Luciano's ending

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"....Luciano." You replied shyly and tried not to meet their eyes.

"You mean Italy's 2p?" Hungary asked and you nodded your head. Even though sometimes he can be hard work and has a short temper you couldn't help it. At first he didn't even trust you but now he treats you like you are the most precious thing in the world to him, yet you've only known him for about half a year but you couldn't help but slowly fall for him. You didn't even bother fighting back the giant blush creeping onto your face. Now that you had finally admitted it you couldn't help but feel your heart beat faster just thinking of him.

The girls sat there in silence staring at you and you fidgeted under their gazes. Suddenly the room erupted in squeals and "Oooo's~" You continued to blush and looked down at your lap. "Well then get up and go tell him." You felt Belgium grab your arms and dragged you to the door. "We wish you the best of luck (Name)!" Seychelles shouted after you as you left the house and You knew exactly where you were going to go.

You had made it through the portal and the nerves hit you like a train. You started getting jelly legged and it made it hard to walk properly. The thought of telling him to his face made you this way. It took longer than it normally would but you finally made it to the 2p axis house. The door was open and flavio was talking to Andres. "Oh! (name) You're here!" He waved you over. "Y-yeah. I-I-I n-need to see L-Luciano." You stuttered and mentally slapped yourself as your face began to dust in pink. Flavio didn't need an explanation. "oh~ I see~" He lightly teased with a smile. He opened the door to let you in. "Andres stay here I will be right back." Flavio said to him. Andres nodded and looked over to you. He muttered a small "good luck." you thought you had misheard him because you thought he hated you, but you decided to brush it off for now.

Flavio took you to Luciano's office and smiled like he was genuinely happy for you. "Good luck (name). I hope my brother treat's you well, But I'll always be here to kill him if he doesn't." He took you hand and gently kissed the back of it.

"thank you flavio." you said smiled and he nodded as he went back to the door where Andres was. You took few shaky breaths and quietly knocked on the door. A small "Come in." was heard and you entered. You closed the door behind you and looked to Luciano who was sitting at his desk. he hadn't looked up because he was busy doing paper work. You walked over to him. "U-uh Luciano?" You once again stuttered. 'Stupid stutter! Not now!' You scolded yourself. Luciano instantly looked up when he heard it was you. He stood up, surprised you where here.

"(name)? Do you need something?" he asked and you stood there looking at the ground . "Well I needed to tell you something." You answered and he walked around his desk to stand in front of you. "oh? Well what is it?" he asked and leaned back against his desk and crossed his arms over his chest. You avoided eye contact. If you looked into his eye's you would start stuttering again. Why did his eye's have to be so beautiful? "It's you." You said quietly. "What?" He had heard what you said but didn't understand. You forced yourself to look up but you had caught his gaze and suddenly couldn't turn away. You gulped. "I-I like you. You're the one I choose to be with.... it's you." You said as you continued to stare into his eyes. He was speechless for a second before his gaze softened and he cupped your face with his hands. "I have no idea why you chose someone as dangerous, short tempered and annoying as me, but i'm glad you did."

You both unconsciously started leaning forward and pressed your lips together. You wrapped your arms around his neck and he wrapped his around your waist. You both continued to kiss for a few minutes only breaking for air. As the kiss got deeper and more passionate you heard his office door creak open and a low whistle. You pulled away, shy and embarrassed and saw Kuro and lutz standing at the door. Kuro smirked a little. "Is this why you called us up here. So we could catch you 'claiming your territory'?" he asked and you heard Luciano give a low growl. "No! I didn't even know this was going to happen!" He defended but lutz and Kuro just kept on teasing him about it. You sighed to yourself, you felt like this would be a frequent occurrence in your new relationship.

"Just keep your hand's off what's not yours." He glared at them and wrapped an arm around your waist. Kuro and lutz held their hands up in defensive positions. Luciano kissed your cheek. "I've got to deal with these two morons but go and wait for me Outside. I'll only be five minutes." You blushed and walked out of his office. Once you closed the door you were jumped on by a flash of white and pink. You managed to regain your balance and realised it was flavio. "I heard everything! Oh my god! That was so cute!" He fangirled and then leaned in close to you as if waiting for some juicy gossip. "And I think I even heard quite a bit of kissing." He wiggled his eyebrows and you tried to hold back another blush. "maybe." You muttered and flavio squealed again.

He grabbed onto both of your hands. "Does this mean you can live here with us? Ooo~ and I get a new step-sister. How many kids do you think you will have? When's the wedding? can I design the dress?" flavio kept on asking questions but left no time for you to answer. You put your hand over his mouth. "Whoa, slow down there flavio. We literally just got together a few minutes ago, I doubt we will be thinking of things like that for a long time." You said and he nodded. "Yes, yes. of course. Sorry, I guess I just got a little bit excited."

You heard the door to his office open and out walked Kuro and lutz. they were both holding some papers. Luciano also walked and stood beside you. flavio hugged his brother and went through the same process he had went through with you, which was fangirling. lutz grabbed the collar on flavio's jacket and started dragging him away. "leave the boss and his new girlfriend alone."

"hey! Let go! This jacket cost more than your life so you better not tear it!" flavio said as he tried to get out of Lutz's grip.

Heard Luciano sigh and all three of them walked away. You gave him a pat on the back because he looked fed up with having to deal with those three. not that you could blame him, they are a handful. He turned to face you and pulled you into his arms. You hugged him back and he lay his head on your shoulder. "No one else is allowed to see this softer side of me. Only you are. So you better not tell anybody about it, I have a reputation to keep." He mumbled into your shoulder and you chuckled. "Of course not." He lifted his head from your shoulder and cupped your cheeks. "The rest of the world may see me as a heartless monster but i want you to know how much i love you." he looked into your eyes and you smiled at him. "I love you too."

Once you had said those four words he gave a real smile. You had never seen him give a real smile before, all of the ones before this were either fake or smirks. You felt your heart flutter at the sight and He pulled your face towards his.

"You know, I didn't get to finish what I started in my office because those two perverts interrupted me." He said, "Well we could always finish it now." You suggested. He smirked pulled you back in for a loving passionate kiss.

((first time I have wrote something like this, so I hope it was good heh~))

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