NEW! LEMONY CHAPTER! (requested by @mystery_girl425)

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guess....... I'll do the 'something-lemony' thing now......

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~ third person POV ~

Killua lay on his back on the couch, holding his chocrobot above him while you rolled around on the floor, groaning in annoyment (is that even a word).

"Killuaaaaa~ I'm boooooored" you whined, your eyes roaming around the room, looking for something to do. You sighed, tilting your head to stretch your neck. Killua looked away from his chocolate robot at you and hummed.

"why don't we go to the amusement park?" He suggested, popping a chocolate ball into his mouth. You raised an eyebrow, thinking over the idea that you just came up with. You smirked, standing up and walking over to him. "But killua~" you said, sitting on the other end of the couch. You got on your hands and knees, crawled over to him slowly. He blushed. You stopped and sat on his hips, leaning over to whisper in his ear while using your thumb to run along the inside of his shorts waistband, pulling that side down a bit.

"Why go to the amusement park, when my favorite ride is right here~?" You sing-songed, pulling his shorts down. He blushed heavily. "(Y/N).....are you serious...??" He asked, and you nodded. He gulped, reaching over and pulling your skirt down. Slowly, he positioned himself and entered, earning a gasp of pleasure and surprise from you.

*ten minutes later*

You panted, laying beside killua. Your legs hurt. "That was....... so...." Killua faced you, lying on his back.
"Yeah..... i know...." he said.

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Oh my lordy........ I DID THIS FOR YOU READERS!!! I'm just...... gonna


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