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Shawn woke up with his head spinning and eyes throbbing. He sat up, at first wondering why he felt this way. Then he remembered how Jess saw Alli kiss him and then broke up with him. He flopped back into his pillow, putting it over his face. What had happened to his life? He screamed, but stopped when he heard his door opening. He peeked through the pillow to find Aaliyah standing in his doorway.
"Hey big brother." She said and walked to sit next to him on the bed. "Are you ok?"
"I'm fine." Shawn said in a hoarse voice. He had called Jess a million times, but she never picked up or called back. Aaliyah saw his upset face and held his hand. Hers was tiny compared to his.
"It's ok. Things always happen that we tend to regret. But Jess will come around, I know it."
More tears formed in Shawn's eyes, making them sting even more. He turned to face away from his sister. He didn't want her to see him like this, so weak and sad. He had gone through breakups before, but nothing this bad. Shawn felt like part of his heart was torn away. Aaliyah sighed and stood up.
"It will we alright. Because the best thing with love is that forgiveness is key. Jess will forgive you, I know she will." Then she walked out of the room.
Shawn stood shakily and walked to his phone. He had no notifications. Uncertainly, he picked it up and called Jess. He lifted it to his ear and let it ring. Then it stopped ringing. She had picked up.


Jess finished her song and posted it. Then she went on her phone and scrolled through her Instagram feed. But her phone started to ring. And the name on the screen was Shawn. Jess did not know what to do. She wanted to pick up and talk with him, clear the air, but she couldn't. He hurt her too much. Jess knew she was weak inside and ended up letting her heart lead her instead of brain. She answered it. Everything was silent for a moment. Then Shawn's voice broke the ice that covered her.
"Jess? Jess is this you?" Shawn said, breathing hard. Jess didn't reply. She was too shocked and numb to move her mouth.
"Jess I know you are there. Listen to me, Alli kissed me and you happened to walk in before I could push her away. Please believe me! I never want to hurt you and Jess, your all I think about when I am awake and sleeping. You fill my dreams and plans for the future. I love you so much that I can't afford to lose you. I really, REALLY need you in my life. You give me this crazy feeling. You won't have to win no more for me. So just please, don't leave me because of this. You are the only person I ever want to kiss, the only person I want to be close with, the only person I want to feel the way I do with. I love you Jess. I love you, my cupcake." Then Shawn was silent and the call ended. Jess put her phone down and took a deep breath in, letting another tear roll down her cheek. She had no idea what to do.

(Hope you like it guys! Thanks for all of the support! Almost at 300 views! Keep voting and tell your friends about my story! Love u all!<3

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