lunch time

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My first one shot. It wasn't requested but please tell me what you think! And for when someones thinking I put ~ at the begging and end so keep a look out for that!

Arigato, Lib


-your POV-

i was walking through the halls of hunter academy for lunch. I was going to eat with my best friend, killua. When I got there, i sat down to eat. Killua wasn't there. ~ *sigh* he's probably being swarmed by a mob of his fan girls !~ i smirk and snicker . I wasnt jealous. Nor was I mad.

Besides, I totally understand why everyone (the girls to be precise.. The boys are just jealous) likes him. He's funny, smart and strategic . He's fun to be around and his smile is to die for. His hair, his personality, his eyes. Yes, I can say i like him. Correction, love him. Doesn't mean im going to throw myself at him for attention . He's already my best friend!

All the girls are jealous of me for our close relationship. I was the first person at the school that he told he was an assasin to. we' ve gotten pretty close, to say the least.

That's why when a crowd of girls was at the entrance and moving, i knew he's gotten trapped by their bombardment of questions. I even cought a few.

" who do you like?"

" what do you use for your hair?"

" what kinds of girls do you like?"

As he managed to push through the hoard of girls, he walked up to my table with an annoyed look. I just snickered. " looks like someones been busyyyyy" i tease. He just blushes a bit . " I was not!" He yells

" was too!"

" was not!"

" was too!"

" was not! And stop teasing me!"

" ugh fine. I'll stop." I see him smirk .
~ dammit . Whenever he smirks, I know some things going through that devious mind of his~
" is it possible that (Y/N's) jealoouuussss??"
He teases, dragging out the last word.
" in your dreams . Why would I be jealous?" Although he has enough fangirls to fill a football stadium, im the only girl he teases and play - hits on.
" well, for one, I'm always surrounded by girls. Two, I'm your best friend -" i cut him off. " exactly. Your my best friend. So I ask, why would I be jealous??" Now it's his turn to blush.
" wh-what ever. Let's just eat " he says sitting across from me.

We started eating when a few boys walked up to us. But, to be quite honest, they were no match for killuas looks. They stood behind me while I continued eating. One of them sat beside me and wrapped their arm around my shoulder , his hand near my chest area. I flinch. " aaawwww it's nothing to worry about, cutie. Why not you ditch this girl magnet and come have some fun with us??" He says seductively. "As tempting as that sounds, No thanks. you can leave now...." I say. Killua watches the scene from the corner of his eye.

" playing hard to get, eh? Well if that the case, we'll have to force you...." he says again while grabbing my wrist and another boy grabs my waist. They start to pull me out of my seat when someone grabs the first boys wrist. I look up and see killua, his head slightly down and bangs over his eyes. I blush. " hey....She said no thanks. Besides, I'm the only one allowed to touch her like that" Killua says , pulling you away from them and holds you close. ~ ah! We're so close! We've never been this close physically before! He- * sniff* he smells so nice....~ I think while the other boys back off and walk away.
" tch" the first one says. " are you okay?" Killua asks kindly and smiles at me.

~ waaaahhhh! His smile! It's so cute!~ you think while nodding .
" thanks killua..." you say while he winks . You blush and he notices this. He smiles and gets up to leave. "Ill see you at your house after school, (Y/N) " he says seductively and waves at you while flashing that annoying smirk of his.

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