The Trip!

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I fell down, backwards.

Jason pulled me back. He grabbed my arm, tight.

"What the hell.....let go off me", I yelled.

"What the hell you think you are doing huh", he yelled back.

"Thats none of our business", i yelled again.

"It is my business....", he said in high tone.

"Look i know i'm the last person you wanna see right now but you can't just jump and die. Why are you blaming yourself wasn't your fault. And if you think it is then cry at home don't just.....i mean you can't take your take your life", he completed.

"Yes i can. I have no family left, i have no reason to live .. I just...", i collapsed on ground crying.

He sat on knees and hold me.

"Please...please make it stop. This pain... Its hurts. It hurts really bad", i cried on his shoulder.

He picked me up and made me sit in his car. Took me to his home.

"You are staying here, pick a room", he said.

"I can't stay here...and why would i?", i gave him a questioning look.

"Because you aren't in right state of mind. I can't leave you alone at Nish's house. You will stay here and thats it. No more discussions", he said with raised brows.

We walked in room and i turned to him, asking," why are you doing this"

"Good night Love", was all he said. And left.

*Next morning*

I woke up and realised i was in Jason's house. He came in.

"Good morning. Now get ready", he said.

"Ready? For what", i asked

"We are going to vegas", he mumbled.

"Vegas? No i'm not going", i said.

"Look i don't wanna go but its best for you. You need to leave this place for sometime. You need fresh air", he said.

"Why would i go with you", i said.

"You don't have any choice. Go get ready or i'll...", he had a smirk.

I left. Got ready. I knew it was right. I had to leave. But sad...i had to go with him.

"Can i trust you", i asked.

"NO...", he stared at me.

"Then i'm not going", i said and turned back.

"I'm not a serial killer. Off course you can trust me", he said.

"Pretty little liars is the reason i have trust issues", i said looking at him.

He chuckled. We got in the car and he drove to vegas.

On the road...

"Hey nick i know you are busy and i know....but i need you. Please come back or call", i left a voice mail to nick.

"Here...have i snicker", he said.

After eating i took a nap.

Suddenly car stopped and i got up.

"Are we there yet", i asked.

"Yeah! Sleepy head. Now get out", he said.

We kept out things in hotel and left.


"Dance", he said.

"I can't dance", i mumbled.

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