chapter 3

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chapter 3: (3rd person P.O.V)

After finding the book you took it straight home. Ok, maybe it was stealing but you have wanted to know about the 2ps forever and this was probably your only chance. You dropped you bag by the door as you entered and went over to the table in the kitchen. You were hesitant to open it, what if the 1ps get mad? After all they do try to 'keep you safe from to 2ps' as they put it. After some debate eventually you decided to open the book, it was only a book after all, its not like your betraying them. The first page was a contents page. Every chapter seemed to be based around a certain 2p. The first chapter was about 2p America and you wasted no time reading the information.

2p America:

human name: Allen Jones but prefers to be call Al.

Appearance: dark brown/reddish hair and red eyes. He is normally seen carrying a baseball bat with nails around and usually wears sunglasses. He also has a missing tooth which we Assume was because of his brother matt (2p Canada) since they tent to fight a lot.

personality: 2p America is portrayed and a delinquent. He acts strong and tough and tends to have a bad temper and can be dangerous if you anger him, but he seems to have a strong love for animals and is vegan. He also seems to give nicknames to people because he can never be bothered to remember anyone's name. He often swear and has a typical 'bad boy' attitude and is a bad influence to those around him. He is seen most of the time hanging around with 2p England, 2p Canada, 2p France, and occasionally 2p Romano. 2p America has a short temper but a good sense of humour and tends to enjoy puns.

After reading the first page you started to wonder who this book belonged to. Who needed all this information on the 2ps? You would have thought it could belong to the 1ps but whoever wrote this book wasn't trying to make the 2ps sound bad like the 1ps would do. It was just stating facts. So far the 2ps didn't sound so bad to you. yeah, maybe this Allen guy has a bad temper and a baseball bat with nails but that didn't scare you, it just interested you even more.

The next chapter was 2p china. It seemed to go through the rest of the allies then the axis. So you continued reading.

(time skip because lazy Author :P)

You ended up reading the entire book in one sitting. It was very late now but you didn't care, you had so much information on them now. At the end of the book was even a chapter about how the mirrors are important when it comes down to the 2ps. Apparently sometimes you can see 2ps in a mirror if you look into it but the writer said its only if the 2ps get strong enough to make a connection to this world whether its with their 1p or through the mirror.

You looked up at the clock. '1:42am wow I really did over do it but couldn't help myself, I just kept on reading. It was so interesting and I've wanted to know about the 2ps for ages.' you thought as you threw yourself on the bed. You pulled the covers over you and stared out of the window to your left. "I can't believe I finally have information about the 2ps now, but it just make me want to meet them even more." you sighed. They really didn't seem like bad people after all. Maybe they can be a little intimidating with all the weapons and their personalities can make them seem like bad people but I mean they did get locked away so who can blame them for acting the way they do.

You decided to drop the subject until tomorrow, you gave out a small yawn as you close your eyes and drifted off to sleep.

(time skip to a few days later)

You were sitting on a bench in a secluded area of the park and re-reading the second players book. It was so intriguing to you, and it was all you had on the 2ps for now. You learned so many new things from this one book. Things like all of their human names, and 2p England or Oliver as the book says its his human name has a thing for baking and can sometime lace them with poison or his 'special ingredients' but no one knows what they are. Or how 2p Russia or Viktor prefers to manipulate people rather than use physical force and has a permanent poker face. Or even how 2p Italy or Luciano is very skilled, short tempered and impatient the book also said he was dangerous and he runs the mafia.

'wow this book is amazing!' you thought to yourself. As you where about to continue on reading you heard a voice. "hey (name) dudette!" it was clearly Alfred, you didn't even have to turn around to figure that out. You quickly hid the book in your bag and zipped it close so he couldn't see. As he approached the bench you saw he wasn't alone and that japan and china where also there.

"hi guys, what are you doing?" you questioned. "we're just heading off to another meeting, Germany-san requested another one to make up for last time." japan answer and you gave a nod. "its totally lame dude, I don't want to be in the same room as Iggy and Russia again." America whined and china sighed. " I just don't understand what Germany thinks will be different. You're all to immature to get along aru." You laughed at their faces, they looked so sad just about being in a room with the other nations. Some things never change. "well I can tag along and make sure that you all don't kill each other." "thank you (name)-chan, but don't you ever get frustrated about doing this all this time." you smiled and shook your head. "of course not. I love being around all of you, even if you fight all of the time."

After that you all headed off to the meeting, and surprisingly it went pretty smoothly. You decided to walk out with japan and while you where walking out japan suddenly stopped. You turned to look back at him, he was staring at something and he looked really pale. "Kiku, are you alright?" you questioned as you walked over to him. You looked in the direction he was looking, there was a mirror and someone was staring right back at him. Japan finally found his voice again and whispered something which made your eyes widen.



Well here is chapter 3, I hope I'm doing a good job so far.

I used wiki to help describe to 2ps and more importantly reader-chan has finally met a 2p. what will happen now? And who wrote that mysterious book?

bye ~

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