chapter 11

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chapter 11: (3rd person)

back in the 1p world:

It took a few hours but eventually everyone arrived at (name's) house. The magic trio were all inspecting the mirror. "It's just as you said japan, (name) has been taken by the 2p's." England announced. A nervous air began surround the countries. "well use your magic and bring the sunflower back." Ivan said but I sounded more like and order. it may have sounded a bit mean but you were the only person who he could truly call a friend. unlike everyone else, you weren't scared of him and you made him feel less lonely, if you were gone then he wouldn't know what to do.

"We can get her back by opening the portal but who knows how long it would take. It could take months for us to get the spell correct." Norway said while flicking through one of his magic books. "You're fucking kidding me right? months?! Your suppose to be called the fucking magic trio, yet you cant even do a simple spell!" Romano shouted, hearing that he might not get to see you for months made him really upset which quickly turned to anger. "look, we're all worried for (name) but shouting at us wont help her or us. Don't act like you're the only one that cares!" England sad raising his voice a bit at the end. the tension in the room was quickly rising. "England, dude calm down. we all need to work together, remember this is our 2p's fault so let's not turn on each other okay?" America said whilst separating them.

"whatever." England replied. Like everyone else he was very worried. After all he could never not be worried for the one person who never left him like everyone else did. You were the only one who stayed by his side all this time, to be honest he wondered why you did it. He was stubborn and could be seen as mean sometimes but you never judged him. when ever he tried to push you away you would just hug him tighter and When he said he didn't want to talk to anyone, you would sit in silence next to him until he was ready to talk again. You confused him, but he was thankful for you being around.

"we'll get on it, don't worry. Look on the bright side, it may only take a couple of days so have some faith in us." Romania said as he, Norway and England gathered their stuff and left soon followed by everyone else. Italy was the last one out and looked behind him at the mirror with a sad face before he turned around and shut the door.

(time skip: a few days later)

In the 2p world:

You were half through the week which mean you only had a few more day to spend with the axis before you stay with the allies. You spent you're time becoming closer to them. You tried your best to make them happy, you helped around the house, when flavio wanted to make a new design you would let him use you as a model, when Kuro would say something perverted you wouldn't shout at him for it, in fact you got use to it. when lutz was too tired (*cough* lazy *cough*) to do work, you would either help him do his work (unless it was killing people) or help him avoid Luciano so he wouldn't get shouted at. You would also help Luciano with his work and gave him someone that he could rant to.

you would help them with their problems, you gave them someone that would listen to them, you would calmly talk with them about whatever their problem was or whatever was one their mind. needless to say all of this brought you a lot closer to all of them, and you were happy with your progress and found out You were right all along, deep down they aren't just murderous psychopaths sure sometimes they would come home with blood on their clothes (apart from flavio) or they would hurt others, but they really did have feelings and they had been broken.

You were sat In the garden with flavio, who had made up with his brother, and he was rambling on about clothes and the people that are here in this world. You listened closely to him, when suddenly he stopped. "thank you for listening to my rambling (name) no one else here does." you gave a closed eye smile. "It's no problem flavio. I enjoy listening to you." he looked up at the sky with a sad smile, "And thank you for getting luci to apologise to me." this shocked you to say the least. How did he know you got him to apologise. "what?" he chuckled at you. "Don't play dumb with me bella, my brother would never willingly apologise to me. He's to stubborn for that ." all of a sudden he looked at the ground and gave a sly smile. "You should have seen his face when trying to do it as well. It was so cute, he was looking away and blushing and trying not to ruin his pride." flavio fangirled at the end. You laughed as you imagined the scene in your head.

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