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**Hi people! In this part, I will say stuff about the terrorist attacks that went on in the near past, as if they were happening in the moment. I want you all to know that I love you, no matter where you are from and if you were faced with any of these horrible happenings or know someone who was, I wish you the best.  If not, I wish you the best too! Stay safe and just be happy for life the way it is! <3


Jess missed Shawn so much. It had been 2 and 1/2 months since he left for the Europe part of his tour, leaving her in the 'States. (Guys hi! We r going to pretend that Shawn was born in Canada, then at age 9, he moved to the U.S. He lives only 20 minutes from Jess. Not real, but lets use our "Imagination"s (see what I did there, i used a SM song name)

Yeah, she had her awesome friends and all, but turns out that no one can replace him. [(i did it again:)] A boyfriend was different then a friend and supported someone differently. And since Jess was in love with Shawn way before he new she even existed, he meant a lot more to her. Luckily, Shawn was almost done with Europe and was coming back to the U.S in less than a month. But what was really worrying her was the recent bombings and attacks that were going on in Europe and parts of Asia. Jess talked with Shawn and he told her that they increased the security around him and that he would be fine. Jess trusted him, but still worried about his safety. 

Jaime and her other friends, who didn't actually know they were helping, were able to keep Jess's mind on other things some of the time. But most of it, Jess could only think about Shawn. They still kept in touch almost every day. Shawn missed Jess as much as she missed him and couldn't wait to go back to her. Their feelings continued to flourish, no matter how far away they happened to be from each other.

2 weeks later

Finishing her math homework, Jess poured herself some lemonade and sat outside. The light breeze flew through her luscious curls, twirling them in every direction. She was cozy warm in her Shawn Mendes sweatshirt, it's feeling reminding her of her far-away lover. Over time, he got busier and busier. Their talking time went from ten minutes a day, to five, then to one, then to five minutes every three days, then they would go days at a time without getting in touch. He was in Paris, France now with only two more concerts after todays left in Europe. Every day, Jess saw posts and videos from Shawn's concerts and people's pictures they took with him. And every day, she grew more jealous of the European girls and boys that had him all to themselves. But mostly the girls. She could never stop wondering if he found a fan who was prettier than her, kinder, older, smarter, more talented. She could never stop wondering if his feelings for her were still there. Shawn's past text messages were the only thing that comforted her. Her mother knew nothing of what she was feeling, other than that she was sad to not be with her friend Shawn. And Jaime and her other friends were off on vacation. Jess felt more alone then ever.

Getting bored, Jess walked back inside and turned on the TV. She could hear her mom typing away at her computer, loaded, as usual with work. She ended up just watching reruns of her favorite show Teen Wolf. Suddenly, a news alert popped up on the screen with a woman sitting at a desk.

"I am sorry to interrupt your shows, but we have breaking news. Another attack has been put into action. This time, it was a massive shooting. It occurred in Paris, France." the woman stated. Jess stiffened. Shawn was in Paris. What if he got hurt? What if he was de-No. She wasn't going to think like that. He was probably fine, finishing up his concert. "There have been 22 people found dead and 107 injured. Many of these happened to be teenage girls, attending a Shawn Mendes concert outdoors. Sadly, one of the victims happens to be the pop star himself, Shawn Mendes, suffering from two shots in the leg and waist. He is alive but has been rushed to the nearest hospital in need of surgery."

Then a sound, so loud, it crushed the ears of anyone within 50 yards from it, erupted. It was a scream. Jess didn't even realize that it came from her. Her mother ran into the room, screaming if she was ok. Jess was not ok though. She was sitting in a tight ball, tears running from her eyes. Tears of pure pain and fear. Her vision was burred. There was a ringing in her ears. Nothing around her mattered. Shawn had been hurt. He was shot and in a hospital. All the way in FRANCE.

"JESS! JESSICA! ARE YOU OK?! WHAT HAPPENED!" her mom yelled. Jess could barely speak.

"Sh-Sha...Shawn. Was sho...shot i-in Paris." she mumbled, unable to breath. Her mothers face became coated with horror, then sympathy.

"Oh honey. Its ok. Is he alright?" she asked sweetly. She stroked her daughters hair.

"Ye-yeah." Then Jess felt as if reality crashed on her and the glass shattered."I need to go. Now. I need to go to Shawn. Come on!" she said urgently, her voice raising as she spoke. She stood and started running to the door.

"What?! No, your not going anywhere." her mom said. Jess looked at her in sheer anger.


"Shawn is in Paris, Jess. You will see him when he gets back. Calm down. Everything is alright."

"No, mom it is not! Shawn was just shot and I need to be there with him! I don't care how far I need to travel to get there! I need to go! PLEASE!"Jess begged. She started crying again. She was so worried about Shawn. He could be dying as they argued. She needed to see him, tell him that she loved him, face to face. Her mom was the only thing stopping her. 

Her mom looked frustrated. "You are not going. He will be fine. The doctors will fix him up in no time. Just relax."

"NO! I need to be with Shawn! You don't understand! You never understand! I love him! And he needs to know that! I hate you!"Jess screamed and stormed up to her room. She slammed the door and flopped on her bed. She screamed even harder into a pillow. She sobbed until no tears would leave her eyes. Then she sat up and stared at her wall. Hanging there was the picture of her and Shawn from their meet and greet. Jess zoomed in on his face and focused on it.

"I love him. I love you, Shawn."

You're Mine - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now