Lots of deres! reader x killua (requested by ???)

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Himedere dandere yandere tsunndere kuudere

Let's GO-O-O-OOOO! (i hope this is correct)

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~ third person POV ~ (himedere)

"Hmm.... not pretty enough...." you whispered to yourself, watching boys walk by. One cought your eye. White fluffy hair, calm, out of reach blue eyes, and a perfect face and form. You smiled. Then, a spiky black haired kid bounced up to him, smiling brightly.

"Killuaaaaaaa!" The kid yelled, gaining a few people's attention. Killua, huh? Pretty.

Killua turned around, then smiled at the other. "Hey, gon".
As they started to walk away, you saw a robot fall out of killuas four strapped back pack. You raised an eyebrow, then smiled to yourself. An opportunity.

Walking up to where the robot lay motionless, you picked it up, then flipped it over in your hand to examine it. Looking around, you spotted a ball of white fluff and some aggressive black spikes in the crowd, then followed them. Catching up with them, you tapped killuas shoulder. He turned around. "You dropped this" you said, a charming smile on your face. Imediatly, he grabbed it, then frantically searched it for wounds. Then, it disposited a chocolate ball, then he popped it in his mouth, a happy,  adorable, pleased smile on his face. "Your names are gon and killua, right?" You said, pointing at them when you said their name.

Gon smiled. "Yep!". You held out Your hand. "(Y/N). pleased to meet you".

Dandere: quiet, but lovey dovey a times

~ third person POV ~

"killua....." you said, slowly going to hug him on the couch. He has a puzzled look on his face. "Your usually quiet..... but I guess being lovey-dovey at times is natural for you" he said, before rapping an arm around your shoulder. You blushed heavily, nuzzling your face into his side. He turned on your guys favorite show, then you got out a box of pockey. "Want.... to play?" You asked. He shrugged, a tint of pink on his cheeks. "Sure".


~ third person POV ~

(Killua doesn't know nen in this one, normal highschool kid)

" killua~~~~! Where are you?" You asked crazily, in a sing song voice. The lights of the house flickered, blood drops dripping of the point of the knife gripped in your hand in a steady pattern, making feint noises when they hit the floor. The noises stopped when you stepped into the carpeted hallway, instead painting little red splotches on the fabric. The lights went dead for a few seconds, and you heard a crashing sound above you. The lights went back on, and you smiled crazily. "Found you~~~".

You ran down the hallway, into the kitchen. You dodged a bloody corpse on the floor. She was going to confess to killua, but she never did. Why? Well, she had *you laughed to yourself* a sharp pain in her stomach. Walking up the stairs, you poked your head through, looking side to side. The lights flickered again, and you saw a picture frame shattered on the carpet to the left. That was what must've made the sound. Heading in that direction, you opened a door to a closed room and walked in.

"Killua~" you said again, looking everywhere in the room from your spot In the doorway. Spotting something shift under the bed, you smiled, looking under it. Killua looked at you, wide eyed, then scooted as far as he could back until he hit the wall beside his bed. You 'tsked'. " your going nowhere~!" You said, grabbing hid ankle. He screamed. "NO! LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU- YOUR CRAZY! YOU KILLED THEM! LET GO!" He thrashed as much as he could in that confined space, but it was no use. As you dragged him out, he grabbed onto the boards on the bottom side of the bed before his torso appeared. "GO AWAY!" He yelled again, while all you did was laugh. Tears fell down his cheeks, as you finally dragged him out and straddled him. You pinned his hands above his head with one hand, holding the bloody knife to his neck.
"Your all mine~".


"Hey, (Y/N)". Killua said with a small wave, walking up to you with some Popsicles. "I got them". You smiled, taking a blue one. Cotton candy. Unwrapping it, you started licking it. Killua did the same, his was chocolate, though. You Noticed a drop of chocolate was on his cheek, reached out and wiped it off with your thumb, ducking it off your thumbs, blushing.  You usually take the initiative In your guys relationship. He blushed.  "Baka! Don't do that in public. ... it's embarrassing" killua said before he continued walking. An hour later, you two reached your house. Unlocking the door, then closing it behind you, you both found a place on the couch. Killua spotted some of your drawings on the table and smiled,  picking them up.
"Your really good at drawing!" He said. You blushed, looking away.
"Baka..... your such a hypocrite...."


~ third person POV ~

"Come on! Stop ignoring me!" Killua whined as he followed you, turning sideways to dodge a person. You sighed. "Your so cold" killua said before a paper ball hit him In the forehead. He stopped, but you continued walking.
Some ruthless bullies of your school threw more wads of paper, before upgrading to rocks. Killua used his arms to block them, but it still hurt nonetheless. The bullies started laughing, before the leader felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked behind himself and saw you, an emotionless expression gazed back at him.
"Your not supposed to be throwing rocks, much less at people. Take your shitty acts of violence elsehwere" you said coldly. He store at you before narrowing his eyes. "Tch" he mumbled before his squad of delinquents walked away with him. Killua rubbed his head, where a rock hit him. Some blood was on his hand. "Are you okay?!" You yell asked. He smiled. "Your not so cold after all".

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