In a small room

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Alright! So this will be the last chapter until someone requests or I get a new idea, because I am fresh out of ideas and plots so please help me *^*

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~ third person POV ~

When times runs out, the threatening object on the ground will explode. You eyed the object, but didn't cry.

Survive now, cry later.

The clock to your right was a close reminder that the object on the ground wasnt just going to give up and decide not to explode.

But that's what you wished it would do.

The constant ticking was horrific, watching the numbers rapidly dwindle down on the digital screen beside you, the green object on the floor that lay there motionless, was all the more frightening.

You knew he would get to you soon. He always did. Your white haired tsuntsun was the most reliable person in your life. He was always there, to reassure you, hug you, give you piggy back rides, kiss you touch you wipe your tears away and remind you that not everyone in the world was a total ass hole.

As you stood there, locked in that small, wallpaper-less room you kept your blank, unwavering stare on the bomb to your right.

You didn't need to look at the digital reminder to know that bomb was going to explode soon.

All you could do was wait.

As the bomb reached its last minute, you store at the locked door.

50 seconds.

No killua.

40 seconds.

No chocoholic.

30 seconds.

Still no white haired assassin.





5- the door slammed open and you smiled. You ran to the door as the bolt of human shaped electricity picked you up while you jumped out the doorway and darted down the hall.


Down the hallways to the second floor.


The first floor.


You hugged your savior as he used godspeed to rush out of there, just as the bomb exploded. Glass broke and flew everywhere as Fire shot out the windows and smoke rose to the air.

He didn't stop there. He wasn't going to stop running, not yet. Not until he was sure he couldn't see that town.

You hugged him tightly and inhaled his chocolate scent. You made a closed eyed smile as he ran down the streets, people swerving in your direction when all they saw was something flash by, leaving the feint appearance of electricity appearing and dissappearing on the road.

He finally stopped when you to reached the cliff you two always went to and set you down, and gave you a smile that showed everything he was feeling.

Relief, anger, happiness, fear, protectiveness.

He hugged you tightly and you smiled and hugged him back. You didn't need to thank him, he already knew, that you would always be grateful and safe.

Now, was the time to cry.

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hope you liked it!

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