7 minutes in heaven

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Yeah, I'm doing one like this. I just had to. Sorry for any ooc-ness
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-your POV-

Well, I don't know how I let gon talk me into this. Was I even thinking at the time?? I sigh as i head over to killuas mansion where the game is being held. I walk up to the gate and meet gon, leorio and kurapika there. We open the testing gate and i walk in with them.

When we get to the door of killuas house , he opens the door for us.

" all the butlers are at their house and my family is on a job. We have the whole night and day to ourselves " he explained cooly . " am I the only girl here.....?" I ask. " no, your (best friends name) Is already here. Same with her sister" Killua explained.

When we reach the living room, there's a bag laid out and we all sit around it.
" who's going to go first??" Gon asks. "(Best friends name) will go first! " I yell. She agrees and moves her hand around in the bag. She pulled out kurapika's name.

We push them into a room down the hall.

*7 minutes later*

Killua walks Down the hall and interrupts them. " your 7 minutes are up" he says. (Best friends name) and kurapika walk out of the room, flustered.

Now it's (best friends names) sisters turn. She picks gon's name and killua pushes them into the bathroom .

*7 minutes later*

Killua opens the bathroom door .
" times up" he says casually. They all walk back and ( best friends sister name) hair is messy. I sigh. " my turn now right? I don't even know how I let you talk me into this gon. ..." I mumble as i pull out a name. ~ killua~ I think.
" Killua " i say flustered. He smirks and leads me to a closet down the hall.

He closes the door behind us and when I blink he's not there any more.
" killua?" I ask. I feel strong arms snake around my waist and his hot breath in my ear. " right here" he says. In a split second he has you pinned down, your arms above your head .
" Killua. .. what are you-" you get cut of when he kisses you. You open your mouth slightly from shock and he pulls away, smirking at you. " can I ask you a question?" He asks. You nod.
" do you like me?"

You answer after a moment by crashing your lips onto his . He's taken back by this but quickly recovers. He goes to your neck and kisses it.
" ki - killua. .." you mutter . He smirks at you .
" can you let go of my hands already? " you ask.
" only if you let me do what I want" he says seductively.
"Th-thats not fair!" You squealed. Four minutes left. Stall maybe?
Or give in?

"Just let go of my hands pervert!" You whisper-yell, flustered.
"Fine . ...." he says snaking his hands around your waist and lifting you up. He quickly pecks you on the lips before the closet doors open. But this time it was different. His quick peck wasn't him trying to be seductive or anything. It was kind , sweet and loving. You blush as you both walk out.

" end of game I guess since there's no more girls?" Killua asks . " damn! Your lucky killua" leorio says.

" huh? why?"

" two reasons. You got the last Girl AND you said you lov-" he was quickly cut of by killuas hand over his mouth. Killua started to laugh awkwardly and leorio
sweatdroped. You walked up to him and whispered in his ear.

" I love you to killua"

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