Killua x shy! quiet! reader (requested by @Shy_pie123 )

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~ third person POV ~

"(Y/N), your always so quiet" killua whined, popping a chocolate ball into his mouth with one finger. He moved it to his cheek with his tongue, which could clearly be seen from the outside.

"Well.......i can't help it..." you replied, sitting on the ground against the back side of the couch in a way that your back curved, knees at your chest. You raised your book higher, to cover more of your face.

"Your also so shy" killua decided to add, making you more uncomfortable.
You pointed your feet out, then back in so your toes were touching. After An unsuccessful attempt at flipping your page, you had to rearrange your chest and knees to hold it, so you could use both hands to flip the page. Killua put another chocolate ball in his mouth.

"(Y/N), let's do something" He complained, shifting in his spot on the couch, Iching to move around and be active. He turned around, standing on his knees, arms on the back rest of the couch. He peeked over his arms to look at you. "Like what?" You said after a minute. "Like...... an awesome game of hide and go seek?" He suggested, but it was more like a joke.

His right arm that held the chocolate robot sort of drooped over the couch, his hand around a foot away from your head. You put the palm of your hand up, as if asking for a chocolate ball without saying anything or looking away from your book.

"No way! This is my chocolate!" He yelled, holding the robot away from you protectively. You sighed, knowing you wouldn't of gotten one from him in the first place.

"Oh, hi guys!" Leorio said, walking into the room. "And gals" He added, nodding with a small smile at you. You started to look at him from the corner of your eye, hesitated, looked quickly then back at your book, all in one second. Kurapika walked in. He had a small hint of surprise to see you three, but was happy nonetheless.
"Hello leorio, killua, (Y/N)". Leorio took a char from The table, turned it around and sat on it that way, his arms on the back of it that's now in front. Kurapika sat in the sofa chair like a normal person.

"Hey leorio, kurapika" killua answered, you said nothing. Gon ran in.

"Killua! Kurapika, leorio! (Y/N)! Your actually here? I haven't seen you in a while!" Gon yelled happily, run in up to you. He grabbed your hands, the book falling to the ground. You gasped of surprise, then realized something was holding you back. Gon tilted his head, looking up. Killua had moved behind you from the other side of the couch, wrapped his arms around you to keep you where you were. He was staring at gon, then blinked, like he realized what he's doing. He slowly took his arms away. "Force of habit...." he mumbled.

"Ohoho, what was that??" Leorio teased, putting a hand behind his ear.

"I said it's a force of habit...." Killua mumbled again. "You guys were making her uncomfortable! " He said Imediatly afterwards, to get attention off what he said previously.

"Killua, you must care a lot" kurapika said from his chair. You stood up, walked around the couch and sat beside killua, snuggling up against him, your face in his shoulder. You didn't know why, it jut felt right. Killua paused, looked at you then smiled a bit.

"Well, they are dating!" Leorio said proudly. "It's only natural!".
"I agree" kurapika added.
Killua ate another chocolate ball, then pushed one into your mouth. You accepted it.

Kurapika store at the chocolate robot for a few seconds as your group continued to chatter.

"Killua.....was that chocolate ball you gave (Y/N)
the last one?" Kurapika finally asked. Killua looked around before nodding.

"How cute!" Leorio said.

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