chapter 7

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chapter 7: (3rd person)

"wow, that was pretty impressive doll

You immediately turned around to see if it was true, and it was. 2p America was stood right in front of you equipped with his famous baseball bat and sunglasses resting on the top of his head. 'oh my god this is really happening. just keep your cool and don't make fool out of yourself (name).' you took a deep breath "Was it? I didn't really do anything though." He gave a deep chuckle which sent shivers down your spine. You weren't scared but you were nervous. This was your first real encounter with 2p, apart from Kuro but that was through a mirror. this was happening right in front of you. "You must be from that fucking 1p world huh?" his face scowled when he mentioned the other world. You hesitated to answer, he might get angry if you say you are, But no good ever comes from lying. "yeah I am. How did you figure it out?." this made him smirk as he walked closer to you. You didn't dare take a step back you weren't going to let him think he could scare you. "there is one thing that makes you stand out." he paused for a few seconds as he looked into your (e/c) with his red ones. "your too nice." he finished.

You didn't look away or show any signs of being scared or nervous you just continued to stare back at him. He suddenly spoke up again. "If you really where from this world you would have fought that woman without even thinking or feeling guilty about it, but instead you stopped the fight." you looked up at him, dang he was tall. He must of expected you to get frightened and run away because of how bad he made this world sound but you just looked up at him and smiled. "Of course I did. It was the right thing to do and besides I want to help the 2ps not make it worse." His face didn't show it but his eyes told you that he was shocked. He shook his head and smirked. "you wont last two minutes in this world."

"Actually I have already been here for about 30 minutes and I wouldn't underestimate me. I can handle myself." you said as you carried on smiling. He gave another chuckle "You know what, you're interesting. I think I'll take you with me." "wait what!" you shouted as he tossed you over his shoulder. He started walking down the street his bat in one hand and you in the other. "hey! where are we going exactly." you piped up. Not that you were really bothered because if he tried anything you would kick him where the sun don't shine, but its always nice to know where you being kidnapped to. "Just to meet my friends, well some of them are my friends the others are just assholes, but I have a feeling they would like you. Also if you really are from the 1p world then you could be our ticket for getting out of this shithole." he replied. After that you didn't say anything else you just thought of ways to help them. Becoming their friend will be the first step. If they have someone who will understand them and listen to them then they might just gain a little bit of their sanity back.

After about ten more minutes of him walking while you were just dangling from his shoulders, you reached a building. It looked just like the 1p's meeting building but more run down. there were a few shattered windows and when you entered there were a few blood stains on the wall. 'wow no wonder they act crazy if they live in places like this." you thought. 'I know I'll help them clean up, a change in surroundings could help them!"

Allen kept walking until he reached a pain of double door and let you down off his shoulder. He pushed both doors open and knife flew past both of you.

"Allen! How many fucking times do we have to tell you not to be late! This is an important meeting about the 1ps, we can't be dealing with your bullshit!" An angry Italian voice shouted. Of course again you knew who it was. it was Luciano Vargas boss of the Italian mafia. "calm down luci I got distracted by this little doll here. she is very interesting to say the least." Allen replied not bothered by being shouted at or have a knife thrown at him. " No one cares about you and your whores Al. Get here on time next time, okay." matt said with his head on his hand, not even bothering to turn around to look at his brother. "hey! i'm not a whore!" you shouted back to which he just shrugged his shoulders. "actually her name is.... wait what IS your name?" he asked suddenly Oliver appeared behind him and slapped him upside the head. "You kidnapped her and you don't even know her name! I thought I taught you better Allen. Where are your manners?" Oliver rambled as Allen sighed and looked at him with a bored expression. "Her name is (name)." a voice said and as the man in question came into sight you realised it was Kuro. "Kuro!" you couldn't help but smile after all you were meeting all of the 2ps, it was like a dream.

He smirked at you. "wow you seem happy to see me." he said and walked closer. "its good to see you and-" he grabbed your butt. "-feel you." his smirk grew. You grew red in the face and threw a punch at him which he dodged but let go of you anyway. "wow doll you're feisty aren't ya ." Allen commented.

Suddenly someone pulled you into a hug and they smelled like perfume. When they pulled back you saw it was 2p Romano/flavio. "oh my gosh! You are so cute. Isn't she cute fratello?" Luciano just rolled his eyes at his brother and kept fiddling with a knife. "Ignore him darling, you are very beautiful but..... what are you wearing?" he asked with a disgusted face, and you looked down and realised you where still in your pyjamas. you blushed from embarrassment. "poppet why are you in your pyjamas?" Oliver questioned. "well when I came to this world it was night time in my world so its only natural I would be in them." you said which caught their attention. "wait 'your world' you mean your from the 1p world?" Viktor questioned. "oh yeah I forgot to mention she is from the 1p world. I brought her here because I though she could be useful to us." Allen replied.

Kuro also chipped in "She is also friends with our 'dear' 1ps." Luciano chuckled. "good work Allen, Kuro she could very well be exactly what we need." You watched them closely for a few minutes. It made you sympathetic about how badly they wanted to return form where they where originally from, they were forced to live in this world even when their home was in the 1p world. It made you want to help them even more. "but where will she stay." flavio asked. "she can switch between staying with the axis and allies. We are all to busy to have one of us monitor her all the time. She may stay with the axis first, we aren't busy this week." Luciano said.

Suddenly you were hugged from behind and a strong smell hit your nose and made your face scrunch up. you turned your head side ways and saw it was zao which means the smell was probably drugs. "Aw I cant wait for you to spend time with me beautiful." he said as he winked at you. "Zao do you need to flirt with every girl you meet?" Viktor asked and dragged him away from you. "but, she is so beautiful how can I not?" you laughed at him. "thank you for the compliment Zao, it was still nice to hear." you smiled and your cheeks went a hint or red. "see!" he pointed to you. "she is not only beautiful on the outside but on the inside too, I call dibs!" he shouted. "I think she would much rather prefer me over you. you drug addict." Lutz said as he yawned and lay he head on the table. Zao pouted and crossed his arms. " wait a minute. How did you know Zao's name?" François asked suspiciously.

you let out a nervous laugh. "its a weird story."


here is the next chapter! sorry for leaving you on a cliff hanger last time ;).

I didn't exactly know how to end this chapter but i'm too tiered to change it now so I hope it wasn't too bad and I hope no 2ps are OCC I basically looked you all of their personalities and names and stuff of wiki too make sure I could get them as accurate as possible.

well that's it for now! see you in the next chapter byee~

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