Chapter 16

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chapter 16: (3rd person)

"wow doll! You just keep on impressing me!" Allen said with a smirk. You looked at him, "Why do you keep popping out of no where every time I fight someone?" You asked. He shrugged, "I was just in the neighbourhood, and heard screaming so I came to see what was going on, I didn't expect to see you though." he said then looked up to the building. "So why were you so desperate to get this place?" he asked, examining the building. "Well I wanted to get it for Oliver, you know since he is so good at baking and all." you said, which made Allen look at you with a confused face. "That's nice and all doll but, we aren't staying in this world. In fact the portal back to the 1p world should be opening in about three days." you looked at him shocked. "three days?" you questioned. You only had three days to make them see that this world wasn't so bad, and they didn't need revenge on the 1ps to be happy. You started panicking. "Yeah. Didn't Luciano tell ya, We had a meeting while you were staying at the axis mansion about our plan and how we will take the 1ps down." he said looking at your panicked face.

'no, no, no, no, no.' you repeated in your head. You only had three days until the 2p's would attack the 1p's. This can't be happening. By now they 1p's had probably already came up with a plan to attack the 2ps as well, this was not good. You have to find a way to stop this. 'sorry Oliver, but your bakery will have to wait. I have to stop a huge war from happening.' you put the keys to the building in your pocket. You had to find people you know would listen to you, Both 2p's and 1p's. Your started listing names in your head of people you know would listen and people who would be willing to live in peace with their counter parts


Canada, Italy and maybe japan.


Flavio, Oliver and Gillen.

It wasn't a lot of people but in was enough to stop a war, they were the only people you know would listen to what you had to say, the only people who could control there anger enough to understand why this didn't need to happen. You didn't want anyone to be hurt, You didn't want this to end in war. You had to find a way to stop this and you didn't have much time. Allen took notice of your panicked expression and ruffled your hair, which cause you to snap out of it and look up at him. "sorry doll, I know they're your friends and all but we have to do this, nothing you do Is going to change our minds. So for your safety I would just stay out of it." he said darkly at the end, which kind of scared you.

Every time the 2p's talk about their 1p's they get so mad and lose control, like they are completely different people. 'Is there really no way for me to stop them?' you thought to your self as you started to walk home. The sky turned dark and it started to rain, but you couldn't care less. You slowly walked back to the house, trying to think of something you could do. You felt a few tears escape your eyes. "I don't want anyone to get hurt. I want both 1p's and 2p's to live happily. I don't think I can stand thinking about all the pain this war will cause." you said to yourself.

You reached the house and as you entered you were greeted with a concerned Oliver. "poppet where have you been, I've been worried sick! Look at you, you're soaking let's get you dried off." he said like a worried mother. You just walked past him. You didn't mean to be rude or anything but you just wanted to be alone. "poppet are you alright?" he asked as you walked past him. Matt and François were sitting down watching the scene. You continued to walk up stairs, "I'm fine." you lied. Of course you weren't fine. All of your friends, both new and old, were going to war with each other. Oliver watched you go with confusion and worry in his eyes.

You walked into your room and collapsed on the bed and buried your face in the pillow. 'Just when I was starting to think everything would be alright.' you thought to yourself, trying to hold back your tears. You couldn't let yourself cry, not at a time like this, you need to be strong. You heard your window smash and you instantly knew who it was. You took your face away from your pillow and looked up at zao.

"Hey (name)! I wa-- huh? what's wrong? you look sad." he said with a more gentle voice at the end. You didn't want to tell him what was wrong because he probably already knew about the war and he probably wasn't against it either. "It's nothing." you sniffled. He jumped onto your bed and sat next to you. "You shouldn't lie or else your nose will get bigger." he said. You couldn't help but smile a little bit. "I think that only happens to Pinocchio." you said and he pinched this eyebrows together. "oh... then Kuro lied to me." he said, you couldn't tell if he was being serious or if he was just trying to cheer you up. "Don't worry if you don't want to tell me then you don't have to." he said while patting you on the back. "thanks zao." you smiled. Then you realised something. "hey zao?" you asked. "yeah?" he said as he crossed his legs on the bed. "How did you manage to smash through the window, we're on the second floor?" you asked with an amused smile. He looked up in thought. "honestly, I have no idea." he replied. You started laughing, how the hell did he not know?

"Yay! you smiled!" he said as he hugged you. 'He really acts like a child' You smiled and shook your head as you hugged him back. "Well then I guess I'll go." he said as he let go of you and stood up. "wait! you came here just to cheer me up, how did you even know I was upset?" you ask. zao winked at you "spy's never reveal their secrets." You looked at him with a raised eyebrow "I thought it was magician's that didn't reveal their secrets."

"Oh whatever!" he pouted he walked to the window. "Oh! And zao, thanks for cheering me up." you said. He turned back to look at you with a smile and a blush painted his cheeks. "Anything for you, (name)". With that he climbed onto the window ready to jump out of it. "Wait Zao you could use the door--!" you shouted, but it was to late he had already jumped out of the window.

you sighed.

Now you just had to find a way tell Oliver that another one of his windows were broke.


Sorry for the short chapter and I'm sorry I haven't updated in a couple of days but I was planning out the rest of the story which I think got rid of my incoming writers block.

Also, zao is such a sweetie pie!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will see you in the next update byee~

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