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Shawn walked out of the bathroom in a haze. The cool air hit his bare chest and he threw his shirt back on, trying to warm himself. After some time with him and Jess pressed against each other, them being apart diminished the raging heat between them. Shawn was very happy. They had progressed in their relationship, took things a little further. Ok, so maybe to some people would say that a few minutes of kissing was nothing, but to them, it was something big. Something really big.

Jess then walked out the bathroom too. She tried to fix her lipstick and the slight amount of makeup she wore. She walked right to Shawn's desk and sat down at the chair, slouching back.

"I'm light headed." She moaned. Shawn walked to her and lightly massaged her temples.

"Breath. Take deep breaths. That will help, as you are just out of air."

Jess inhaled and exhaled deeply a few times, getting air into her lungs.

"Thanks." She stood, going over to her phone. "God, I have a lot of notifications!" She said. Opening them, she saw that they were all from YouTube. Tons of people were commenting. Some of them were like: "Love you Jess!", "Such an amazing voice!". Even a few said the cheesy phrase of "Rock on!" Jess laughed.

"What? What did they say?" Shawn asked, trying to see her phone screen.

"Just more comments sending their love and compliments."

"You need to do a concert. I'm making you. Ask your fans how many of them would come if you did one in New York."

"Fine. I'll do that. But I doubt anyone will say they would come."

Jess fixed her hair, actually doing it this time and turned on her phones camera. Shawn got out of the cameras view and watched her.

"Hi guys! Jess Messi here! I was just wondering, how many of you would come if I did a concert in Red Bank, New York? Comment below. I will be posting a cover a little later or tomorrow. Love ya!" She then turned the camera off and posted it. She immediately put her phone down. She didn't want to see when people started commenting. It was going to be a surprise. She walked to her boyfriend and sat down next to him.

"Hey, while we wait, do you want to go outside on my trampoline?" He asked her.

"Sure." The two walked downstairs and to the back door. It was through the kitchen. Jess walked out first and before Shawn could leave his mom walked in. She raises an eyebrow at him, then laughed. He got a little nervous at first, for he knew his mom must have somehow knew that something was going on upstairs. But she didn't seem to care and walked away as quickly as she came. When Shawn walked outside, Jess was already on the trampoline, bouncing into the heavens. He hurried on and zipped the net closed behind him. But when he stood up straight, his head was completely over the net. Even some of his neck. Jess's head was right below it. He went to jump.

"NO! Don't jump!!" Jess screamed. Abruptly, he stopped and looked at her weirdly. "Shawn! Your gonna fly out if you jump and bring me with you! And I am not dying on a trampoline."

Shawn laughed.

"I'm serious! Don't jump."

"Okay, okay." Shawn said and even though she said not to, jumped. He went into the air, the upper half of his body out of the trampoline. After he landed, the force brought Jess flying, her body laying in the air and falling down on her back. She grunted.

"See! I'm the one that gets hurt!!" She held her elbow carefully. Shawn could see that it had a trampoline burn.

"Oh it's ok. I'm sorry cupcake, I didn't think it would hurt you. It is my trampoline after all." He leaned down and sat next to Jess. He lifted her arm and gently kisses her elbow. "All better." Jess blushed and looked away, trying to hide it. Then she looked back to find Shawn staring at her.

"What? Do I have something on me?" She asked.

"No, it's just...Your so gorgeous that I can't look away." Shawn's face turned a deep shade of red and he scratched the back of his neck. "That sounded cheesy, didn't it." Jess scooted closer to him.

"No. Not at all." She cuddled in his strong arms. Then she saw her phone light up and buzz like crazy. It was time to look at her fan messages.

You're Mine - Shawn MendesWhere stories live. Discover now