chapter 20

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chapter 20: (3rd person)

"What do I do!?" you shouted as you threw your head against table over and over. You wanted to help Flavio but you knew nothing about fashion. How does one even get into the fashion business. It has been a couple of weeks since you gave Oliver the keys to his bakery and he has been very busy trying to buy ingredients and appliances. Since Oliver had been so busy and was managing everything on his own you decided it was time to help Flavio.

The 1p's had also kept their promise to come and check on you, though they never stayed long because of the tensions between the 1p's and 2p's. Luckily you had managed to keep them from arguing. You would have to go back to the 1p world so you could spend some proper time with the 1p's, you missed hanging out with them.

But right now you needed to focus on helping Flavio. You sighed and got up, Maybe Luciano would know how to help, I mean he is flavio's brother. Or you could always go to the 1p world and ask Poland or Taiwan. You started walking to the axis mansion and on your way you past Zao's house.

Both Zao and Viktor were sat in his garden. You went up the fence. "Hey you two. What are you doing?" You asked and Zao perked up at your voice. "Hi (Name)! It's a nice day outside today, so we decided to sit in the garden. what are you doing?" he said. You had to agree with him, it was a hot day. You really wanted to cool down, but you were busy at the moment. "Oh, I'm just going to find Luciano I need his help with something." you replied. Zao shrugged.

"It's so hot!" he whined. "I think I'll have to take my shirt off." he said, and took of his shirt. You blushed, "You couldn't have waited until I left!" you shouted at him and he looked at you with a sly smirk. "Why is this a problem for you?" he said and you turned away from him. You heard Viktor speak up "Stop teasing her Zao she's busy." You mentally thanked him, Zao huffed and crossed him arms. "Fine."

You were about to walk away when you heard Viktor say "thank you (name)." you turned back around and looked at him confused "Huh?" you asked. He rolled his eyes. "I said thank you, For getting Oliver a bakery, He use to none stop talk about how he was going to get one when we went back to the 1p world. But now he has one here, and its keeping him busy so I don't have to listen to him whining all the time. I can finally read in peace." You smiled "you're welcome."

Zao jumped over then fence and ran up to you pulling you into a hug, without his shirt on. "Aw (name)! Your so sweet and kind." He said hugging you tighter. You tried pushing him away cause one he didn't have a shirt on and two you couldn't breath. Luckily he let go. "Well you better go. You said you needed to find Luciano right." You nodded, you almost forgot about that. "Yeah. Well, see you later!" and you started walking down the road.

It didn't take too long to get to Luciano's and you knocked on the door. Kuro answered with a scowl, "Hey there Kuro! Is Luciano here I need to talk to him." You said. "yeah, he's in his Office." he said and looked down to your arm. "Does your arm still hurt?" he asked and you gave a teasing smile at him "Aw, is Kuro worried about me? How sweet!" You said and he just gave you an unamused look. "I'm just kidding geez. My arm is fine thanks." you said.

Kuro let you in and you went to Luciano's Office. You knocked on the door and an irritable sigh was heard on the other end. A few seconds later Luciano opened the door and when he saw you his eyes softened. "Oh, (name). what are you doing here?" you looked around to make sure no one else listening, once you saw that you were alone you turned back to him.

"Well I was going to help Flavio get into the fashion business, but I know nothing about fashion. I thought with you being his brother you might know something." You said. Luciano let you into his Office and went behind his desk. He opened a draw and pulled out a small slip of paper. "You're wrong. I know nothing about fashion either nor do I want to. But I have done business with a man who's wife is in the fashion business. I was going to give it to flavio when we got to the 1p world but that plans changed." he handed you the paper that had some contact information on it. Luciano sat down "Everything you need is on that. Just tell her that your trying to help Flavio, and she will know who you are. She will be expecting you." he finished. 'wow, talk about being ahead of things. Luciano really knows what he's doing, doesn't he?" you thought to yourself. you nodded your head. "Thank you." you said to him but he simply chuckled "I think I should be the one thanking you (name)." he said as he stared into your eyes. You smiled and blushed. You left the room and went to find the address.

Luciano watched you leave. "You're such a nice person, (name). Maybe you don't belong in the 2p world after all." he sighed and went back to his paperwork.

You were walking around for a while trying to find the address, it took you a few hours because you had no idea where you were going. You eventually found the place and it was beautiful. The house was very fancy and there wasn't a spec of dust anywhere.

You gulped. 'This person must have high expectations, but I know that flavio will impress her.' you thought as you approached the house. You knocked on the door and waited. After a few minutes a lady opened the door. She was dressed in very fancy clothes and they suited her very well. The woman looked at you with a raised eyebrow and a hint of a scowl. She didn't seem very friendly. "Hi. I'm here because I want to help my friend flavio get into the fashion business, Luciano told me to come here." you explained. Suddenly the woman went from scowling to squealing. "OH MY GOD! I was expecting you, dear. Oh this is very exciting." she pulled you into the house by your arm and set you down on a seat. She pulled out a pen and notebook and looked back up at you. "So tell me dear! How good is Flavio? does he have what it takes?" She asked.

It took you while to answer because you were still in a daze from her throwing you around and squealing. "Yes, he defiantly does! I've never met someone so talented." you said. She wrote something down in her notebook. "Yes? Do you have anything from his work to show me?" she asked. Crap! You didn't think of bring his designs. You looked down at what you were wearing. Everything you were wearing was from flavio. "Well no. But the clothes i'm wearing right now are what flavio made for me." You said.

She Examined your clothes and Squealed yet again. Your ears were starting to hurt. "You look fabulous! These clothes suit you very well!" she moved to sit next to you and grabbed your sleeve. You were staring to get uncomfortable with how close she was. "Ooo~ and look at this stitch work it's very clean. I can't wait to work with him!" she said. you jumped up 'did she just say work with him!" you thought. "Wait! does that mean--" she cut you off. "Of course I want to work with him. Someone as talented as him, I just cant pass up the opportunity. Here is my card. Tell him he can call me anytime!" she said as she handed you her card.

You were so happy you ended up hugging her without thinking. She awkwardly patted your back. "ok honey. Your going to wrinkle my clothing." she said as she lightly pushed you off her. You blushed from embarrassment "sorry, but I have to go tell Flavio." You said as you went to the door. "I cant wait to meet him in person. bye darling!" she shouted as you closed the door.

You looked back at the house. "Well her and flavio should get along well." you said to yourself. "(Name) darling. What are you doing here." You jumped at the sudden voice but turned around to see it was only flavio. "What are you doing here?" you asked him. he sighed "Well Luciano told me to come here because you had something to tell me. So what are you doing here?" he asked. You handed him the card that the lady gave you. "I came here to talk to a lady about your fashion designing. I told her the clothes I am wearing were made by you am she loved them. She wants to talk to you as soon as possible and wants to start working with you." You told him.

Flavio was staring down at the card. He looked back up at you and pulled you into a hug. "Thank you so much (name)! This is my dream come true. To be honest, I never thought you would actually help me." he said.

"What? Of course I would! I wouldn't lie to you flavio. Besides your brother helped me as well. I don't know anything about fashion designing, so I went to your brother and he sent me here." You told him. Flavio looked at you in surprise "He did?" he asked and little tears appeared in his eyes. you nodded. "MY BROTHER DOES CARE!" he shouted and tears ran down his face. He cried into your shoulder.

You chuckled and rubbed his back in soothing manner.

'I've already helped two people in less than a week. So I think tomorrow I'll go and see the 1p's again.'

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