The Truth Revealed!

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*Next Day*

*At grill*

"You heard from Nick", Nish asked.

"Nope, no calls no nothing", i said.

"Any idea when will he be back? And what you're gonna say to him", She said.

"I know that kiss was a mistake and he has a right to get mad at me..", I said.

"Don't worry he'll get over it. It was a mistake. Its not like you slept with Jason or something..", she smiled.

I kept quite looking at my sandwich.

"What", she suddenly said.

"Actually...I..", I started.

"No no no don't you say that you did sleep with him", she said.

"I did. Okay. I slept with him. Yesterday. We were drunk and out of our minds and and I don't know what and how it happened", I said.

"Are you crazy? How can you do that", she said.

"I don't remember anything. I...umm please don't tell Nick", I said.

"I won't but you have to tell him. He needs to know", she mumbled.

I nodded.

"You're in love with Jason. Aren't you", she said.

"I don't know. Maybe I am. But I love Nick", I said.

"This ain't twilight. You can't love both of them at the same time", she said.

"You really are my best friend", i giggled.

"What's so funny", she asked confusingly.

"Last night I told myself the same twilight thing", I said.

"Lets go now", she smiled.

We got back to home.


Nish was in kitchen. I was sitting on couch and got a call from Nick.

"Hey! How are you", He asked.

"I'm fine and you? When will you be here", I said.

He slowly walked in to me and was standing behind me.

"Now", he hugged me from back.

I got up quickly and ran to hug him.

"Surprise", he said and kissed me.

"Thanks god you are here. I missed you", I said.

"Me too", he sighed.

"Look who's back", Nish came.

"Hey what's up", Nick smiled.

"Cooking...wanna join us for dinner", Nish asked Nick.

"Um sure why not", He smiled.

Now Nick is back. Equation between Jason and me is not the same. I had to tell him but how?

I cut my thoughts as the doorbell rang. I opened the door and it was Jason.

He walked in and saw Nick.

"Hello little brother. I didn't know you were gonna be here", he said, smirking.

"Who invited you here", Nish gave Jason a weird glare.

Jason put arm on my shoulder and pointed at me.

"I invited him", I said putting his hand off.

"Yeah obviously", Nick's expressions changed. He sat down for dinner.

"I didn't knew you were coming and...", I said.

"Thats okay", Nick nodded.

"Okay peace. Time to eat", Nish said.

After dinner Nick and Jason left.

"Uh", I sighed.

"Lets just sleep", Nish said.

I nodded and walked to room.

We were lying on our beds.

"I'm gonna tell Nick the truth tomorrow", I said.

"But you don't want to right", she mumbled.

"Yeah but he needs to know. Life is becoming more complicated. Both are here and I can't handle the situation now", i sighed.

"Mm hmm" she nodded.

"But Nick is my first love..true love", I said.

"If he was your true love then you would have never fallen in love with Jason" , she said softly.

"Good night", I turned the lights off.

"Good night", She went to sleep.

*Jason's house*

Nick was sitting on couch and Jason was making a drink.

"You love her ,don't you", Nick asked.

"You want a drink", Jason said.

"Don't try to change the subject.Answer me", Nick yelled.

"No I...I don't", Jason lied.

"Don't lie. I can see it. I have never seen you worried about a girl or caring for a girl like this before", Nick said.

"I do. Okay. I love her. I love her", Jason yelled out.

Nick got up and punched Jason on his face. They had a fight.

After beating each other they stopped.

"Where were you when she needed you the most. I was there for her. Now that we've made out you can't blame me", Jason said wiping blood from his mouth.

"Made out? Wh...what ..what are you talking about", Nick gave him a confusing look.

"We slept together. She loves me too. But you are in our way so why don't you just get your ass out of this city and go back to your bloody work", Jason yelled and walked in his room shutting the door hard.

After hearing all that from Jason, Nick collapsed on ground with teary eyes. He cried there all night. He was broken.


Here I had decided that I would tell the truth to Nick and there Jason already told him.

I was still not aware of that....

Now Nick knows everything. What will he do?

Will update soon!

Thanks for reading :)

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