Don't Deserve Him!

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*Next morning*

"Wake up and get you butt in bathroom. We're late for college", Nish yelled.

"Mmmm", I got up.

"You go. I'll come with Jas...", I did not complete.

"Jason? Right? Your soul mate", she said looking at me.

"Stop it please", I mumbled.

"How can you love that guy. How can you break Nick's heart. He is such an ass..", Nish started.

"Stop judging him", I cut her off.

I took a bath and got ready for college. Went college with Nish.

Nick wasn't there.

I tried to call him but switched off.

Something was wrong.

We went to grill and Jason was sitting there drinking whiskey.

He did not look at us. Or he did but ignored. I walked up to him.

"Hey", I said.

When he turned to me I was like what the hell. He was sitting there with all those bruises on his face...

"What happened", I asked.

"Nothing", he ordered another shot.

"Tell me what happened", I asked again.

"Nothing just an accident. I'm okay don't worry", He said and got up.

"Umm i gotta go now. See ya", He went away.

"Whats wrong with him", Nish came as she saw his face.

"I don't know. He said it was an accident", I muttered.

"Ooo okay", she hushed.

"I wanna meet Nick. His phone is switched off and i don't know. Catch ya later", I said.

"Okay bye", Nish nodded.

I went to Jason's house.

Why the hell I always say "Jason's House" ??? Its Nick's house too.

I mean uhh whatever.

I went to Nick's house to know if he was okay.

He wasn't there. Now I was worried.

I checked every possible place he could be but nope he was nowhere.

Finally I went back to home.

"Is he okay", nish asked.

"I don't know. I don't even know where is he", I said.

"What do you mean where", she asked.

"He is not at home. He is nowhere. Phone is still off. I don't know where is he now", I cried.

Doorbell rang.

"I got it", Nish opened the door.

It was Nick.

"Is love there", He asked.

"Yeah", she said.

He walked up to me and as I saw him I ran to hug him. I jumped on him.

"Oh my god..where were you? I was so worried and...and I thought..", I cried.

"You thought that I was gone again", Nick complete.

"Yeaa...but where were you", I asked.

"Umm I was...leave it. I wanna take you somewhere", he smiled.

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