kitchen disaster

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This is just me trying to get over writers block without people requesting 0-0 so it might suck like seriously

Also, this is something I'm really paranoid about and you don't have to answer if you don't want to but
If you have this book in your library, tell me in the comments?
I'm really paranoid about if people are just reading one chapter then leaving or something. ....

And! Would you guys like it if I made a book dedicated to my art or ocs? Because my ocs will sometimes appear in my actual series with actual plots and stuff , tell me in the comments!

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~ your POV ~

Me and killua were in the living room of his house. His parents aren't home.
If they were home they'd probably kill me so the only time I can go over to his house is when the wretched place is abandoned.
Anyways, we were trying to bake a chocolate cake. Key word : " trying".

As smoke filled the room me and killua were in the living room fighting. " I told you to check on the cake for me!" I yelled. " I did! I looked through the little oven Window! " He yelled back and I face palmed. " I meant , for you to see if it was cooked!"

" well you didn't say that! You said to check it!"
" whatever! Let's get rid of this fricking fire already before your parents come home and kill me!"
So that was how we ended up black smoky messes with frizzy hair. I coughed out some black dust. Ew.
I looked at killua and his beautiful white soft hair was all charred looking, sticking up and frizzy. This is sad! His hair is so pretty! It needs to be fixed Imediatly! " Killua! " I yell putting a hand on my hip and pointing at him with the other. " get over here so I can fix your hair! It's way to pretty and soft for it to look like that! It makes me sad just thinking about it! Get over here!" I yell as killua has a very suprised look on his face and takes off running.
" don't touch my hair! I'll just take a shower!" He yelled as he jumped over a couch knocking it over in the process as I grabed his sleeve and fell over the couch tumbling onto him. He was on his back and his left leg was in between my right arm and neck. My left arm was under his back and his back was on my hair. My left leg was under his neck. We stumbled to get up. " no shower yet! Let ME fix your hair!" I yelled as killua blushed but I didn't.
" b - baka!" He yelled getting his back of my hair by rolling over but that didn't work, because his left leg was in between my arm and neck so I ended up rolling onto my a stomach and his legs were over my head, he was on his back And my feet were at his head.
" stupid! You made this worse!" I yelled trying to get up but unfortunately he tried the same thing and we just got more tangled. Somehow his head was under my left leg and my right arm was under his legs and his right arm was weaved through my legs so his hand was a balled mess over his eye . There's no way to get out of this.
" I will be the one to fix your hair! Me me me me me me ! Your hair is so soft and pretty and i want to fix it myself! There's no bribing me killua!" I yelled at him from my faces spot beside his legs. " baka! Fine! I'll let you fix my hair!" He yelled as he weaved his arm through my legs to get it free. It tickled. " stop it! That tickles!!" I yelled squirming around and my face getting red from laughing. He finnaly got his arm free and he sat up. I tried to get up but his legs were still on my arms.
" killua you get off me right now so I can fix your hair! You can't convince me not to!" I yelled at him. All I felt was the weight shift on my arms and instead I felt two hands holding my arms down. Killua was towering over me smirking. " I can't convince you?" He said. I blushed. " Th-thats right! You can't convince me !" I yelled.
" not even if I do this?" He said leaning forwards and our lips interlocked. I blushed madly and my eyes widened.
His eyes were closed and his lips were dry and dusty and black from the dust.
But even with how godly it felt, this still wouldn't convince you. He pulled away but still kept you pinned down. " n - no! Not even if you do that......" I yelled but it faded to a whisper. He sighed and got off me. I quickly got up and tied him up with a rope from god-knows-where to a chair. " hey! " He yelled as you dragged him to the bathroom to do his hair, kissing his forehead.

" Maybe you should've tried harder to convince me" you said smirking at him as he blushed .

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Well! This turned out better than I thought! PLZ tell me if you liked it or not in the comments.

Also! I have two adventure books if you want to check them out!

One of them is " a change of scenery
( Killua x reader)
It STARTS at the hunter exam and I don't know how far it will go yet

The other one is " killua x Lib "
It's with my oc and starts at greed island. I don't know how far it will go yet. If you want you can replace lib with yourself. There's lots of Fluffy and straightforward enjoyable moments
(in my opinion) And if you like this one shot book you should check my other stories out! If you want to that is :3

(COMPLETED) Killua X Reader One shots!Where stories live. Discover now