Sleepy Head

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I was walking down the road, alone. I saw a weird guy standing on the corner, I ignored him and walked passed him. He started following me and then I walked faster. He grabbed my arm, pointed a knife at me. I somehow managed to escape from his grip and ran but he ran after me. As I was running, looked back to see if he was still following or not, he wasn't there, i turned ahead and he was standing in front of me. He took his knife out again, came closer to KILL me....


Yeah that was just a dream. I was still alive. Uh i almost got killed by some psycho douche and alarm buzzed it off. Ah! I wish I could record all my dreams and watch them later but it was a bad dream. Okay so time to get ready and see the hottie again. Got ready and Nish was at the door again, beeping and yelling at me to hurry.

Reached, parked, and walked towards the corridor. Ah Math. I hate it and the stupid professor. MATHS = Mentally Admitted Teacher Harassing Students.
I entered the class and was pretty sure that he won't be there and he wasn't. I sat on second last seat so that i could sleep. I was sleeping....

"Rise and shine sleepy head", someone whispered in my ear, like a ghost.
"O gosh..what the..", I couldn't complete my sentence because as I looked up, it was him, Nick.
I was wide awake after seeing him.

"Oh hi I was never-mind", i said.
"Didn't get enough sleep or what?", he asked
"oh no, it's not like that..I just hate this class and that teacher so...", I answered.

He was sitting right behind me and we were talking. And then that stupid teacher came and interrupted us.
I sat straight. After few minutes, "Hey, sit straight, and let me sleep a little", Nick whispered in my ear.
"No way, you were the one who woke me up. If I didn't get to sleep, you won't either", I said, laughing at him.
He started laughing too and nodded. Finally class got over and I turned around and said, "Oh you still here. Good.", in a taunting way.
"Wait what?", he was confused.
Oops I guess i asked a wrong question. We didn't even know each other.
"I last time you disappeared like a vampire", i said.
He started laughing. I called him a vampire. The vampire obsession.

"I just had an emergency", he said, still laughing at me.

"Actually I'm new here. The school, the place... Anyway, catch ya later" and with that he was gone again.

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