The Bonding!

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*Next day*

Jason brought breakfast in my room.

"Where is Nick", i asked.

"I don't know...maybe gone for football", he said.

I got straight and he sat beside me. I eat breakfast and then he gave me medicine.

"No. I hate medicines yuk", i made a face.

"What are you? 5? You're not a baby", he laughed as i acted like a baby.

He made me eat that yuk medicine. He got up to leave but i stopped him.

"Why are you...i mean you know that i love nick", i mumbled.

"I know. And i also know it will always be nick", he turned to me.

"Then how can you...", i started.

"Love you? I love Love! I mean you are Love and i love you..i love love...uhh thats so confusing", he laughed.

He stopped laughing and came near and whispered, "You can't tell your heart to choose a person to love. It just happens"

"Damn you heart", he put his hand on his chest.

We stared at each other for a minute, he kissed my head and left.

In a way...he was right. We can't force heart not to love someone and all. It just happens.

Nick came after an hour or two.

"You okay", he asked.

"Yeah i'm good. Um where were you", i asked looking at him.

"Me? Why? Isn't Jason taking care of you", he said.

"You are still mad at me", i muttered.

He didn't said a word.

"Look i'm sorry. It was just a mistake. I love you and for me it'll always be you", i said.

"I gotta go. There is still work...pending. I came here for you and now that you are okay i have to go again", he said.

"No please. Please..please stay. Don't leave me again", i said in a low voice.

He came to me and grabbed my face in his hands. I couldn't got up because of the leg.

"I love you", he said. Kissed my head and left. Again.

*At night*

Jason came again with my medicines.

"Not again. Now you are acting like my mom", i sighed.

Then the word MoM...made me cry.

He wiped my tears.

"You have to take it little baby", he said in a funny voice.

He was talking to me like i was a kid. That funny voice.

"Stop teasing", i giggled.

"Ok now sleep time lil kid", he said.

"Uhh no. For how long i have to be on this stupid bed. I wanna go out", i yelled.

"As soon as you are able to walk..." He started.

"No. I wanna go out now", i cut him off.

"Ok ok stop ordering me first", he said softly.

I laughed. He picked me up and took me to his car.

"Wait what? You serious? Where are we going", i laughed.

"To have some fun", he said and started the car.

"Nick would never let me get out off that bed", i sighed.

"Yeah thats the difference. I'm not Nick", he smiled.

We stopped at ice cream parlour.

"Ice cream...yummy", i screamed.

I got excited and in excitement i kissed his cheek.

"Easy really are a kid", he laughed.

"I'm sorry ok. I just love ice creams", i said.

"Did i say i didn't liked it? No! Then don't be sorry... By the way can i get one more...", he started.

"NO. Now get me my ice cream", i said.

"Yeah yeah yeah", he went to buy.

In the car, we were eating ice cream and other stuff.

He wiped out cream from my lips.

We were talking, and talking and talking.

Didn't realised about time. At 4am we drove back to home.

"You know are a good company", i smiled.

"You too", he said.

And we both walked to our rooms to sleep.

*Days passed*

Now there was a good understanding between me and Jason. Despite the fact that he loved me, we became good friends.

He never let his feeling in our way, in our bonding.

I was loving his company. The time with him.


Will this friendship or should i say one sided love ruin other relationships, my relation with Nick?

Will update soon.

Thanks for reading :)

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