Kuro's ending

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kuro's ending: (3rd person)

"Kuro? I guess?" you said unsurely. You did feel something for him, that was for sure, but you felt like he was always just messing around with you. You couldn't be certain he liked you at all.

"You guess?" Taiwan asked with a raised eyebrow. You sighed and leaned back in the chair. "I don't know. I mean, he is kind of perverted, I doubt he really has feelings for me." You said. You heard a giggle from beside you and turned you head to Hungary who was trying to hold back a laugh. "Why are you laughing?" You asked as your cheeks heated up from embarrassment. Soon Hungary burst out laughing and was unable to answer the question as she was trying to catch her breath. You pouted and turned away.

Taiwan spoke up. "You do like him (name). It's pretty obvious. You're just scared of him rejecting you. that's why you wont admit to your feelings for him." she answered for Hungary who was still giggling, and to be honest it made sense. You couldn't defend yourself, after all it was true. You were scared of him rejecting you. Belgium pulled you up by the arms and pulled you to the door. "(name) you're a beautiful girl, Your so kind and generous as well. I doubt he will reject you. Give him a chance, ok?You'll never know unless you talk to him about it." She said and you nodded back at her. You left the house and made your way back to the 2p world. She had a point, You would never know unless you asked him. Even if he did reject you, it wouldn't be the end of the world.

You walked back to the 2p axis mansion, because that's were Kuro normally was, unless he was doing a job for Luciano. You didn't even get halfway to the mansion when you saw Kuro and lutz walking towards you. 'well, I guess this is my chance.' You though and walked closer to them. "hi. What are you guys up to?" you asked. Kuro sighed "Luciano has us on another one of his stupid jobs." he rolled his eyes, clearly annoyed about having to do his work. Of course he would be busy when you needed to talk to him "oh.. Well, I need to talk to you when you get back, ok?" you said. you saw lutz nudge Kuro using his arm and giving a suggestive smirk, Kuro scowled at him, and batted his arm away. "Ok, fine. I shouldn't be too long. Just wait for me at the mansion." He said and he and lutz continued walking down the street. you sighed and headed over the mansion to wait for him. You knocked on the door and flavio let you in and You waited in the living room with flavio and Andres.

You wanted to know what was all the nudging was about back there but you guessed you could just ask him when he returns. whenever that will be. Flavio noticed your dazed look and asked you if you were ok.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine. just thinking." You replied and looked out of the window. you heard flavio sigh softly. "you've chosen haven't you?" he asked and you were shocked he figured it out but nodded anyway. Flavio thought for a moment. "Well it's either Kuro or lutz," He said and you looked over to him, shocked again, as he continued. "You came to the axis mansion meaning it is probably one of us. but me and luci are home. So therefore you are waiting for Kuro and lutz to return. meaning it has to be one of them." he finished and you nodded again. "It's Kuro." you admitted and hearing yourself saying it sounded a bit crazy but it also brought you to the reality of it. You did like him, even if he was kind of a pervert. you just loved the way he could be serious when needed but he could also make you flustered so easily.

Andres had his arms crossed and raised and eyebrow and he sat across the room from you. "Mr. pervert? Didn't think it would be him of all people." He said and you turned away from him. You couldn't be bothered to fight with him. Besides he didn't know Kuro like you did. "Andres be nice! She likes him and that's that. leave her alone." flavio shushed him and he shrugged. "I was just surprised is all." he defended.

You waited for about an hour before you heard the front door open and close. "Good luck, bella." Flavio whispered in your ear before him and Andres left the room. You walked into the hallway and saw Kuro and lutz standing beside the door, talking amongst themselves. They saw you and lutz spoke up first. "I'll go give Luciano the update. You can stay here." He winked at Kuro and walked up the stairs. Kuro clenched his teeth and fists as a small blush came to his face. "fuck sake. I fucking hate him, That bastard" he mumbled to himself and You went closer to him. "What did you need to talk about?" he asked. "Oh.. um-" You didn't think about what you were going to say to him. Great now what? you decided to come straight out with it. Kuro waited for you to answer. "well- I- um... like you... more than other people.. like love.. I think? So .. yeah.." You immediately smacked yourself on the forehead, that could of went a lot smoother. He kept scowling, Oh god, was he going to reject you. "Did lutz tell you to do this? Is he trying to mess with me? I swear i'm going to fucking kill hi-"

"No, no of course not." You tried to clam him down. "Why would lutz tell me to do this?" you asked and he sighed. "Because that asshole keep's making fun of me because I like you. He keeps on saying things like 'whoa, I didn't realise Kuro Honda had feelings' 'bet you wish (name) was here right now?' 'Have you ever thought about what it would be like to kiss (name)?'. I'm getting so sick of him." He looked away.

"So you like me back?" You asked, still a bit unsure of his feelings. "Of course I do, if I didn't that idiot would leave me alone. Being in love is so fucking annoying especially with 'friends' like him." You could tell he was angry but it didn't make you sad. For some reason, you could tell he hadn't been in love before. This was clearly all new to him. "Don't worry, if he makes fun of you then he will have to make fun of me too, because I love you. We can just kill him together, when he bothers us." You smiled and he grabbed your hand while his hair was covering his face. "Are you sure about this?" he asked and you tilted your head. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I'm not the easiest or the best person to be in a relationship with. I'm not romantic at all, I get really busy on some day's and I wont be able to spend a whole lot of time with you. I'm not cuddly or into all that mushy crap, I can be perverted and sometimes I can get really angry at stupid things." He explained but you laughed. "Are you trying to make me regret my decision?" you asked and he smirked at your laughter. "No, just making sure you know what your getting into." You smiled and took his hand. "Don't worry. I already know, and I don't care because I- I love you." You said with a blush. He used his hand, that other one that wasn't holding yours and place it behind your head and pulled you closer to kiss your lips. You assumed this was his way of saying I love you too, because you know, he isn't into 'mushy crap'. You used your free arm to swing it around his neck as he pulled you closer. You stood near the front door kissing for a good five minutes, only stopping to take breathes. You pulled away panting and smiled at him.

"I guess, I could get use to this, for you." Kuro said with a smirk.

Luciano and lutz appeared at the top of the stairs and lutz was smirking at Kuro. "So are her lip's just like you dreamt them to be?" He asked and an annoyed look crossed kuro's face. "Fuck off lutz." he replied and lutz snickered at him. You guessed this was going to be a daily occurrence between these two now.

"Anyway lutz since she is mine now. no more staring at her butt." Kuro said. Your face burned up, Since when was he staring at your butt? You never knew about this. "Fine." Luzt replied.

"Good, because it is officially mine now." Kuro said and you felt his hand slide around your waist and pulled you closer.

"God dammit Kuro." You shook your head but couldn't fight back the smile that crept onto your face.

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