chapter 22

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((sorry it took so long, I've been procrastinating :P))

chapter 22: (3rd person)

The beach!

"How about the beach? I haven't been to one in awhile." you suggested. Everyone agreed. "Yeah the beach sounds like fun!" Italy cheered. "Oh! dudes we should totally go to the beach with the amusement park next to it. I want to go in the arcade!" America said. You knew which one he was talking about, and It was perfect!

"yeah good choice. There's always a lot of thing's to do there." you said. "Then it's decided. first we will all go home and gather our things. Then we can meet at the train station in 1 hour." Germany said, and everyone left to get their things.

You got home, threw some of your things into a bag and quickly made your way to the train station. You had made it 10 minutes early but saw Romano, Spain, Italy and Prussia were already here. "You guys made it here early." you said as you walked up to them. "yeah. we were already at home when Italy called us, so it didn't take us as long to get ready. Oh! and I invited Prussia. Hope you don't mind." Spain said. You shook your head "Of course not! hey Prussia." you said as you turned to him. "Hey (name)! nice to see you back in this world." he said with a grin. Italy suddenly hugged you "Yeah. I missed you! So did Romano, he wouldn't stop taking about you! he was worried and wanted to know if you were alright!" Italy said. You looked over to Romano who's whole face was red from either embarrassment or anger, you couldn't tell. Maybe it was both? "Shut up you bastard! I was not!" Romano shouted at his brother. Spain started laughing "hehe, you face looks like a tomato!" he said and Romano started to let out a string of curses.

You decided to intervene before things got out of hand. "Don't worry Romano. I missed you too." you said. Romano stopped cursing but continued to blush and looked away from you. After another few minutes of waiting, everyone else showed up. You all got onto the train and made your way to the beach. Once you had walked out of the train station the sun immediately hit your face. It was such a nice day! The beach was about a 15 minute walk from the station but on the way you passed shops, restaurants, and even museums. There were loads of people flooding the streets, all of them in a good mood.

After awhile you could finally see a few of the rides from the amusement park peaking over the top of the buildings which meant that you had arrived. "S-so what should we do first?" Canada asked. You all thought about it for awhile when you suddenly spoke up. "Well, how about we got to the beach first and go to then amusement park. I heard that the park is beautiful when it's dark because all of the rides are lit up!" You enthused. "Da, I like that idea." Russia said, and everyone agreed so You all made your way to the beach.

The beach was busy but you all managed to find a free space. You all set your things down on the sand. You had your swimsuit underneath your clothes but you weren't even sure you wanted to swim just yet. You sat down on your beach towel and went on your phone.

"I want to build a sand sculpture!" Italy said and sat down on the sand and started building something. You saw the rest of the boys had took their shirts off and went to the water. You tried not to look and turned away. "So disgraceful" china said as he shook his head. You looked over to your left and saw japan and china still sitting there still fully dressed. "Huh?" you asked. "They are undressed in public. Tt will bring shame to their ancestors." japan answered. You laughed slightly. "yeah, But it's normal in western countries to walk around half naked in the summer." you explained. "I do not get it." they both said. You smiled and an idea popped into your head. You got up and took off your clothes to reveal the (bikini/one piece) swimsuit you had underneath.

They both looked up to you and blushed, Blood started leaking from japans nose. "N-not you too!" china shouted. You shrugged with a grin "What? we're at the beach and it's a hot day. What exactly did you expect?" you asked them but they just looked away to hide their blushes.

You heard a low whistle. "Whoa dudette looking good!" America shouted from the sea with a thumbs up, which earned a hit across the head from England, "She's a lady! Behave yourself!" England scolded and America started whining "I was just trying to compliment her dude." You smiled and shook your head as You turned around only to be met with the BTT. 'oh, crap! I forgot about them!' you mentally slapped yourself. "Wow chica! you look very pretty." Spain complimented with his usual cheery smile. "Yeah, (name). we hardly ever see you in things like this, You look great." France agreed. "Be careful though, perverts could be around every corner!" Prussia warned. You raised and eyebrow at him, the BTT weren't actually as perverted as people thought. If you had a word to describe them with it would be flirty, But not perverted because there are much worse people out there. At least they didn't force love, or pressure girls into doing things they didn't want. They had their moments were they could get out of hand but you still wouldn't call them perverts because they knew where to draw the line.

"Thanks Prussia. I will." You said and walked over to Italy who was still finishing his sculpture. "Finished!" he cheered as he jumped up from were he was sitting. "Can I see?" you asked and he nodded. "Of course bella!" you looked at what he had made and you weren't surprised. It was amazing! He had made tiny sculptures of everyone and they were very detailed. "As usual Italy, they're beautiful." you praised. You've known him since he was a child and everything he painted, sketched or sculpted always impressed you. "Thank you bella, your so kind. Look this one is you." he said as he pointed to one of them. You looked closely at it and it was gorgeous. The sculpture had beautiful bright eyes and nice flowing hair. "I'm flattered Italy, But i'm not that pretty." you said and Italy gasped. "yes you are bella! You only see yourself when you look in a mirror, but I see you all the time. So I know what i'm talking about. Your extremely beautiful, and to top that you always so nice and understanding. Lot's of boys have crushes on you, but for some reason you don't notice." Italy said. You blushed.... a lot. what did he mean lot's of boy's have crushes on you! Maybe he was just joking, because there was no way that could be true.

"O-oh is that so? thank you Ita." you stuttered. "Don't mention it." and with that he suddenly ran over to Germany and japan so he could show them the sculptures he made.

You spent a few more hours making sand castles with Italy, Spain, Romano and even Russia because he had never made one before so you decided to show him how to make one and he seem to have a lot of fun. you had a water gun fight with America and Prussia. Collected sea shells with japan, china and Germany, who only came along because he had gotten tired of dealing with Italy and his sand sculptures. You had also relaxed on the beach with England, France and Canada for awhile, France was looking in a mirror, England was reading a book and Canada was just staring out at the sea.

You decided to take a break and walked down to the ocean and dipped your feet in it, it was cold but you didn't care. You were too busy thinking about what Italy said, it had been on your mind all day. You sighed and looked over to the others who were either lazing around on the sand or playing in the water. Did some of them really have crushes on you? If so, then who? and were you really that oblivious? You sighed once again and tried to take your mind off what Italy had said to you by watching the waves splash around your feet. "A-are you okay?" you heard a quite voice ask. You knew immediately who it was "of course I am. why wouldn't I be?" you asked Canada. "well it's just that your standing far way from everyone else and you seem to be thinking a lot about something." he said. You chuckled. Leave it to Canada to be the most observant one. "Yeah I guess I am thinking a bit too much. Don't worry, I'm fine. It's nothing important." you dismissed. "O-oh okay. Well were going to head to the amusement park soon because it's starting to get dark." he said and you looked up to the sky. He was right the sun was setting and you hadn't even noticed. "Before it set's fully, you think we could all go get some ice cream?" you asked and his face lit up at the sound of ice cream. "T-that sounds like a good idea! I-I'll got tell the others." he said and walked back over to them.

You smiled and turned back to look at the sea. The scene was beautiful, it made you so calm and relaxed but most importantly it had took your mind of what Italy had said. The others had called you over to tell you that they were going to get ice cream then head to the park.

'this should be fun' you thought as you looked over to where the amusement park was to see the rides staring to light up. ((next chapter shall be the amusement park! Hope you enjoy!))

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