chapter 21

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Chapter 21: (3rd person)

You were walking around the streets, bored. All of the 2p's were busy, the Allies had a meeting and the Axis had to check up on one of their warehouses. You sighed. There was nothing to do! 'I wonder what the 1p's are doing? I think I'll go visit them, I miss hanging out with them.' you thought and started to make your way to the 2p world meeting building, as you walked around the back you spotted the portal. You went over to it and saw your bedroom, 'Ah! I've missed this place.' you said and put your hand on it, As expected it went through. You followed your hand and stepped through the mirror.

You were now back in your bedroom, it was exactly how you left it.

You collapsed on your bed and let out a content sigh. "I've missed you!" you say dramatically to your bed and hugged your pillow close. After about ten minutes of reuniting with your bed you finally get up. "I wonder were the 1p's will be?" you said to yourself.

You got up and decided to go to world meeting building. Someone has to be there. It didn't take long to get here and you start searching the building for someone to hang out with. You walked pass the Allie's meeting room. Yes, they have their own meeting room. So do the Axis. You heard shouting coming from the other side. "Shut up you black sheep of Europe! Let someone else be right for a change!" you heard someone, which you assumed to be France, shout. "But you're never right you bloody frog!" England shouted back. "Will you western nations ever grow up?"

"I'm always right, after all I'm the hero!"


You giggled at them. Even though you've been gone awhile, they still haven't changed. You opened the door a tiny bit and poked your head through. France and England had already started attacking each other. China looked annoyed. America was ranting about how much of a hero he was while Russia looked like he was about to rip the 'hero's' head off. And then there was poor Canada who was sitting there quietly, being ignored and clutching his polar bear, who was sat in his lap.

China noticed you poking your head in the door. "(name)!?" he shouted as he ran over to you. He pulled you into a hug. "Thank god you're here! I'm not sure how much more I could take with these stupid, idiots." He said. You laughed and hugged him back. Boy, did you miss them. Even if all they do is argue. "Whoa! The dudette is here!" America shouted and got everyone's attention. "ah, love you're back. It's good to see you." England said as he stopped attacking France. Russia made is way over to you. "Da, but what are you doing here? You said you Wanted to help the 2p's." You nodded.

"Yeah I am helping them. B-but I, um, uh--" You stuttered staring to get embarrassed. Your cheeks turned a light shade of pink and you tried not to make eye contact. "I-I missed you guys that's all." you finished. "Aw, (name), you are just so cute. It makes me want to squish your face." France sad offering you a rose. You took it, "Uh, thanks....I guess."

"W-we m-m-missed y-you t-too (name)." Canada said quietly with a blush. You smiled at how cute he was being. "I wanted to spend some time with you all, Do you know were the Axis are. Maybe we could all hang out together." You said, excited.

"Sounds good dudette! We've just got to finish this meeting real quick, but you go get the Axis. They should be in their meeting room." America explained. You nodded and ran down the hall to the Axis meeting room. Unlike the Allies meeting room, the axis were calm and talking normally with each other. You knocked on the door. "Who is it?" Germany said. "(name) I wanted to know If we could hang out for awhile because I missed you all." You said.

"Bella?!" You heard Italy shout happily, suddenly the door opened and you were pulled into a death hug. You guessed it was Italy since all you could smell was pasta and you vision was blinded by a blue uniform. Italy started rambling "I missed you so much, I thought you would leave us for our 2p's and I wouldn't have anyone to make pasta with anymore, also your the only pretty girl that actually continues to talk to me, and your the only one who is nice to me because Germany is mean and japan is too serious." Suddenly Italy was punched in the head by Germany. "Wow. I was not expecting that." You said to no one specific. "I'm very sorry for that (name)-Chan." japan apologised. You awkwardly rubbed the back of your head. "Nah, its okay, don't worry about it. Italy always acts like this i'm use to it now. so anyway, I was wondering if we could maybe go do something together? I've already asked the allies and they agreed." You said.

"I like that idea bella!" Italy said with a bright smile. "Ja, that does sound like fun." Germany agreed. "We can leave anytime you want, we just have to wait for the allies." you explained. They nodded and followed you back down the hall to the allies meeting room. The allies were waiting outside of the door, and had finished their meeting. You all walked out of the world meeting building. "Hey (name)?" Italy said getting your attention. "Can I invite my fratello and Spain along too?" he asked as he tilted his head to the side. "Of course you can. I would love to see them again." you hadn't seen them in awhile because you were too busy helping Oliver and Flavio. so, you hadn't really had time to talk with the 1p's as much. "Yay!" Italy cheered and took out his phone to call Romano.

"So what are we going to do exactly?" America asked.

You suddenly stopped in your tracks. You didn't think of that.

'Maybe go to the beach, or the park, we could even just all hang out at my house. What should we all do together?' you thought

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