chapter 14

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chapter 14: (3rd person)

The car journey was only about 20 minutes before it stopped outside a large house. It wasn't as big or fancy as the axis mansion but it was still impressive. You got out and the driver handed you your bag. You thanked him and walked towards the house, In the garden you saw Oliver he seemed to be planting some flowers. 'so he likes gardening, nice to know.'

You opened the gate and it let out a squeak which caused Oliver to look over in your direction. He smiled and walked over to you. "oh! poppet your here! I'm so happy, I would give you a hug but I have a bit of mud on me." he said, looking a bit down that he couldn't hug you. You patted his shoulder "Don't worry you can give me a hug later, but I'm holding you against it 'cause I want my hug." you joked. Oliver laughed and took off his gardening gloves before leading you to the house. "I must warn you poppet... um, my boys aren't the most polite or nicest people you could ever meet." he explained but you already knew this. "Yeah. I kind of guessed that, I mean some of them don't seem to like me very much yet, but a lot can happen in a week!" You weren't going to be negative about it, after all look what you accomplished with the axis.

Oliver sighed "I know, I just wanted to apologise now for anything they will do. I don't know were I went wrong with them." He Opened the door and you were both immediately hit with a gust of smoke, which caused you both to cough. Once he stopped coughing Oliver marched into the living room where François was sat smoking. "François how many times do I have to tell you not to smoke in the house!" he scolded. François shrugged and then looked over to you standing next to Oliver. "It's been a week already huh? I was hoping for some more peace and quiet before she came here." he said gesturing over to you. "hey! what's that suppose to mean!" you shouted. He shrugged once again. "You're loud and annoying..." he replied. 'well that was offensive.' you thought s François went back to smoking, much to Oliver's dismay.

Oliver pulled you into the kitchen and opened a window to let the smoke out so you two could breath some clean air. "so, where is everyone else?" you asked. Oliver picked up a tray of cupcakes that were on the counter and told you to sit at the table. "Well zao and Viktor said they will be visiting later on, Allen said he had to take care of something which usually means he is off killing people and matt is probably hunting." This made you tilt your head. "wait, but I thought matt liked animals why would he hunt?" Oliver laughed "poppet he doesn't hunt animals, he hunts poachers, He protects the animals, but don't tell him I told you he would get mad at me." You nodded your head.

Oliver plopped the tray of cupcakes in front of you "poppet would you like a cupcake?" he asked and his eyes started swirling a pink colour. You knew this was a dangerous situation, You remember the book said Oliver gets mad when people reject or say bad things about his cooking, and when he gets mad he kills. You weren't worried because the book said that some cupcake he made were safe, it all depended on the colour of the frosting. Blue was safe, pink was also safe but if the frosting was pink and blue mixed together then it either was full of human or poison... or both.

You spotted a cupcake that was just blue and picked it up and smiled at him. "I would love a cupcake Ollie, I heard your very good at baking." This made the swirls in his eyes disappear and he looked across the table at you with a surprised face and a blush tinting his cheeks. "R-really?" he asked and you took a bite out of the cupcake. 'holy crap this is the best this I have ever tasted in my life!' you decided to tell him your thoughts "Ollie this is the best thing I've ever tasted!" you said as you continued eating and got frosting all over your face. "oh poppet that makes me so happy!" he squealed as he clasped his hands together.

Suddenly the door slammed open and Matt and Allen stormed in, obviously angry. Oliver jumped up "Oh, you two are back earlier than I thought. What happened? You both seem upset." Allen shot a glare at Oliver and Matt just sat down at the table. "shut up Oliver!" Allen said as he walked up the stairs, you took notice that his bat was covered in blood.

Oliver pouted, "Why is he always so mean to me?" Matt rolled his eyes, "Because you're so annoying." he answered. Oliver continued to pout as he sat back down "I only wanted to help." he said and everything went quiet. You looked over to where Matt was sitting and saw his hockey stick was also covered in blood. You wondered what happened.

"So what happened. You both seem angry, maybe I could help." you said but Matt just glared at you. "why the hell would I tell you anything. Just shut up and mind your own damn business." he said coldly. You could tell he didn't want to talk about it so you just let him be. "oh...yeah, sorry." you mumbled. He seemed to regret how he acted towards you as he sighed. "Look I'm sorry okay. Just the 2p Nordics are being pricks, 2p Finland started a fight with Allen and of course, as usual, I had to go save his ass. He's in a bad mood because he hates losing. So if I were you I would leave him alone for a couple of hours." Matt explained. This was the first time he had actually talked to you properly.

Oliver Took you to the room you would be staying in, it was nice and cosy. You unpacked which took about an hour then went back down stairs. You saw everyone sat in the living room even Allen who had seemed to have calmed down.

Suddenly someone flew into the window breaking the glass and ending up in front of you on the floor. You let out a little scream. You looked down to the person and realised it was zao. "Zao, Will you please just use the door I can't afford to keep replacing the window every time you come over." Oliver said as he started to pick up the glass. Zao sat up and looked at you. "(NAME)! I missed you!" he said with a big smile and held open his arms as if expecting a hug. Even though he scared you by randomly jumping through a window, you decided to give him a hug. You kneeled down on your leg since he was still sitting on the floor and before you could open your arms he engulfed you in a hug and pulled you down with him to lay on the floor. He lay on his back as you lay on top of him, and It didn't seem like he was going to let go anytime soon. To be honest you expected him to touch your butt, but that was probably because you were so use to Kuro doing it.

"urgh, zao this is really nice and all but you're cutting of the air to my lungs." you said gasping for air. He let go just as the door opened and in walked a calm Viktor. "I still don't get what's so appealing for you to go diving through the window." Viktor said to zao. Zao just laughed, "I like making an entrance!" he stated. "Hold on! If you knew he was going to do it then why didn't you stop him!" Oliver Shouted, still upset about having to replace the window again. "Zao won't listen to me. You know what he's like, he acts like a teenager." Viktor said as he sat down and pulled out a book. Zao placed a hand over his heart "You wound me with your harsh words Viktor." he said dramatically. "It's called having fun you stick in the mud." Zao finished with a little glare. "WHAT'S SO FUN ABOUT BREAKING MY WINDOWS!" Oliver shouted while Zao just laughed.

You looked at the scene that was unfolding. Oliver freaking out about the window, Zao laughing, Viktor trying to read his book, François lazing about and Allen and matt who had started fighting.

You let out a small laugh. 'this week is going to be chaos.'


SORRY FOR THE BAD CHAPTER!! *crawls into emo corner* I think I feel writers block on its way, I didn't even know how to end this chapter.

But I will not give up! I just hope this chapter wasn't too bad because I had no idea what to do for it. SORRY READER-CHAN FORGIVE ME! I will make sure the next chapter is better, though I have no idea what to do for it.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this *cough* bad *cough* chapter and I will see you in the next one byee~

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