Italy's ending

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taly's ending: (3rd person)

"Italy.." You blushed and looked away. Hungary give you a big hug. "Aw that is so adorable! I should have known. He is too cute for any girl to resist." She said having a little fan girl moment while hugging you. She let go and you saw she had a big smile on her face. She was clearly happy about your choice. "And it's your lucky day too. He is just upstairs." She said and you panicked. What was he doing upstairs. What is he had heard you! "What is he doing upstairs!" you whisper-shouted. She giggled and patted you shoulder. "Fear not. he's sleeping, he won't have heard you. He's upstairs because he's hiding from Germany and training." She explained and you let out a little sigh of relief. "Well then go tell him." Seychelles said and you shook your head violently. "I-I cant do it right now." you stuttered. you didn't expect everything to go so fast. it was making you panic. Besides he was sleeping and It would be rude if you just barged in and claimed your love for him while he was trying to sleep.

A faint patter was coming from the stair and it snapped you out of your thought's. Italy appeared only in a shirt and underwear. The girls giggled and patted your back s they walked out the door to give you some privacy. You probably would have forced them to stay if you weren't too busy trying to fight back giant blush creeping onto your face. Italy yawned and rubbed his eye cutely which made you internally squeal. He was just too cute at times. He noticed you standing there and tiredly waved at you. You awkwardly smiled back to him and he walked over to you. "Hello bella. What are you doing here? where is miss Hungary?" he asked and you tried to answer him but kept on tripping over your words.

He tilted his head to the side, confused as to why you were acting so weird. Meanwhile you were trying to figure out how to say you liked him. You took a deep breath and asked him the only question you knew he wouldn't say no to. "Would you like to go get some pasta?" you asked and he immediately smiled while grabbing both of your hands. " Ve~ Of course. I would love to, bella. I'll just go get changed and then we can go." He said and skipped back upstairs.

You sank down of the chair behind you and tried to calm down a bit. You were not ready for that at all, it just happened to quick. At least when you go out to dinner with him you will have more time to think of something to say. 

you waited for another ten minutes before he came back down the stairs fully clothed. You both headed out. "So what restaurant do you want to go to?" You asked because you knew lot's of restaurants that served pasta. He grabbed your hand and started dragging you along. "I know a perfect place that serves amazing pasta. It's not as good as mine, but good enough." He boasted and you were unsure whether to take that as a joke or not. Either way you had to admit his pasta was great, it was defiantly the best pasta you had ever had, so the restaurant he was taking you to probably wouldn't come anything close to what he could make.

After walking for a little while longer you ended up standing in front of an expensive looking restaurant. It looked a little too expensive for you. "Uh, Italy. Isn't this a bit much. I don't think I will be able to afford this." He patted your shoulder and smiled. "Don't worry this is my treat. Besides the owner loves me, i'm his best customer. He will probably give us a discount." He explained. You had no doubt in your mind that Italy would be the best customer.

He pulled you inside and you both got seated at a booth and given menus. You already new you were going to get pasta. That's what you came here for after all. You looked up at Italy and a feeling of guilt washed over you. You felt bad for letting him pay, you were the one who asked him out after all. "Italy are you sure you don't want me to help pay. I feel kind of bad." You admitted and he shook his head. "Don't feel bad. This is my thanks to you." He said and grabbed your hand from across the table and held it gently while rubbing his thumb across your knuckles. "You're always so nice to me. You look after me and when other countries chase me around you tell them off. Even if they are your friends. Like Britain for example, You're friends with him but when he chases me around and captures me you tell him to be nicer and to leave me alone. I should be the one that's saying thank you. You have always been there for me so this is just a small way of me thanking you." He finished and gave your hand a little squeeze. Your cheeks started to glow red and your food arrived just as he let go of your hand so you could both eat.

You both ate in a comfortable silence. You never realised that felt that way. You were just trying to help out a friend you never would of expected a thanks from him. You let a smile settle of your face, it was nice to be appreciated even if you didn't really expect to be. After you finished eating the check came and Italy was right you had both been given a very generous discount as well as a little note, supposedly written by the manager. 

To Feliciano, my favourite customer. 
I've given you a discount but this time not just for you, but for your little girlfriend too. She looks like a keeper. Every time I looked over to you both you were smiling like maniacs. You clearly make each other happy. Have a wonderful rest of your evening.

From the manager.

You both blushed at the fact he thought you were his girlfriend. You decided not to talk about it and just pay what was left of the check. As you were walking out you saw an old man with kind eye watching you both go. He was behind the counter cleaning a glass and smiled warmly at you. You smiled back to be polite. You assumed he was the manager.

As you walked out the lovely cool air hit your body. It's wasn't a bad cold but a nice refreshing cold. It was night time and the moon was up. You both started to walk around the streets, that where lit up with street lights.  

Italy stopped walking and you looked at him. "What wrong?" You asked, concern lacing your voice. "He didn't reply but grabbed you hand and stepped closer to you. "Listen (name) I have something to confess." He said which only made you worry more. You stayed silent and gave him a look to continue. He sighed but didn't let go over your hands. "I heard you and the girls talking downstairs before we went out. Truth is I wasn't sleeping I had already woken up by then." He confessed and you sucked in a breath. He had heard you? Does this mean he was going to reject you know? 

You wanted to run away, you didn't want to look him in the eyes ever again. You were completely embarrassed. He sensed your panic and brought you into a hug while stroking your hair. "Don't worry. I'm glad I heard you. Because ti amo."

After hearing this you hugged back and any embarrassment you had previously felt had flooded away. "If that's the case then i'm glad you heard me too." You said into his shoulder.

He pulled back a little bit only to plant a sweet, gentle kiss on your lips. You stood in the light of a streetlamp kissing in the streets, with the moon over head and a few stars peaking out. It was the perfect scene. You stayed that way for a while, trying to savour the moment, but eventually pulled away for air.

"We should have date's like these more often." He suggested and that's when it dawned on you.

".... you planned this from the start, didn't you?"

"hehehe~ maybe."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2017 ⏰

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