monday when everyone's talking about it." Pierce tried. No dad. Please no. I begged silently. Don't make me go, please. But I knew they couldn't hear me. Because then dad was shaking me awake, at first I tried to resist but I knew they'd know I was faking if I stayed "asleep" much longer. So I "woke up" and rolled over.
"Can't I sleep?" I asked.
"Come on Paisley. Get dressed everyone's going to the swimming hole." Pierce explained. A lake where a bunch of teenagers got high or stoned and swam around.
"I'll pass, but thanks for stopping by." I knew Jake could hear this.
"Come on I promise that it will be fun." Pierce pleaded with his eyes.
"I'm not going to go swimming with a bunch of high or drunk teenagers." I told him. Dad raised his brows.
"It's not like that anymore. A lot has changed in the past three years." He was right. A lot had changed. Like I no longer was in love with him. In fact I found him to be annoying and irritating.
"Well I'm having a nap." I told him.
"Come on darling." That damn nickname. My eyes met dad's. Please. He looked away and I would've frowned had Pierce not been there.
"I told you that that nickname is old and corny." I grumbled.
"You love it darling." I scrunches up my nose.
"Not anymore." I hadn't liked that nickname in a long time. And I doubted that I would ever again.
"Just come. Please." I shook my head and Pierce sighed.
"Paisley you should go." I glared at him.
"I'm tired, I want to sleep. Maybe another time." I suggested.
"No not another time." I could see the possessiveness coming back. His controlling side. Pierce wanted me to come with him tonight to show me off. For me to be his trophy. I wasn't going to allow that to happen.
"Leave me the hell alone." I growled, pierce and dad looked shocked to say the least. But I didn't care.
"Paisley!" My dad said sharply.
"No it's okay sir. Could you give us a minute though?" Pierce asked.
"Sure. I'll be downstairs." Then dad left.
"Pierce I told you I don't want to go!" I exclaimed.
"You're mine Paisley. I'm yours. That's how things are so you don't get to say no." Pierce growled.
"No. I get to make my own choices. We're not together anymore Pierce! I am not yours and you are not mine so just leave!" I shouted.
"No! I'm not going without you!" Pierce shouted back. This wasn't going to end well.
"You need to leave." I told him. My mind briefly wondered back to the phone and Jake on the other side. Had he hung up or run out of money? Could he hear us right now?
"Paisley stop being so damn stubborn! We said we'd be together until death did us part." Pierce growled.
"And the Paisley you knew did die! I am not the girl that you knew. Not anymore. And the thing is Pierce, I never want to be her. Never again. Now get out of my house." Pierce stared at me with wide eyes. He nodded and then left silently. I rolled over in my bed and pulled my phone out from under the pillow.
"Paisley are you there?" Jake asked.
"Yeah, I'm here." I sniffled.
"Come home. You shouldn't have to deal with that." So he had heard the conversation.
"You know I can't come back. Not until Robert is dead or behind bars." I told him.
"Then I'll hunt him down and put him behind bars myself."
Hey guys here's another chapter. Hope you're having a great Mother's Day! And if you don't celebrate Mother's Day then I hope you're having a good day and that your mom is too! I've got exams over the next couple weeks so updating might be a bit more difficult but I'll try. I promise. Anyway thanks for reading! I really hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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